4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 149: Out of the original form

The starry sky is always so mysterious. Under the dark nights of the stars, you can often see a lot of brilliance passing through the sky, but it is quite small on the ground...

It’s been a long time since the last time Su Shimi fell to the meteorite. Lin has been observing the sky. Indeed, it’s hard to wait until there is any meteorite falling. It seems to be a very unlikely event.

Lin has carried out various researches on the stone. In addition to attracting the jade, it is also quite strong and relatively light. Lin tried to break it down and then try it as a shell of some arms. Lin can even Go to the underground passage on the side of the crystallized forest to excavate these special stones.

Lin recently experimented with making something else into a shell, like a stone or a stone. There are many kinds of stones. Lin wants to find some hard and light varieties. These meteorites seem to be suitable for the armor of the flying arms, but too little. Therefore, Lin intends to dig deeper into the underground again to investigate more kinds of rocks...

Although there seem to be a lot of actions to be carried out, these are relatively idle things. Lin's arms can be excavated on their own and not specifically command them, so Lynn puts more time into researching other things.

While studying and observing the meteorites, Lin has always recorded changes in the stars. Most of the stars have fixed-law activities, but some have never appeared after they have appeared once...

Lynn wants to uncover everything there, but now is not the time, Lynn must have patience, and when the time comes, Lin will look at the secrets of the stars.

Not only is Lin, but other creatures also like to record. Some of the Tak's ethnic groups particularly like to observe the stars. They paint the changes in the stars on the slate. Record changes in the stars.

At the time of the change of the stars, Tucker is slowly growing up. When the time is counted in years, their growth is becoming more and more obvious.

The damage of the battle with the gnomes is slowly recovering as the number of babies increases. At the same time, the pygmy cubs that Tucker caught at the beginning also grew up. The gnomes are not strictly study-type creatures, but they are raised from an early age. I will get along very well with Xiaolong. Tucker originally thought it was like this, let these gnomes join its tribe.

Lin had told Tuck how to raise some other creatures. It seems that Tucker is going to use the gnome as the first breeding creature...

Lin also carefully taught Tucker how to choose the leader. A strong person with sufficient experience in all aspects is qualified to be the leader. It does not need to be stronger than the current leader, but it must be better than any other dragon. They must be strong, not to find a pompon. Tucker's ethnic group is almost exclusively worship, so Lynn teaches them to be particularly obedient.

For Tuck's ethnic group, Lin wants to grow them in their own way. And other ethnic groups like Susumu, let them develop themselves.

that's it. As time passed, Tucker’s new generation of pups began to grow, and they planted more dragons, and the main role of the gnomes in the community was to help Longqiu carry out some maintenance work, and Looking for prey while hunting, Tucker also had a great interest in the gnome's ability to cleverly piece together. They also began to look for a variety of stone-making things. They created many new weapons, no longer limited to spears. This one is.

After Lin adjusts the world of dreams, Tucker's members of the community can often connect to dreams to experience the wonderful scenes inside. In order to prevent them from looking forward to them, each entering dragon will be disconnected at a certain time. Connected, and then there will be a certain period of time, usually more than a dozen days and nights can not enter, but Lin also created more channels, not only under the statue of pompom, there are other places to enter, the dream world can be increased The imagination of the dragons promotes their development.

They have called the world of dreams ‘the world of pompoms, and some strange phenomena have begun. Some dragons believe that they will stay in this dream world forever after they die.

They always produce some strange ideas...

Because there is almost no war, Tucker's ethnic groups have grown rapidly, and the gnomes who moved to the river bank are different from the dragons. The gnomes in the wasteland river community are always harassed by the dinosaurs of the wilderness, and the gnomes have once again transferred. Going upstream, I finally found the area of ​​the gorge that Linde had reached before, and built their bone nests on the steep rock wall. They were able to live the life of the past, feeding on the cliff pterosaurs and the fish in the river. The community has finally begun to regenerate...

