4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 157: Trading and meteorites

This seems to be a very interesting idea. This is not what Susumi himself thought of, but many of them came up with the jade dragon. Because the distributors allocated themselves, many jade dragons were dissatisfied, and some jade dragons could not get it. What you want.

And this new 'transaction' program allows the jade dragons to exchange items with each other, without using the distributors. The jade dragons feel that this method is very good.

They quickly began to exchange items with each other, so that each jade dragon could get what he wanted, but Susumi found a problem.

Originally, it assigned work to the Jade Dragons, not only to make the Jade Dragons unable to compete for the leader, but also to make Susumi himself and its assigned distributors quite high, but if the Jade Dragons exchanged their own goods, the distributor If it doesn't work, the status will definitely drop quickly...

Susumui must think of a way to maintain its position as a distributor and a distributor. So it first controls the main food sources, such as the food that is planted and hunted, and then Susumi sets up his own unit, which gives his troops Equipped with the best weapons, in order to ensure that their strength is at the top.

Yes, as long as the power is guaranteed, Susumi completely abolishes the previous system that can be challenged at will. The Jade Dragons cannot challenge the 'King' casually...

Susumi has set things up so that he has always been at the top, it is indeed very smart, and even more than Lin’s expectations...

It turns out that the brain capacity of Jade Dragon is not as large as the main brain of the divisional species, but it can think about extremely complicated things. Indeed, Susumi has been taught. But I didn't expect its idea to be so rich.

but. Other Emerald Dragons have produced various ideas because of this great change...but. This is not a good thing.

For example, some emerald dragons do not adapt to this system. They occasionally do not exchange, but rob, and Susumi’s own troops are also responsible for dealing with these disobedient jade dragons.

At this time, Susumi also set up another system, that is, 'private ownership', so that the Jade Dragons could not seize each other's objects. Each of the Jade Dragons had their own things.

These things include the collection of the jade dragons themselves or their own production. Self-made items, etc., every jade dragon is like this, no jade dragon can be plundered, although it used to be the case, but now because of the increase in robbing behavior, Susumi was clearly set.

However, if there is such a problem, Susumi will also be divided into public ownership and private ownership. For example, they will establish some stone roads to facilitate the transportation of food. This road is shared. Does not belong to any jade dragon.

Of course, the resources needed to build these shared things must be supplied by other emerald dragons. When it is generally necessary to build something public, Susumi will collect resources such as stones from other jade dragons.

There are also some jade dragons who dissatisfied with Susumi and arbitrarily modified the former leader system, and formed a small community to leave, but only a few of them did, and many jade dragons did not leave even if they were not satisfied, they themselves did not Like to be scattered.

Now the ethnic group of Jade Dragon is indeed much larger than before, but all kinds of problems make the Jade Dragon into trouble. Even Susumi’s own followers may not completely follow it. Susumui has given them more than the general Jade Dragon. Good treatment is good.

Lin feels that their entire ethnic group has been struggling and stagnating... Of course, there will still be some development, as for speed...

It’s hard to say, because Susumi’s system allows the Jade Dragons to use their thoughts on how to make themselves better. It’s really wasteful.

As for Tucker, they are totally different. Their development in tools is no worse than that of Jade Dragon. Moreover, because they have kept the previous system and have no detailed division of labor, everyone has been very comfortable, except for some members. In addition to the items, the resources are still public, because no Snapdragon will try to get more, so there is no need to manage it. The leader is still Tucker. It does not manage so many complicated things like Susumumi. Ethnic groups, it has more spare time to piece together weapons, observe the Milky Way, and make art...

It can be said that Xiaolong does not lose to the Jade Dragon except for the quantity...

Of course, this is the impact of Lin. If you let them develop themselves, it will become like Susumi. Because there are a lot of resources, plus the division of labor, first of all, some members have 'this is their own'. Ideas, they don't want members who do other things to get their own things, or they will feel unfair.

