4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 151: Attacking the ship's monster

At the time of the development of the dragons on the mainland, the chubby things that tumbling between the waves did not fall behind. The group of brainworms had completely occupied the islands, and it established a large number of rock mountains there. There are criss-crossing passages between the rock mountains, and various units are shuttled inside.

Despite occupying the island, the group of brain worms did not overly occupy the living space of the island's original creatures, and they reached a perfect balance.

"It's like rolling over a meadow without overwhelming any grass. It's an art." The brain worms evaluated their ethnicity.

Speaking of the brain worm is also slowly understanding the ‘artistics’ from here.

After Lin made a dream, the brain worm also liked to enter this place. Lin did not limit the entry time of the brain worm. Because unexpectedly, the brain worm is not very 'indulgent' here, maybe it is rich in thinking ability. Let it not be like the dragon, if you haven't been able to tell the illusion and the truth for a long time, some dragons will become a bit strange after waiting for a long time, so you can't let them come in for too long.

When the brain worm comes in, it usually likes to roll in some soft places. Sometimes it will be used to find some things, for example, now.

The brain worm has expanded to the peak on the island, but an isolated island can only accommodate a certain number of creatures. If you want to continue to develop the community, you need a larger area.

The brain worm has also thought about going back to the mainland, but it prefers the island and the seascape here.

In fact, Lin does not want it to return to the mainland, otherwise it may be in conflict with the dragon, then there are some troubles.

Fortunately, the restrictions on the island are obviously not a problem for the brain worm. Brain worms use the collected wood. stone. Coupled with some mucus mixes to create huge ships.

The ship has a total length of more than 50 meters and can put down a considerable number of arms, but the strength has not been tested, and the brain worm has not been tested, but intends to use it directly.

While developing into the sea, the brain worm also wants to create a new brain worm for its own group as a conductor. It has already thought of the name, called Amon.

The general brainworm community is at a certain time. It usually takes about thirty years to produce a brain worm, but there are exceptions, when the community is too big and there is only one brain worm.

However, before this, the brain worm planned to try its own ship first, so it took a bunch of troops to catch the ship, it still uses the previously used 'sail' to advance at sea.

But the idea of ​​the worms sailing did not last long. When they left the island a few hundred meters, the ship of the brain worm was attacked and it was said that it was hit by a certain giant creature from the sea. As a result, the bottom of the ship leaked, and the entire hull was smashed by successive attacks. Later the ship and a large number of troops sank into the sea.

Because the brain worm is riding on the dragon, it is not dangerous, but the brain worm still feels very... angry! But it has no way, because there is no aquatic unit, so it can only be given up.

Here, Lin doesn't feel very strange. There are some big marine creatures in the waters near this continent. Lin thinks that they may not be affected by the last disaster, or what method is used to hide the past, in short, these huge monsters It is not difficult to easily destroy a ship with a brainworm.

However, after this, the brain worm has built several ships and it has been strengthened. However, every time it goes to the sea, it will almost be attacked at that position. It is more suspicious here. It seems that there are any creatures ambushing in detail. The way the sea attacked.

According to the brainworm, after every time its troops fell into the sea, there were no creatures to eat them, and many of them successfully swam back to the island, which means that the creature that attacked it was not for food.

This is even more suspicious.

Therefore, Lynn also wants to see what is the ship that attacks the brain worm in the sea.

After waking up from the dream, Lynn quickly let a unit - Behemoth fly to the place where the brainworm sinks the ship to investigate, and the brain worm comes out of the dream, and the dragon riding it meets at the destination.

"That is, sinking."

Behemoth and the flying dragon flew above the sea. The dragon was shocked when he first saw Behemoth, but it quickly calmed down under the words of the brainworm. Now, the brainworm is indicating for Lin. The ship in the water sank, there were some floating debris on the sea, and the latest ship of the brainworm sank in the previous day and night.

In other words, the creature may not have left nearby...

Thinking, Behemoth immediately sneaked into the sea, and at the moment when he felt cold, Lin saw a behemoth underwater.

It was a shark, just below Behemoth. Lin remembered seeing this shark. It was the last time in the river in the mainland. It seems that the river is really swimming from the sea. of.

