Perhaps it is because of the long life... The creatures of the Star Flame and the Flame Planet do not put the memory completely in the 'brain'. Fiction.

Their memories only remember important things in the near future, and the longer they are, the more blurred they are.

So they are mainly about the history of the entire population, and of course the history of the legends of the Burning Stars, which are placed in what can be called the 'record hall'.

The entire record hall is somewhere in the body of the Frost Fort.

In the past, the people of Xingyan could check these records at any time, but after the incident, they could not know the history.

Although their memories will generally remember some, the details inside can't be remembered.

They need to go back to Frostburger and check out the ‘Record’ again to get to know the details of those things.

The database, in fact, what it wants to know is the information recorded in the library.

However, after the 'consciousness' of Frostburger left, the information in the record hall became incomplete. Accurately, the information is still there, but the consciousness of Frostburger is like a key, and it must be returned to be completely Open.

In short, Lin has almost understood the passing of things.

What is more amazing is that the golden sphere does not appear in these events.

Now I feel that I can only find out what happened when I went to the database, and finally did not arrive at the database.

Lin had previously speculated that the possible database had the Burning Stars attack the golden sphere, but now it seems that the database has not seen it, nor does it think of the golden sphere.

In short, it is highly likely that it should be missing.

... then next... then face the danger.

As the database was occupying the ‘consciousness’ of Frostburger, Lynn was also on the other side... the travel space was detected.

Now that the travel space has stopped moving, Lynn has put a lot of observers outside the space.

These observers are shaped like the telescopes made by Ershi people, who observe everything around them in the void.

Includes general space and... ancient space.

Lin now knows how to detect these ancient spaces. They are only slightly different from ordinary space, and if they are to be detected, it is not difficult.

Now, around the travel space... there is an ancient space.

In fact, Lin detected a lot of ancient space on the way... If Lin felt that the burning star would attack Ershi, it should be attacked through these ancient space.

If there is a lot of space nearby, the travel space will be surrounded by encirclement.

But there is only one such thing... then I will always look at this one.

Of course, Lin will also pay attention to other places.

The entrance to this ancient space is now about 100,000 kilometers away from the travel space.

Although the ancient space is special, it can move quickly between spaces, but if you want to enter the normal void, you can only pass through the only entrance.

Now, Lin has observed that the entrance and exit has surged... the black dense fog.

The burning star... has already appeared.

It obviously has locked the location of the travel space, and it can be found no matter how it moves.

Although Lin and Ersh thought of some ways to get rid of it, Lynn almost knows how it is locked.

But Lin and Ershi also think that it is better to solve it than to escape.

The black fog in the void becomes bigger and bigger, forming a huge disc shape in the void.

Soon, its diameter exceeded 10,000 kilometers and it began to become bigger than Bill.

The Burning Star is obviously a bus-like creature... Lin is somewhat curious, is the final stage of the Star Flames also known as 'Yong Yan' as big as the Burning Star?

This huge disc-shaped object has reached a diameter of 20,000 kilometers.

But it is not very thick, its thickness is only more than ten kilometers.

"It started moving."

After the message was sent to Ershi, Lin let the ‘telescope’ outside the target aim.

There is no longer any black fog in the ancient space, and this huge disc moves slowly in the direction of the travel space.

Its speed of movement is 100 kilometers per second. For such a huge thing, this speed is very slow.

Lin’s telescope also stretched out at this time.

This telescope is about three hundred meters long, and of course it is not just for observation.

In the ‘head’ of the telescope, there is a transparent mirror like the real telescope, and now the mirror slowly unfolds... and a lot of creatures fly out in the unfolded mirror.

These creatures are emptiness, the units of the Inca worm.

The Inca group also knows this, although it also feels that it is unlikely to harm the ancient ‘monsters of the Burners, but still wants to participate in this battle.

These voids are equipped with propellers that fly through the void at high speed and fly toward the target.

It seems that it is found that something is close, and Lin noticed that the speed of the burning star has also increased.

The shape of the disc made up of black fog changed slightly, and Lin felt that it was somewhat like a drum.

Just as there is something on the surface of it, the whole disc is very rhythmic and swaying.

A circle of ripples spreads from the middle to the edge. With the wonderful movement of the burning star, countless fine dust also spreads to the surrounding void.

Hundreds of Voids are now close to the target of a thousand kilometers, filled with dust from the burning stars.

'boom! ’

There was a void and it was exposed to a grain of dust.

At the moment of the touch, the whole void was burned up. This wonderful ‘flame’ ignited directly in the void, and it burned the void into ashes.

And all the other emptiness, their end is also similar.

This group of creatures quickly became ashes and dissipated in the void.

It seems that the average creature is unlikely to approach it. If so, see if these things are close.

At the moment when the emptiness is burned out... The imaginary air around the burning star illuminates a large spot.

These are not the glory of the stars, but the missiles under the stars.

In fact, it is a variety of weapons such as missiles and missiles made by Ershi people.

However, they were not made by the people of Ershi, but by Lin.

In addition to these missiles, there are many stones... ordinary stones.

Of course, the acceleration of these stones to a certain extent is not very common.

They rushed toward the burning stars like rain, and sprinkled them into the dark fog...

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