4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 156: Not yet finished

Under the brilliance of art, Monte II finally left the cave under the sea that it had not known for a long time, and saw the warm sunshine again... but it did not see the sky.

Because it was caught by Behemoths shortly after the dreamer blew out the cave, and then Lin threw it into the dream.

It seems that Monte II still has no idea what the dream is and what is going on outside. It only thinks that it suddenly reached another world after the dream, so it has been very good there, if there is no brainworm.

However, the problem of Montenegro is not the main problem. The main problem is that Linde is studying... What is the history of this group? What is the relationship between them and brains?

After the dragons received the influence of the split brain, they would create a strange building, but the ancients did not seem to have any special influence. They still hunted and lived as before, but made some strange things. Actions, like dancing, raising things like Monte II.

Or the ancient monks are also affected, but they arehave differently.

This is what Linde will study next.

After the cave was blown up, the ancient monks did not chase out to find Monte II. Instead, they quickly blocked the caves with stones. It seems that they did not look very much at the appearance of Monte II.

At present, Lin intends to let Behemos release a large number of small arms and observe the life of these ancient baboons.

In this way, in a few days and nights, the brain worm is still playing in the dream with Monte II. Lin also has no special findings.

However, there are still some new discoveries. For example, the relationship between ancient clams and crayfish. There is no one who directs between the two, but a symbiotic relationship. Usually, the prawn catches the prey and eats it by themselves. The ancient cockroach also eats its own, but the ancient cockroach will take care of the prawn after they have laid eggs. Responsible for removing parasites from the eggs, the ancient crickets also clean the prawn, while the prawn helps them defend the nest and do some work like pushing stones.

There is no special relationship between them.

There are also ancient scorpions and brain-making monsters. Basically, it can be determined that it is a breeding relationship. The brain-building geek will not go out to find food, but the ancient 鱿 takes food for it.

Of course, the brain-creating genius only eats the head, and then it uses the head to create the split brain, so many of the split brains here are made by the fish head... So far, there is no interaction between the ancient scorpion and the split brain. .

It’s a wonderful feeling that they look like they live in peace, but always feel strange... Where is it? This is really hard to find out.

Can it be said that they are controlled by brains? However, although the brain-making blame will say that it will send out brain waves, it is generally not issued, but those splitting brains will almost always send out brain waves.

So Lin then quietly destroyed all the split brains in the submarine cave with small arms. But even so, the ancients did not have any special reaction.

It seems that they can be ruled out by the split brain.

Further observation is needed. Lynn asked Monte 2 again, but Monte II did not know much about their details.

Lynn is not worried about these ancient shackles, but feels that there are things left by the Atlantis, which has led to some strange behaviors of creatures.

But at the moment it seems that they have not caused much events, so it’s not enough...

However, Lin felt that the remnants of the Yate group should still be solved. After that, Lin also killed the brains inside.

After the death of the brains, the ancient monks continued to dance around it as they did for Monte II, but this time, their dancing had no effect, and the brains did not wake up again...

It was not until the brain-building blame had begun to rot, and the ancient scorpions threw it out.

In this way, it can be completely confirmed that this group of ancients and brain-making monsters have nothing to do with it... although they are really strange.

Do they have a hobby of screening creatures to go back to raise? This feeling is not very likely. To raise such a big creature is to consume a lot of money. The success rate of the ancient hunting is not very high. Lin also noticed that the abyss is not like the ancient scorpion of the northern continent. They are all hunting by themselves. They have to feed a brain-making monster and a Monte II has completely exceeded the burden. If this continues, they may destroy the family...

Therefore, Lynn can be regarded as 'save' them.

Then, Lin will continue to observe the ancients and see if they will do some strange moves. Maybe they will take what they don’t want to raise... or, if they have been observed, they may discover the ancient Is communicating with something...

As for Monte II, Lin intends to let it stay in the dream world first, and then find an island for it to develop, Lin thinks it is still very interesting, no need to kill.

The brain worm has always wanted to kill it, and Lin will not stop it, but that is what they might encounter at sea in the future...

Everything seems to have become quiet again. Lin has always had a feeling for the Astra group, where they will come from. Of course, the main brain is dead and can be confirmed, and there is no other main brain, but Their remnants seem to be relatively simple.

However, Lin’s underground base has perfect troops and defenses, and it doesn’t matter if there are any strong enemies.

Of course, this continent may not necessarily need Lin to guard, the creatures here... grow quite fast.

During the time of observing the ancient Shu, Lin also maintained observational studies on the mainland, especially the ethnic group of the jade dragon. Lin found that the development of the jade dragon was particularly rapid, but it was not the development of manufacturing, but the development of community and habits. .

Susumi’s plan gives each emerald dragon a fixed position. It does not have a challenger now. It does not seem to be simply called a leader, but can be called a king.

The word king is the emerald dragon's own, similar to the meaning of the leader, but it seems that the scope of the rule is larger.

However, Susumi does not make the Emerald Dragon feel happy. Some emerald dragons still try to challenge Susumi according to their original habits. Although Susumimi has defeated them, Susumi is also aware. It will not work until this continues.

The reason for the dissatisfaction of the jade dragons was mainly the distribution problem, so Susumi and some of the jade dragons who supported it came up with a solution, which was called - trading. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ Xianglintang's tea ~ monthly ticket~

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