Although it was a behemoth, it was much smaller than Behemoth. The sudden appearance of Behemoth scared the shark, and it quickly swung the body and disappeared into the darkness of the deep sea.

Behemoths did not pay attention to the sharks, but released a large number of flying people. This kind of sea and air reconnaissance unit Lin has always liked them. They spread out in the water and searched for any nearby creatures that might attack.

And Behem Moss stayed where it was, to see if it would be attacked by anything...

In this way, Lin has been waiting until the night, the brain worm has been riding the dragon in the sky, but ... Lin did not wait for any attack.

The detections of the flying people have also made great achievements. To put it bluntly, the ocean here is really rich in creatures. There are a lot of benthic organisms on the seabed, like corals, and there are huge amounts of sea surface. Plankton.

At the same time, Lin also recorded many giant creatures. In general, a body length of more than ten meters can be counted as a giant. Except for a shark, others are more 'original' creatures. It is possible to attack the creatures of the ship.

Oceanic carp, a kind of scorpion-type limbs, is more than 10 meters long and may weigh more than ten tons. It can use the tail pipe to charge.

Wild worms, large worms over 20 meters long, like to cruise the sea, devour any fish and other creatures, even the giant sharks are not let go...

Sea and air jellyfish, a giant jellyfish more than 50 meters long, Lin feels that it may be the same kind of empty jellyfish that I have seen before. It can live in the sea or in the air. It is a very interesting creature.

Obviously, the jellyfish is more likely to attack, but it is usually eaten by plankton. This jellyfish likes to fly over the sea and use the tentacles to capture a large number of small creatures on the surface of the sea. They should not try to attack the ship of the brainworm.

In other words, is there nothing to discover? That is not the case. On the seabed below the shipwreck, a flyinger of Lin discovered the things he had seen in the mainland... splitting the brain.

This wonderful thing and the mainland, the brain-created monster produces the same appearance, surrounded by red crystals, with white things inside.

Lin let the pilot break down the crystallization and find that the brain inside is dead, and will not release brain waves. This split brain can live in the water, so it won't be picked up. The main reason for dying is because Invaded by a worm.

The worm digs in through the tiny holes in its crystallized surface and eats a portion of the brain inside. This is a common parasitic sea worm that is also good at attacking shellfish.

However, after discovering this split brain, the suspicious part has been more and more, and Lin has always suspected that there are strange things left in the Yate group. Perhaps some of the remaining arms attacked the brain worm, maybe somewhere. The arms affected the nearby giant jellyfish and let it attack the brain worm.

This type of unit may be intentionally hidden, and it is impossible to find it. There is only one way to find this target... that is, let it attack again.

Lin asked the head worm to ride back on the dragon, and then let Behemoth float to the surface of the sea. At this time, Behemoth released a kind of unit called 'sheller', and the sheller secreted a lot of mucus in the shell. Hemos made a thin shell in vitro, which made Behemoth look exactly the same as the ship of the brainworm, just as the size of Behemoth was similar.

Lin quickly completed the work of painting the shell in the dark, and when the day came again, Behemoth waited quietly on the sea...

The sea looks quite quiet, as if nothing would happen... But under the sea, Lynne already felt something was going on.

It seems very interesting to be tempted to use this word. Is it stupid to move something?

However, this creature does have such a stupidity. It did not find that this is the shell of Behemoth's disguise. It is getting faster and faster in the sea, and then... rushing out of the water!

The powerful impact instantly smashed the film of the shell of Behemoth, and Lin also saw the true face of the attack. This is... prawn?

This prawn is nearly ten meters long. It is said that Lin seems to have forgotten this creature. This creature has a strong attacking power. Even if it is not very big, it may break the ship of the worm.

And this body size is already big enough, but Lin did not find it before the probe, is it hidden somewhere? But Lynn is not only using the eyes to detect, but also using sound and other methods...

Wait, this squid Lin seems to have seen it... right! When Lin traced the brain of the plague fungus, there was such a squid that kept the brain crystal... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Nanhao Tianlong ~ rewards ~

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