4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 150: Dreamland of the ocean

The emergence of more and more different 'status' members means that a division of labor is growing stronger, but it also means that the differences between individual species are getting worse...

The items in the original community can be taken at will, but because of the distribution of Susumi, it is finally determined that each of the jade dragons can have their own items.

Of course, there are opinions of Jade Dragon. Their initial opinion is that the distribution is unfair. They will feel that there are many other jade dragons, and their own is relatively small. Some jade dragons will try to get other jade dragon things. ......

At this time, Susumui had to come up with a new way to deal with these jade dragons with opinions.

Lin feels that it has become more 'wasted'. Susumi has used too much intellectual and thinking ability on the issue of 'same kind of one's own kind, but has no special help for development.

Surprisingly, the status of the electric gnomes co-existing with the Jade Dragon has not changed. They have not been affected by the huge changes of the Jade Dragon Group. There are still special jade dragons to distribute food to them.

Tucker's development method is completely different from Susumi. In addition to the large gap in the number of ethnic groups, Tucker actually develops more rapidly. If they meet, it will be quite interesting...

Regardless of how the jade dragons become, Lin will not interfere, only slowly waiting for them to change...

What do you do now? Of course, I have to sleep a little, and by gently closing my mind, I can go to another world...

In the dream, Lin is also pursuing some strange things, in addition to those wonderful creatures specially designed. There are still some unknown things in the dream.

Lin once saw a creature she had never seen before in her dreams. And now. Lynn found that it didn't happen only once. After that, I could still find this thing occasionally.

Lin has complicated the world of dreams, but it is easy to find some wonderful things. For example, now, Lynn once again sees a strange thing, which is what Lin calls the red stone flower garden.

However, this time it was not a creature. But something weird...

This thing looks like a cave, it appears on the flowerbed in such a small space, it looks like it is somewhere, its appearance has caused some nearby 'biological' attention, a few bubbles curiously Swinging the body, they looked at the sudden cave, and several tried to get into the cave.

After Lin’s repeated adjustments, now they have beenhave like real creatures, they are curious about everything, including this strange cave...

Lin is generally without entities in this dream world. Instead, use the vision of a creature about the size of a pompom to observe the world, and Lin is now 'flying' into the cave. Look at what is in the cave that suddenly appears.

After entering the cave, Lin found that the sky turned into a black, and below it was a blue ocean.

ocean? Strange, why did you run out of that big thing? Although Lin now said that the 'capacity' of the brain of dreams has increased a lot, but it should not be such a big content.

This sea and Lin did not see the static sea that was originally seen. It is like a real sea, and there are occasional waves of tens of meters high on the sea. The huge vortex swirls in the sea, the whole ocean. It’s like swaying in the storm, but there is no wind in the sky, a few bubble creatures shaking the little short legs, floating in the air and watching the ocean...

Occasionally, there are some huge rock protrusions in the sea. Some rocks are very large, just like mountains and towering in the raging sea.

This ocean...and these whirlpools, and these mountains...Lin has a feeling of seeing where I have seen it.

No, it should have only seen a blurred scene, and I have never seen such a clear picture.

It should be in a certain place, far away, looking at a similar scene, but where is it?

Thinking, Lin entered this sea. Unlike the ocean without the sea bottom before. After entering the water, Lin saw the rock-covered seabed, and the seabed was covered with many huge stones. There was a lot of cracks in the water, and there seemed to be no sloppiness in the water. Everything seemed relatively calm.

There is no special impression on this sea floor, but this is indeed a wonderful place. In the dream, there are often some weird scenes, but I have never thought about it, but it will come out...

However, this ocean is still missing something... yes, it is life.

Lin slowly ‘floating’ onto the rough sea. At this time, a huge wave rushed from the sea and rushed to the side.

The waves stopped in midair for a moment, then the whole wave slowly moved closer to the center, twisting like a waterspout, and then a pair of forelimbs were formed on both sides of the waterspout, forming a huge incomparable 'biological'.

Then, Lin also turned another wave in the vicinity into a creature as big as it. The two creatures had an endless anger when they met, and then they slammed together!

In the roaring sea, two huge creatures made of water fight each other. This is really spectacular. If there is such a creature in the real ocean...

"That would be very bad."

This voice is... Lin suddenly found that I don’t know when to fly a white figure on the sea.

...that's the brain worm. Speaking of it, Lynn also got a passage to connect to the dream, and I don't know when it ran in.

"Building a ship, going out to sea, changing waves, the boat rolling over the sea, sinking." The mood of the brainworm is calm, but Lin knows that it has a very frustrating feeling now... Speaking, it can fly here, Is it because there is no reason for adjustment? Lin should be adjusted in the dream world. The ability to connect the incoming creatures is the same as that outside. It seems that if Lin wants to keep it, I have to adjust the effect here.

The brain worm seems to be frustrated because the ship sinks. This is normal, although the sea storm is relatively rare.

"Tumble!" Suddenly, the brain screamed and rushed into the sea, then rolled up in the water at high speed, and while rolling it, he cried, "If you sink my boat, it will be destroyed!"

... does not seem to be a shipwreck caused by the storm? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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