4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 147: Realistically in illusion

Is this called... 'archaeological'? But what should I do?

Lin has been thinking about this problem. From the beginning, Lin wanted to figure out what happened to the continent. Why did the large arthropods become extinct early and give the reptiles a chance...?

At the beginning, Lin certainly thought that some kind of earthquake-related reason caused the isolation from the outside world. The huge rift of ten kilometers wide was one of the evidences, but... Now Lin has a new idea.

Maybe something else that caused this effect, for example... certain creatures, not just the influence of the mainland, maybe the faster growth of biological wisdom such as Xiaolong is also made by them...

Of course, this creature should now be extinct, or leave, or it's just Lynn's guess, but anyway, it's necessary to try to find the answer...

That may need to penetrate the underground abyss to find the answer... The brains, the Astra group, are actually a clue, but how do you follow this clue?

If you want to dig, where to dig better? It is because there are too many places to dig, so I don't know what to do.

Although said, Lynn has dug up an abyss.

This is outside the rift valley of the mainland. The ground is a complex jungle, and the underground is a criss-crossing underground passage. The inner walls of the passage are covered by solid shells. Various arms are in the passage. Linde has created a hexagonal compression shape, and with the addition of spider silk, this underground passage will never collapse.

Some of the topmost channels are attached to the ground, and through special ventilation structures, these channels constantly change the air throughout the underground network. This entire underground network system can be said to be a living creature. It will breathe. It absorbs nutrients, and the underground passages are also controllable. These passages are different in width and length. They are also equipped with many 'gates' that can be opened and closed. Every other passage, they will reach a room, some The room is used to store large amounts of nutrients that are compressed into soft pouches. Can be extracted at any time to use.

Lin's nutrients are mainly from the ground. Lin planted a large number of green carpet trees, but did not over-squeeze the space of other plants, and occasionally hunted some surface creatures.

Because Lin's arms can maintain extremely low energy consumption during the non-war period, Lin's reserves of nutrients can be said to be constantly increasing, and Lin intends to stop when he reaches a certain peak.

There is another room that is the breeding room for the arms. They can create a large number of troops in a short period of time and send them to the surface or other places through the pipeline system.

In addition to the above two rooms, there is a special one, located in the deep underground. There is something else in this room, and a lot of nutrition pipes connect it. Providing nutrition for it, and even a special heart for it to transport liquids, it is called ... brain.

In general, there are many functions of the brain, but this is specifically for... sleeping.

In the sky without the sun, several transparent spherical 'biological' floating in the air, huge trees crawling on the ground, monsters composed of lava roaring in the mountains, here is the world of dreams, there are no fixed rules, but very interesting.

At the time of the pompom exploration, Lynn often enters the world of dreams to observe the changes here, but this time has another purpose.

'brush! In the next moment, the whole sky instantly darkened, and it was replaced with another color, which should be said to be...pattern.

This pattern clearly shows a large area of ​​jungle, wasteland, rift, etc., Lin has always been making this thing called 'map', every tree will be recorded, there is also a dragon The village location of Baijilong will be updated at any time. Of course, it is necessary to place an eyeball at the location.

This is very interesting to do. It is displayed by the displayer at the beginning. Now it is possible to fully display the 'stereo' feeling in the dream, and Lin also gives it a special function, even if Lin is sleeping. This map will also be updated all the time, so you can see the status of its updates in the dream.

Through this special map, Lin can also understand the changes of the outside events in the dream. Even if it is not a big event such as an earthquake, Lin can know, but the eyeball is not installed anywhere, so it is not everything, but at least Lin’s cares about things will be 'notified'.

And Lin also made a map of the North Continent, the mainland of the North and the western continent... Lin now prefers to call it the 'Dinosaur Continent'. If you compare it, you can find that the dinosaur continent is bigger than the northern continent. Big, and Lin has not yet explored this place, the place here is estimated to be one of the reasons for the rich species.

