“Cryogenic creatures like to kill their opponents with high temperatures.”

“Many cryogenic organisms always like to go to high temperatures in the development of weapons.”

"This is because it is very effective, as a weapon."

"On the other hand, it is because it is easier to develop."

"Of course, no creature will think of it, it will cause it to be angry..."

In the dark fog, countless brilliance flashed in succession.

That is all sorts of... the brilliance of the bomb.

Most of them are all kinds of fusion bombs, they can produce extreme heat when they explode, but it doesn't seem to make sense.

Their explosion can only bloom in the dark fog, and it seems that it does not cause any harm to the target.

In fact, they did not touch the target.

As for the high-speed flying stones, they are also worn out during the flight.

Lin found that there was a layer of 'gas' surrounding the burning star, and the high-speed stone would rub against it at the moment, and then wear and dissipate at the end.

More interestingly, when Lin launched an attack, Lin felt some illusions.

This is similar to the illusion that was felt before.

In this illusion... Lynn saw a scene in which the Burning Stars attacked other biological civilizations long ago.

Those creatures pour out all the weapons they made in desperation to the burning stars, but they have no meaning.

Although Lin feels that these illusions are more interesting in these illusions.

Most of them look a lot like... corals, there seems to be no ability to move freely, and the patterns stick to the huge stones floating in the void to develop in the form of spread.

As for the weapons they make, they are the tubular structures that stretch out of them.

However, the power of the 'cannonball' fired is similar to that of a common missile... it can cause a strong explosion of high temperatures.

It can also be seen that some creatures are divided into a number of individuals that can move freely, but Lin found that their forms are mostly not fixed.

It is a form that can change like an amoeba.

What is more amazing is that these desperate civilizations in the illusion are all dead, but the last one shown in the illusion survived the crisis.

That is because this civilization has a 'prophet'.

The illusion shows that this prophet warned the entire civilization before the Burners attacked.

This civilization already knows that the Burning Stars will come and prepare for the battle... but the Prophet said that it has no meaning.

The prophet mentioned that if you want to survive the attack of the burning star, you must make a completely different preparation.

Under the command of the Prophet, they began to develop cryogenic devices.

Later they succeeded in creating a lot of devices, and even ‘frozen bombs’.

They use a lot of these things to make the temperature of the whole world much lower.

Also because of the cooling relationship, the burning stars no longer move toward the world, it gave up attacking them...

The words of the prophet became a reality, and they were saved.

This illusion...is very interesting.

If the scene of the extinction of those civilizations is mainly intended to bring despair to the opponents, what is the significance of the final scene?

The Burning Stars specifically told Lin that they can use the way to make the world cold... to avoid its attacks?

Therefore, Lin thought of a possibility.

Maybe this is what it deliberately got.

That is, a legend that avoids attacking it by low temperature, which may have been transmitted by the burning star itself.

Of course, I don't know why it is doing this.

But now Ershi did not plan to become cold. Lin did not.

A large number of missiles are now dying out, and the burning stars are still moving on.

However, it stopped after a little while.

Because it seems to notice, an object that appears behind it...

This object can be called 'month'.

In fact, it was Lin, who was made according to the original Ershi's satellite. After the travel space travel began to move, Lin was already making it.

Part of the material used in this unit is obtained directly from Ershi, and part is the various materials collected from the outside during the trip.

In the end, it formed such a tumbling unit of more than 3,000 kilometers in diameter. This unit looks like the satellite of the original Ershi.

Its surface is mainly a common tumbling surface such as rocky plains, which is very cold because there is no atmosphere.

However, a world that is so cold in the beginning does not have any special 'effects' on the burning stars.

The civilized world that would allow the burning stars to stop attacking is mainly due to a 'cooling down' process.

That is, regardless of the original temperature, it has a rapid cooling process that will stop the burning star from attacking it.

Of course, the original temperature of the world will not be too high, or it will become a world like the flames of the Star Flames.

For the ‘month’ that appears behind him, the burning star seems to be hesitating.

And Lynn’s month... has already launched an attack.

The surface of the rock structure cracked into a crack, and a large number of flying objects flew out of it and went toward the burning star.

These flying objects are specially made by Lin... ‘frozen bombs’.

In essence, contrary to the common high-temperature bombs, the low temperature can be erupted when the explosion occurs.

When the icy bombs flew out, the burning stars began to move no longer in the direction of the travel space, but toward the moon.

At present, Lynn has not found any attack on the burning star, it may be that it is close to attack, or has any other purpose.

These icy bombs did not end up close to the burning star, they collided with the debris floating around the burning star, and then exploded in the air.

The speed at which the burning star continues to increase makes it approach the month very quickly.

It is only more than 3,000 kilometers away from the month, when Lin also saw the attack of the burning star.

Like the attack database, there are countless spots in the darkness of this large piece.

Then a huge beam of light emerged from the darkness, coming to the surface of the moon.

'boom! ’

The explosion accompanied the light beams to bloom on the surface, and as Lin thought, it was a very high temperature weapon.

The surface of the moon instantly collapses when it touches the light column, and the light column is drilled deep into the surface.

With the attack of the light column, the burning star slowly changed shape, and it intended to wrap the whole month.

This is exactly the same as its tactics to attack the database.

‘Hey! ’

However, the edge of this huge dark fog was at this time... exploded.

The dense fog dissipated as if it had been blown away by the wind, showing the ‘body’ of the burning star inside.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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