4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3139: different

There are many different creatures in the void...not just one of them.

The burning star has lived for a long time to know such a fact.

The creatures it encounters seem to come from a very distant void.

In fact, the burning star was also discovered at that time... there are some ancient spaces that have extended to very far.

For a long time, the Burning Stars believe that the 'range' of ancient space and the range of voids that high-temperature creatures have reached are similar.

The burnt star can perceive the wide range of ancient space around it, but it can't always sense all the ancient space.

Therefore, it does not know that there are some ancient spaces that extend quite far and reach the depths of the void.

Some creatures from distant voids discovered ancient spaces. Finally, they approached the living areas of high-temperature creatures along ancient times and met the burning stars.

These creatures have fought with the burning stars.

They seem to have no reason to know each other to fight, but may simply feel that the other party is threatened.

Or some normal actions that they think are harmless, causing harm to the other party, and so on.

For example, the burning star is drifting past, and its high temperature will hurt the other side.

In short... they hit it up, and in the fierce battle, the Burners destroyed a lot of enemy troops.

In the memory of the burning star, Lin found that the creature it dealt with was a large group of creatures.

However, the enemy finally found the highest temperature in the burning star and continued to attack there.

In fact, they also use low temperature weapons.

Originally, this almost killed the burning star, but at the last moment, Yongyan ‘exploded’.

At this moment, the burning star burned again, and the burning star finally destroyed the creature.

However, Yong Yan has completely dissipated since then.

In fact, when Yongyan died, he did not say anything. It sacrificed himself to save the burning star.

After this, the Burning Stars left the ancient space and returned to the place where the Star Flames lived.

The Burning Stars have been burning for a long time because of the death of Yongyan, but this burning cannot last for too long.

What the Burning Stars wanted at the time was to 'create' a new eternal flame.

It found the dwelling point of the Star Flames and began to try to 'use' some of the Star Flames to make them evolve into Yongyan.

But the new Yongyan... has never been born.

The previous Yongyan seems to be a coincidence. Although other Star Flames can evolve into many forms, they cannot become Yongyan.

Yongyan is like a legend, completely disappeared.

And it really turned into a legend.

Because the people of the Star Flame discovered the Burning Stars, they communicated with the Burning Stars, and the Burning Stars told them about the Yong Flame.

This story has been preserved among the people of the Star Flame and has become a legend that has been passed down.

However, it seems that the legend is not exactly what the Burning Stars say, and there are a lot of new plots added later.

In short, there is not much difference in general.

The Burning Stars later found another way to keep themselves awake even without eternal flame, and then they left the residence of the Star Flames.

It began to continue what it wanted to do before.

That is to let the ancient space spread, on the surface to support the end, but in fact, watching the high temperature organisms maintain development.

At the same time, it has another thing to do.

That is to fight against 'intrusion'.

The flaming star has detected ancient passages that extend into the distance.

There are more creatures coming to this place along the ancient passage than it thinks.

However, the creatures that came later are not that powerful.

Some of them inadvertently enter the ancient space, even if they come here through the space, they can not adapt to the environment...

Other creatures have survived and are in contact with high temperature organisms.

Because of their generally low temperature, they are very 'defying' objects for high temperature creatures that have always worshipped high temperatures.

However, they did not launch any large-scale war.

The Burning Stars found that these creatures were not a threat, and it didn't care much.

There are more and more creatures from the distant space, and they are 'freely' developed here.

Some creatures worship high temperatures like the aborigines here, while others have little contact with high temperature creatures.

The Burning Stars found that even outsiders would be affected by the ‘thinking connection’ of ancient space.

The thinking of high-temperature creatures is actually connected by ancient space... and some outsiders also have this situation, and some kinds of alien creatures will feel the thinking of other high-temperature creatures through ancient space.

This is very interesting.

Therefore, the burning stars also found that they have some other uses.

That is when the times approach the end of the ‘and the end is coming again.

At that time, many high-temperature creatures tried to change their form, became a low-temperature form, and slept in various ways to survive.

The burning stars will wake up the creatures that try to live by sleeping.

Some sleeping creatures lived some ‘outsiders’.

These outsiders will also be affected by the sleeping high temperature biological thinking.

When the burning star wakes up the high temperature creature, it can be seen from the performance of the outsider...

If the outsider begins to worship the high temperature, it is that the creature is willing to wake up again.

If they appear to worship the high temperature and resist the high temperature, it is that the sleeping high-temperature creature is struggling with thinking.

By observing such methods as the outsiders living around, the burning star can know each other's ideas.

In general, trying to fight against awakening will be eliminated.

And if this group of outsiders quickly cools the world, the burning stars will let go of the world.

Because it believes, this means that sleeping high-temperature creatures try to change themselves to adapt to the situation.

Burning stars will stop attacking... but this is rare.

In general, high temperature creatures are willing to wake up, or try to fight against burning stars.

Soon, the end is approaching.

The Burning Stars are not only doing these things all the time, but they are continuing to study the ancient passages.

When the end is near, the Burning Stars have found a very interesting thing.

That is……

Since the ancient passage can see the past, can you see the future?

It is certainly not possible to see the future directly, but there may be ways to make it 'shuttle' to the future.

The control of ancient space gives the Burning Stars a way to make it 'shuttle' to the future.

It wants to witness what the future looks like, but it doesn't want to wait for a long time.

So... indeed it has reached the future.

Arrived at this... let it grieve the future.

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