From the rift to the jungle, the wasteland, the salt fields, the jungles of Tuck, and the farthest crystal jungles, these are straight-line southbound routes, and the rivers are westward through the wasteland, except for these places. There are still many places where Lin hasn't been to, and Lin is not in a hurry to explore, but now I think it might be better to explore it soon.

When I thought about it, Lin suddenly saw the movement on the map. The movement appeared on the south side of the dinosaur continent. There were several giant egg stones painted there. It was the place where the emerald dragon lived. The surrounding Lin also made a lot of glowing green. Small dots, indicating the number and community of jade dragons.

Lynn saw these small points begin to move southward on a large scale. This massive movement is quite rare, and there is a larger white point in the direction in which they move.

……White dot? What is that?

White spots are the same as when Lin uses sound to detect, and marks things that have never been seen as white... Why is there something that Jade Dragon has never seen before? Lin remembers that she has completely explored the creatures around them, but it is not necessarily that the creatures are marked white, and things that are not present are also possible.

I definitely have to take a look! Thinking, Lin immediately woke up, and through the eyeball placed in the Jade Dragon, Lin saw the scene on their side.

I saw a large number of emerald dragons gathered on the edge of the jungle, Susumumi and several emerald dragons riding the Yalong in the sky, they seem to be paying attention to what is in the jungle.

Lin’s eyeball floated directly and found that the white spot on the map was actually a stone... No, this is not an ordinary stone, but...

The eyeball was close to it, and the stone was carefully observed. It was apparently smashed from the sky. The overall shape was irregular. It was six meters long and five meters wide. It made a large hole between the woodlands. Some of the surrounding trees have also been cut off.

Probably the big stone caused a loud noise when it fell, causing the attention of the jade dragons.

This thing has been seen before. When Lin encountered a disaster on the seabed, many of these stones fell from the sky, but this time there is only one...

Where does this come from? What about the stars in the sky? Speaking of it, it takes a very high speed from the ground to the sky, but from the outside to the ground? Do you need that fast? This thing can't be predicted like things like earthquakes, so it feels very troublesome.

Anyway, if they really fall down like a last time, Lin will crush them all in one piece.

At this time, an emerald dragon riding a Yalong had already flown over the stone. After looking down, he turned and shouted: "The leader! Stone!"

"Stone?" Then Susumi flew over Yalong. After carefully looking at the air, he said, "It seems that we have been attacked! Call the people and prepare for defense!"

"Hey!" The Emerald Dragon heard the words and immediately flew away with Yalong.

Enemy? Why does Susumi think so? This seems to be very interesting, Lynn let the eye follow Susumu and see what it has.

In fact, Lin has been teaching Susumi for ten years, but Lin will hardly discuss with Susumi what ideas he has. How does it treat these things, Lin just throws the knowledge to it purely, how? I think it is Susumi’s own business.

Lin wants to see how it handles this knowledge, how it can be considered with its own thoughts.

Just like now, Susumi thinks this stone is an enemy. Why does it think so?

Susumui is now clustered with all the communities under the giant egg stone. In fact, there is a leader under each egg stone. They also have their own Yalong mounts, but they are more than the real leader. One level lower, but they can also manage groups.

This class-class phenomenon appeared very early. It may be that the Jade Dragon was a dispersed community. Later, for some reason, they joined together, and they chose a leader who could lead the whole community.

Generally, what the big things are going to do, the main leader will discuss with other leaders.

A large number of emerald dragons are gathered in the open space between several egg rocks. Susumi stands in the center of the community. Susumi has become more and more prestigious since he became a leader. It taught the emerald dragon. How do we catch fire instead of keeping the fire, teach them to make new weapons like bows and arrows, and teach them to make statues and more words, most of which are brain worms, and what they do to make jade The dragons are even more convinced that Susumumi is 'Dorok'! Only Doruk can give them so many novelties...

Although I don't know why this group of emerald dragons must think so, but for this, Susumui did not seem to have too much objection.

Looking at the surrounding leaders gathered, Susumi said to them: "We are going to attack the south, where there is a strange creature, the stone is their attack on us!" Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ the holy moon of the holy fish ~

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