4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 158: The cost of extending territory

'boom! ’

Under the roaring artillery, the high-speed rotating armor-piercing blasts across the sky, and the powerful penetrating force instantly smashes the target's objects. When the target is not close to the ground, it becomes a day's debris.

Meteorite... It’s really quite a lot.

Lin's 'air defense turret' mainly consists of rift valleys, rivers, salt fields, dragon wood forests, jade dragons' communities, and underground bases. These turrets are equipped with hundreds of exploration units for observing meteorites. More.

After dozens of days and nights, they found and shot down two meteorites, each of which was about five or six meters in height, one on the river and one on the jungle in Tak.

Lin found that there are a lot of stars in the night sky across the sky, but there are very few people who have fallen, but I don’t know why it has changed so much. There are so many dozens of staying up late. It can be said that there are so many, it should be a chance. Small things are right.

Lin's turret is a large turret with a diameter of about six meters. It looks like a ball. The surface of the ball has a hole for shooting. There are also some inflatable sacs to help the turret float. Each turret can turn and crush at will. These things are not a problem.

However, this is only for occasional meteorite shooting. If the meteorite falls a lot, these turrets are too few.

Maybe you have to prepare a little more? But let's wait a moment, then I don't think the Rock will fall down a lot.

Su Lin is also preparing for some wars when Lin is ready to deal with the Rock.

The ethnic division of the Jade Dragon is clear, and there are special plants for building houses. Create hard soil. correct. This so-called hard earth seems to be called ‘ceramic’. I don’t know why there is such a weird word. Anyway, it’s a special kind of earth that burns hard.

In short, the division of work of Jade Dragon is clear, and of course there is a team dedicated to hunting. At present, because various systems have been established, the form is relatively stable. As the king, Susumi thinks that it is possible to expand the community and want to expand the community quickly. It requires more construction, more growers, and more.

The Emerald Dragon community still accumulates around the giant egg stone. They may have been brought together by the coercion of some other creatures, but now they have no reason to continue to nest.

So Susumi strengthened his troops even more, not only for hunting or defense, but for the attack...the army.

Despite the huge size of the Jade Dragon community, they have been afraid to attack some of the powerful dinosaurs nearby, but Susumi is preparing to gather troops on a large scale to try to open up new territories. But Susumi is not trying to attack the large carnivorous dinosaurs, it is going to attack some good targets first. For example... some of the jade dragons who left the market because of dissatisfaction with their decision.

Because Susumumi’s troops have a huge quantitative advantage, it easily defeated the emerald dragon group living nearby, but their members Susumi did not kill, but caught them and built them. Some stone houses have been put in them.

Susumui has a special idea, because the general jade dragons can't work all the time, they need time to rest, and they also need to be happy, can't stay in one place all the time...

Therefore, Susumi seems to be planning to replace them with other emerald dragons.

That's right, the group of emerald dragons who had just been brought back by Susumi, because they opposed Susumi, so Susumi forced them to work.

Susumi mainly makes them as builders, let them build houses, stone roads, etc., because it is mandatory, so they can keep working, and occasionally feed some food, which is better than letting other emerald dragons carry To be more efficient, the working hours are greatly increased, and things will be built quickly.

And because this is a group of opponents, other Emerald Dragons will not have an opinion on this practice.

Lynn thinks that Susumi’s idea is that when Lin travels with it, it sees some species that drive other species.

This method is really good, but it will lead to more problems...

However, Lin did not teach Susumi how to think, so these are their own ideas, it can be very powerful.

However, the number of jade dragons caught was not much, so Susumui continued to form an army attack, but because there were no other jade dragons around, Susumi turned his eyes to other creatures.

Susumui began to try to catch a variety of creatures, but almost every creature is impossible to obey, not only the language problem, but also intelligence and other reasons, Susumie is not very clear that intelligence is What's the matter, so it will try every species nearby...

Susumi even thought about driving the gnome to work, but the pygmy was very small and not suitable for all kinds of heavy work, so Susumi had to give up.

It still allows the Jade Dragons to constantly expand the surrounding territory, while producing more eggs in large quantities to supplement more jade dragons.

Lin feels that it is not very important to expand the ethnic group so nervously, and there is a problem... it is a place where they want to build a stone house to get rid of the surrounding trees. The jade dragon does not know how to deal with the big trees, but Recently they used a 'hammer', a large group of emerald dragons holding a large stone to knock down trees, and then vacated the area to build a jade dragon house.

Lin feels that this is not appropriate. Maybe there is a chance to find Susumi to say that they should not get rid of those trees, but now they are watching.

Susumi still commanded the army to run around after this. Susumi was looking for some species that could be captured. After searching the nearby area, it was finally tens of kilometers north of the location of the giant egg. The area found... a group of white dragons.

Bai Xiaolong’s community is everywhere, and Susumi has seen these creatures, so it immediately attacked the white dragons. The white dragon is taller than the emerald dragon, and the physical strength is much stronger, but this small community is almost impossible. With any resistance, they were quickly caught by Susumui, and Susumi discovered that it is easy for Bai Yulong to understand what they mean.

After that, Susumumi continued to go further to attack other white dragons. Instead of killing the target, he tried to get all the white dragons back, instead of some jade dragons to do more tired work.

In this way, Jade Dragon has a new job replacement...

By the way, there is another word to describe them.

'slave'. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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