Then the distributor appears, but the distributors are also unevenly distributed, causing the members to have opinions, and then the distributor wants to stabilize his position, because it can give himself the most resources, and then find ways to control the members, the distributors find One way is to give some members more resources to make them their own troops... and finally enter the state of Susumi.

After this state, the various ideas of the members will become more and more 'selfish'. In fact, the term 'selfishness' was originally applied only to non-community species, but these grouped species can actually remain more selfish. It’s really fun to live in groups.

Is this state of development likely to occur among any individual species? This is not quite sure yet.

For example, the Baijilong and the Xiaolong ethnic groups scattered around, they are just small communities, and there is no way to maintain a stable life. This phenomenon is that there must be too many resources and a stable life, so that the leader has the freedom to think of something else. Things, it is possible to think about stabilizing your position and so on.

The creatures that can reach this level are only Tucker's ethnic group and the Emerald Dragon.

Interestingly, however, although the gnomes have lived a large number of lives, they still maintain the original system, and there is no such thing as the jade dragon.

Maybe related to their intelligence?

And those divisional species... Lin is now mostly in a single-brain system, a brain-controlled group. What if they have more than two brains?

The brain worm is obviously no problem. The brain worm is the only multi-brain division of labor that Lynd has seen, but they obviously do not have the same development direction as individual creatures.

Speaking of Inca, the insects are brainless. They use the brain waves of the arms to connect with each other, forming a very special kind of intelligence. This is similar to Lin, but in fact all brains should be like this, between cells. Connected to each other, you can generate a whole thought.

This question is worth studying... Anyway, it’s relatively idle now. Observing the different biological developments is the joy of Lin, and the war seems to have not happened for a long time...

'boom! ’

When Lin was thinking this way, she heard a huge noise, just like an explosion. This was a loud noise uploaded from the salt fields, where Lin also placed some investigation bases.

The aerial investigation base immediately released some of the flying people to the destination, and Lin quickly saw the location where the loud noise came...

Sure enough, is it a rock?

From far away, I could see the target's place smoking a thick smoke, and the ground was smashed with a **** hole, as if the falling meteorite had broken, and there was only a pile of debris left in the hole.

Lin thinks that the meteorite should be down for a long time, but it seems to be quite a lot lately, but one of them fell so quickly?

After the meteorite did not smoke, Lin used the pilot to detect the stone. The material was different from what she had seen before. Did it fall from another place?

And this stone is not so hard, not suitable for use as a carapace or something, but Lin has a special discovery inside... In a stone, Lin found some fungi.

Accurately speaking, it is a fossil of fungi. There are some structures similar to archaea, which can't be completely confirmed, although it looks like it.

There should be a lot of creatures outside the sky, but the possibility of flying in with the meteorite may be low...

These things are really troublesome. Although it doesn't matter where Lin is being taken, I still feel that I have to have some predictive ability. What method is used to predict? These attacks from the sky...

Sound? Or use... brainwaves? By the way, the brain of dreams can play some ‘real’ roles.

Some creatures have special organs that release brain waves and then receive information, while some powerful creatures can even use brain waves to affect other creatures.

Lin should also use a similar detection method to detect the fall of the meteorite. At the same time, it is necessary to prepare some of the turrets in the air to knock them down. It really needs such a degree of defense. Lin doesn’t want any stone to suddenly fall. On the head of Susumi or Tucker.

Although I am also interested in seeing how the other kings will do after the sudden disappearance or death of the king, it is better to see them develop directly.

Thinking, Lin immediately began to create these defensive things, mainly in some important positions, and Lin made a spherical floating turret, which was filled with bombs every moment, ready to deal with any The sudden appearance of meteorites, against Shi Shilin, thinks that it is more appropriate to use armor-piercing bullets.

In addition, it is detected. Lynn uses a variety of detection methods, including sound, omnidirectional eyeballs and brainwave detection, which can respond to meteorites that suddenly appear.

Of course, this feels more troublesome, unlike the earthquake, which is a good prediction, but now there is only this method. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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