There was a stone falling in the sky, so Susumi believed that this was done by Li, so they should attack Li.

Why is there such an idea? But no matter how it came up with such an idea, the decision of other jade dragon leaders did not seem to agree with the decision to leave the giant egg stone so far as to attack a strange group of creatures.

A large number of jade dragons form a circle, and several emerald dragon leaders and Susumi stand in the circle. A jade dragon leader said to Susumi: "Too far, dangerous, should not go."

"I don't agree." "The distance is too far." "I, also think, should not go."

Other leaders have expressed their opposition to Susumumi’s decision, because Susumi wants to lead the entire community to attack Lie, not only to bring a large number of ethnic groups through dangerous areas, but also to face what kind of opponents Unknown.

As far as Lin thinks, Lie is definitely not weaker than the Jade Dragon. It is not that those who are mad, but who establish the ethnic group outside, but they are less than the Emerald Dragon, but on the way of action, they may There are quite a few losses, and the crystalline woodland is quite far from here...

The most important reason is that Lin believes that the worship of the jade dragon is not as strong as that of the dragon. They don’t think that the other party is right because they adore each other. They will consider the various problems in it, but generally It is said that all the leaders will consider, usually the Emerald Dragon is no matter how much.

Among the three dragons, only the jade dragon has this phenomenon. This phenomenon is very interesting. This is also one of the troubles of this kind of 'personal creatures'. They have no way to unify things. There will always be some other individuals who have different opinions...

Although Lin also believes that not going to attack is the right judgment. Even if the stone was really thrown over. It also takes a lot of considerations instead of going straight to it.

"If this is the case, then cancel the attack." Unexpectedly, Susumi did not have much opinion, and the Jade Dragons all dispersed.

Is this over? It seems that it has not yet. At the time of the night, Lin found that Susumi had never entered a state of sleep, but was thinking about something.

Susumi felt that the stone was a fierce attack, the reason may be that it is more concerned about it. When Lin took it to the jungle to travel, it might have a variety of ideas about the shackles. Of course, Lin didn't teach him what to think about, so he thought about it in his own way.

But it would be strange enough to think that the big stone fell off.

Or... there are other reasons? This needs to be observed for a while to know.

Lynn is more interested in the stone than this. At night, Lin has dispatched an investigation force to investigate the stone.

Lin’s underground base has not yet extended to the mainland of the Rift Valley, but Lin has set up air bases in many places, so some troops can be dispatched to some places at any time.

Now, several arms called probes are surrounding the stone. They are a floating sphere like a pompom, and the body can be used to detect stones by extending a variety of functional tentacles.

This stone seems to have some special effects. When Lin's explorer flew down, she saw a large group of hairy jade around the stone, and they escaped after seeing the explorer.

A probe scraped some debris from the stone and swallowed it for detection. The composition inside the stone... is very special, but it is not an ingredient that has never been seen...

Strange, if it falls from the sky, it should be an ingredient that has never been seen before, but in fact Lin has seen it in one place, that is, in the underground cave system of Lili, where there are some stones and similar ingredients... ... Is this stone really lost?

This is obviously impossible, but this stone should come from there, but the question is how come over? Then a large piece of stone can only be carried by a giant flying creature. Is it done by a large unit left over by the Yate group?

But for a long time, Lin has never seen any flying arms of the Yate group.

Susumi may also remember that the smell of this stone is considered to be a slap in the face, and indeed there is a strange taste on this stone.

Lin felt that she should investigate the nearby jungle to see if there is any ‘thing’ to throw this stone here. Of course, the sky needs to be observed.

In the next few days and nights, Lin started the investigation, but Lin did not find anything to throw the stone.

Another feature of this stone is that it attracts the jade, and the jade around the jungle always tries to get close to the stone, as if the stone is particularly attractive to them.

Finally, because no creatures were found to be able to throw out this stone, Lin came to a conclusion that perhaps these stones were falling from the sky, including in the crystalline woodland, and there were stones a long time ago. I got there and then buried it in the underground passage for some reason.

And now it’s falling down another piece of the same stone. What does this mean? This may have to leave the earth and reach the stars to know.

It won't be too long... for Lin.

Lin then released a lot of floating eyeballs in the air, mainly used to observe the sky. Lin wanted to directly observe how they fell from the sky... Yes, this thing seems to be called '陨石'.

In addition to Jade Dragon, Lin has established some bases for observing meteorites in other places, although I don't know when the next one will fall.

In the establishment of these things, Lin also observed Susumi, Susumi thought about a lot of things in that night, and in the next few days and nights, it began to make some wonderful decisions, it began to give each The Emerald Dragon tribe assigned tasks. Originally, the Emerald Dragon community had no specific tasks, but Susumi decided to let them detail what each community is responsible for, such as some responsible buildings and some responsible for hunting.

Susumi assigns the tasks of each community in detail, and then it allows the respective leaders of those communities to manage their respective tasks.

Susumi’s decision is that no leader has any opinions, but Lynn feels that this species should not be subdivided because it is easy to cause some problems, although it has not yet been reflected...

In the following, Lin resumed the previous 'idle' state, and the pompom continued the journey of exploration. Lin continued to observe the surrounding creatures.

Maybe it’s better to speed up, or to observe slowly? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Qingyue cold moon ~ monthly ticket ~

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