The Emerald Dragons are the fastest-growing. With the distribution of Susumi, each group of Jade Dragons is responsible for different things. Some specialize in collecting fruits, some are dedicated to construction, and Susumi himself is dedicated to ethnic hunting. .

In the division of labor, because Susumumi and a group of emerald dragons are specifically responsible for the battle, it can be regarded as the most dangerous, so Susumi can always get the most food when the resources are allocated. This phenomenon has led to the fact that the Jade Dragon responsible for other things is getting lower and lower in the community, and their opinions have not been valued by other Emerald Dragons...

Many biomes have the status of 'status'. The highest-ranking leader in the general community can get the best food after hunting, but the leader can only last for a short time, because there are always members of other ethnic groups who challenge the leader. .

Susumi seems to want to let other emerald dragon leaders lose the opportunity to challenge it by distributing work. After all, only they can use weapons and other things.

Lin taught Susumi about the status of the biological group, but it seems that it summed up this idea. Its ability to think is very strong. When it was small, Lin felt it.

Susumi, like the former leader, stabilized his position as a leader, so that it would be able to command other emerald dragon communities.

Compared with the development of the Jade Dragon, Linte made the Tucker's ethnic group not develop. Tucker did not deliberately assign the work of the tribe, but they also began to slowly divide the work. In this way, some dragons will have the original The fair distribution of items produces opinions, and some do more hard work and want more, which will lead to the emergence of distributors...

The distributors also have their own ideas. They may want to control other members. Therefore, Lin wants them not to do a full-time job, but to do all kinds of things in turn. Every dragon can do anything, and resources are still reasonable. Average allocation.

Lin believes that their main driving force is to discover new things, to synthesize new things, and how to have a relationship with the ethnic group system. Of course, this development, Lin does not know what results, Lin just wants to create two different ethnic groups. .

With the development of the Jade Dragon community, they found that staying in one place, hunting is not enough, so the Jade Dragons began to know how to plant some plants, which brought extra harvest, and slowly they began to mass. Planting a variety of plants seems to be because the Jade Dragon does not like to run around.

They also discovered some new things. For example, when they burned the fire, they found that some of the soil became very hard after being burned by the fire. At this time, the jade dragons slowly began to specifically acquire these 'hard soils'. Many uses, usually for water or food.

At this time, Susumi also made some jade dragons to make hard soil, and at the same time let some of its own community of more capable jade dragons to distribute food.

At this time, Lin’s thoughts have basically appeared.

When the 'personality species' such as Xiaolong develops, they may have mutual hostility between the same ethnic group, mainly the 'distributor''s own arbitrary decision-making, while trying to get more resources. Controlling other community members, because of the detailed division of labor, the status of the distributor is difficult to be replaced by other members, and once this relationship is formed, it is difficult to change.

The distributors decide how many resources other members should get through their own ideas, but they usually don't think they are reasonable, and they always give them the most.

This is the beginning of the trouble of individual species. The division of species is much simpler, regardless of the size of the arms. Which member is hungry and which to eat, the distribution is always the most reasonable.

But it's no wonder that individual species don't know what other members are thinking, and they always have some self-interested ideas that lead to unreasonable problems.

Slowly, the entire Emerald Dragon community formed this fixed system. Susumumi and some of its assigned distributors commanded the entire community, and the original leaders were no longer the leaders. They did not decide anything. s right.

At this time, Susumumi and the distributors also intend to let some close members inherit their status.

For example, your own descendants...

Originally, Jade Dragon did not care for the offspring, and the eggs that were laid were thrown together for unified management, but then they slowly began to change, and their descendants also began to inherit their status.

This change has made the status relationship between them more solid, and it is difficult to change the situation of the leader before the challenge.

Lin didn't care about them at all, but watched them change slowly. What would it be like in the end? Will it be strong? Or... will it be very strange? The development direction of each ethnic group is not the same... Jade Dragon, Tucker, Gnome, Li, and...

When the development is getting bigger and bigger, they will collide sooner or later.

Before that, let's have a leisurely wandering. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ three tongues ~ Qingyue cold moon ~ the monthly ticket ~

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