4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3138: Extension of consciousness

Although the Burning Stars themselves are observing past history in ancient space, they cannot see other ancient space conditions.

But it can constantly investigate each different space to understand their history.

These ancient spaces are constantly spreading in the era of high temperature living things.

They may have been relatively small, but I don’t know why they started to grow and ‘spread’ in the void.

Through its own ability to control ancient space, the Burning Stars can investigate when a distant space has undergone a 'split' phenomenon.

Thus, it is known that these spaces... are actually increasing.

Each high-temperature organism has a certain ability to perceive and control the ancient space.

The closer to the previous generation, the stronger this ability.

In fact, even the very back, such as the generation of the Star Flames, they are also aware of the ancient space.

It can be said that these spaces connect them all together, as long as they evolve into the final form... they can feel the other high-temperature creatures through the ancient space, like what they are doing and what they have experienced.

All of this will be recorded in ancient space.

But the more amazing thing is that the records of ancient space are limited to the end of the end, after the end it will discard all the records and start a new round of records.

Therefore, in each final form of the creature, they can only perceive the high temperature biological conditions of their current era.

The Burning Stars feel that these ancient spaces... should be the original creatures left behind.

I don't know if they created it or after they died. In short, these ancient spaces are accompanied by high-temperature creatures... and they have been spreading and developing.

The Burning Stars feel that there are many secrets hidden in the ancient space, and it continues to investigate.

However, it has not been found... the direct connection between ancient space and the original creature.

In the constant investigation, it only discovered the close relationship between ancient space and high temperature organisms.

At the same time, the creatures of the final form seem to be because of the relationship between ancient space... want to 'finish' everything.

After they perceive everything, they will have the idea of ​​disregarding everything and wanting to end.

The Burning Stars tried to investigate where this thinking came from. It found that there were some 'characteristics' in the ancient space that would affect the 'neural nerve' itself.

Since the burning star is not a normal final form creature, it can still leave some special... thinking.

But what's more interesting is that if it was the first first-generation creature, there would be no such idea.

In fact, their thinking, which wants to end everything, is mainly produced by the combination of the later acquired ‘knowledge’.

Because later creatures were 'evolved' into the final form, the first generation of creatures, their knowledge did not disappear.

If a high-temperature creature without any knowledge of civilization evolves into its final form, it will not have the idea of ​​thinking about the end.

Simply speaking, they want to destroy civilization because they understand civilization.

The Burning Stars think this phenomenon is very strange, but the strangest thing is mainly one point.

That is the first generation of creatures, and the next generation of creatures was born on their bodies.

However, the first generation of the creatures 'evolved', the dead body will not give birth to any creatures.

This leads to the fact that if they really make the end successful, then the high temperature creatures will completely perish.

The Burning Stars made such a decision at the time.

It also has to continue... to support the end.

But this is not the reason it wants to see complete demise.

But it wants to... know more.

Under the influence of various conditions, high temperature organisms have produced quite a variety of changes.

These effects also include the attack of the creatures of the final form.

All kinds of influences make high-temperature organisms produce more and more species, and their territories are spreading more and more widely.

With the spread of high temperature organisms, ancient space will also spread.

Because in the investigation of the burning star, it discovered the 'growth rate' of ancient space...

In fact, this is consistent with the speed of development and diffusion of high temperature organisms.

That is to say, these high-temperature creatures continue to produce more forms, and the living areas expand to larger, and the ancient space will also increase.

At the same time, the extinction of high-temperature organisms in the past can also make the nature of these spaces more ‘stable’.

The ancient space that has just grown is relatively fragile and unstable, but when a large number of high-temperature creatures are 'destroyed', the ancient space near them will be stabilized.

Simply put, the growth of ancient space and the surrounding high temperature creatures can be said to be closely related.

Therefore, the burning star decided to maintain this terminal reincarnation.

Mainly because it wants to see the growth of ancient space, because as these spaces grow, its consciousness will also extend.

It allows your consciousness to connect to these ancient spaces and continue in the void.

It believes that there is always a time when its consciousness can spread to the edge of the void and understand everything about the void...

At the same time, there is another reason, that is, the burning star is very... like to see the development of these creatures.

I like to see them constantly trying to change into various forms in order to respond to different situations, and to work hard in different ways.

And Yong Yan is also the idea that is similar to it.

Although they are not a consciousness, the ideas are almost identical.

So they continue to do in the void... to maintain the end of things.

It seems to be at the end of the maintenance, but they are intended to allow the birth of high-temperature creatures, so that the ancient space ... has been developing.

Of course things are not so smooth.

Mainly... The Burning Stars had some accidents during the investigation of ancient space.

Because it believes that there are still quite a few secrets in the ancient space, it has not been discovered, and in fact it has been investigated for most of the time.

However, during the investigation, it encountered a special thing.

That is the emergence of another creature in the ancient space.

A creature that has nothing to do with high temperature organisms.

In fact, it is also the first time that the burning stars feel the creatures outside their population.

Before this, whether it was observing history or wandering in the void, the burning star had never seen a creature other than a hot creature.

It used to think that there was only one form of life in the void.

The emergence of this new creature has brought it quite a surprise.

But compared to the new form of life, the burning star is even more surprised by the ‘power’ of the other.

The other party is a very powerful creature.

Therefore, it can cause... the eternal death of Yong Yan.

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