4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 152: Recluse under the seabed

Was this prawn the one that kept the brain at that time?

Lin looked at the squid that appeared on the surface with some doubts, and the prawn was also looking at Behemoth in doubt. It seemed to find that she had made a mistake. This is not a ship with a brain worm...

The next moment, the prawn suddenly turned and sneaked into the water, and quickly went downstream.

It seems that it is an attack on the brainworm vessel. This basically confirms that there is a reason for the ship that deliberately attacks the brainworm, that is, what is the special relationship between it and the brainworm, it is probably...

Thinking, Behemoth quickly sneaked into the water, watching the prawn swimming in the depths of the water, Behemoth did not chase, but launched a small sticky bomb, just stuck in the prawn The tail.

The prawn quickly swam into the deep sea. Relying on the sticky bomb, Lin determined the position of the prawn and released several ‘pretender’ units to keep up with the prawn.

After the prawn reached the bottom of the sea, it looked around with both eyes, and it seemed that there was nothing tracking it around.

It seems that the intelligence is quite high, and the eyes of the prawn can see the discolored arms, so the general camouflage is useless, but the pretender can change the shape of the body. This is a type of slime that can change quickly. Arms, they can quickly make the body surface covered with scales, just like real fish, will not be suspected...

The prawn looked around and confirmed that there was no danger. It swam to a large stone and extended the forelimb to push the stone away.

Under the stone, a cave appeared and the prawn was drilled in. The pretenders also quickly followed.

What about the sea cave? This reminds Lin of the time when she found the fungus brain. This cave is very dark and tortuous. After walking with the prawn for a while, the passage of the cave was turned down and finally reached an open space.

This space is not so dark, there are a lot of things that will glow nearby, it should be creatures, and the most important thing is here... there is no water.

This feeling is like the submarine cave where Lin had seen before, but it is too far from here, it can't be the same place...

The prawns climbed on the ground much more slowly. The pretenders also changed their shape and moved to the ground.

The ground is gray and moist sand, and some coral-like creatures grow on the ground, emitting a slight fluorescence.

Speaking of this, many corals have been able to leave the water, but they have not been found in the mainland. This terrestrial coral has not carefully studied where they get food.

There are also some small arthropods and snails crawling up and down on the ground. Lin found that there are some red things among them... that is split brain, and there are some here.

And these brains are alive and will crawl on the ground, somewhat different from what I have seen before.

The prawn crawled slowly into the depths of the cave, where there were many puddles of different sizes. Some puddles have fish, and some of them have a kind of creature that Linde had seen in the brain caves before.

These ancient pelicans are next to the puddles or in the water. Lin also saw some crystals that were red with tentacles. When the huge prawn came over, they all sneaked into the puddles, but some still lie outside the pit, it seems not afraid. Look like.

At this time, Lin saw that the front was the end of the cave. It seems that the cave is not too big. There is a long stone under the wall at the end, and on the stone, there is something familiar with Lin...

Monte II.

Lin knows that it is still alive. It used to be in this place where there is no water. Monte II has a certain ability to live in the water, but its arms are not aquatic, so there is no army here.

But what about the prawn?

The prawn climbed to the front of Monte II, and Monte II raised his head, and then they put their mouths together.

Does this look like a prawn feeding Montessou? If you get closer, Lynn can see that the mouth of the prawn is pushing something liquid to Monte II. How do they achieve this weird relationship? Some creatures do raise some of the other creatures themselves, although it is said that Montenegro is a bit like a prawns, but the prawns are solitary creatures. It should be no such habit...

And the behavior of the prawn attacking the brainworm vessel should be related to Montenegro.

After feeding, the prawn turned and left, and climbed into a large puddle nearby. Although it could move on the ground, it was still a sea creature, and it could not be dried.

At this time, Monte II seemed to be in a daze, squatting on the stone, not knowing what to think...

Lin thinks that it may have the ability to command prawn, but it is still unclear. Maybe it should be asked if it is right... Right, use that method to say hello, bring Monte II into the dream world. Lin may be able to let this Monte II say it all in a special way...

However, Lynne needs more preparation.

The pretenders are now squatting on the ground like a gray Slim. They have no special use other than scouting. Lynn needs to create a new unit in Behemoths - Dream Connector!

Since I thought of it, I started to make it. On the way to manufacturing, Lin also watched the life of the seabed of Monte II...

It seems to lie on this stone all day, occasionally moving the body, not very active, but the abyss in the nearby puddles occasionally climbed over, they changed the color of the body and shook in front of Monte II. Dangling, at this time, Monte II will also pose some postures, as if they are communicating with the abyss.

The ancient abyss may have regarded Monte II as the object of worship. It is very interesting to say. There is almost no such phenomenon in the division of species. The individual species especially like to worship some wonderful things. I don’t know because it has been affected. Lead to...

No matter how much, Behemoth's arms have been built in the dark, and the dream connector looks like a... squid, and Lin has specially designed this unit to be an old-fashioned look, hoping to 'get through the storm' The suction cup on the touch of the hand has a lot of tiny nerve threads that can be drilled into tiny gaps and connected to the other's brain. When it opens its tentacles and embraces Monte's head, it can bring it into it. Dreamland. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Holy Fox ~ monthly ticket~

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