The future... is not full of hope.

The Burning Stars did a lot of things before the end.

It has always thought that what it did was very successful.

Eliminate more high temperature creatures and make the ancient space more stable.

It also stimulates more high temperature organisms and changes them into a large number of new forms.

It has created countless possibilities. After this end... High-temperature creatures are certainly more abundant than the previous era, both in terms of population size and form richness.

The ancient space will also spread to the depths of the void. They are like the consciousness of the burning of the stars, spreading to the depths of the void.

At the same time, the burning stars are constantly studying the ancient space. It believes that they can finally "control" all the high temperature creatures through the ancient space.

It is like...become a concentration of their consciousness.

The burnt star does not want to wait for the end of the past, it actually takes a long time.

In the end, similar to the extinction of the creatures, there will be many creatures that will die in the first place, and then some time later, new creatures will wake up and move.

In short, the whole process is very long.

It therefore entered a special ancient space.

The Burning Stars believe that this ancient space allows it to travel to the 'future'.

What is more amazing is that Lin did not find out in the memory of the burning star how it was 'shuttled' to the future.

It seems to have deliberately erased this memory, although Lin believes that this should be the phenomenon that this ancient space has a similar solidification.

In short, the Burning Stars originally set the shuttle time just after the end of the end. At this time, it can observe the development of a new batch of species and then feel the extension of ancient space.

But it may be that something went wrong, this shuttle to the future time... It’s too long to shuttle.

That is to shuttle to the present era.

I have experienced too many things during this period.

The original star-burner was not sure that he had been so long.

It didn't have anything outside until it 'observed' from the space.

Its way of observation is mainly through the ancient space to sense the consciousness of other high-temperature creatures, responding to it... only a silence.

There are no high temperature creatures... to survive.

The original Burners were surprised by this. Later, after some investigations, they found that there were many places where there were high temperature creatures and the remains of the creatures that were originally called 'outsiders'.

In fact, it is not just a high temperature creature. The original outsiders are also extinct.

Its location has become a silent... low temperature void.

However, Lin felt that there should be some creatures, such as frits and other organisms that are continuation of high temperature organisms.

What's more interesting is that they continue the 'traditional' of high-temperature creatures and even make the creators want to become high-temperature forms.

But for some reason, they are disconnected from the ancient space, so the burning star can't feel them.

In addition to the frit, Lin believes that there may be a small number of other creatures, but no matter what... the burning star did not feel it.

It began to investigate the history of this 'future' and judged how long it took.

From those ruins, the Burning Stars discovered a rough history.

It’s been a long time since it’s been... It’s too long to be 'set’.

But how long is it?

Lin also has no way to translate the memories of the Burning Stars into accurate data.

Of course, the most surprising thing is the demise of high temperature creatures.

It originally believed that these creatures should live no matter how long they have been in the past...

Live for a long time by constantly changing the shape.

But no creatures lived, but they all perished... This gave the Burning Stars a 'sadness' mood.

In fact, it has never been sad before, not even the concept of sadness.

But now it has a similar mood.

But what is more amazing is that there is no 'death' in ancient space.

Under the detection of the Burning Stars, it found that these ancient spaces were as far as they thought... extending farther than ever...distance.

At the same time, it also found another new form of space, which is the kind of space that Lin is now common.

It’s just that the ancient space is a little different now, and the burning stars find themselves feeling very vague about them.

Originally, it can clearly feel all the ancient space in a wide range of imaginary air. If you concentrate, you can also find out where these spaces extend.

Now it can only feel the space roughly, but they don't know their size and exact location.

In the past, it seems that everything has changed a lot.

But the biggest threat to the burning star is... the void.

Its previous detection of everything was done in ancient space. It only discovered the situation of the outside environment after leaving the ancient space.

It was also noticed before it was detected in the space, but it was not fully noticed until it left.

The temperature of the outer void is reduced to an extremely low temperature.

There have also been dramatic changes in the environment, which have affected the Burners themselves... the way it is used to sustain itself is seemingly 'damaged' in this environment.

It can't maintain its own 'burning' again.

Although it can last for a while, it cannot last for a long time.

In such a strange environment, the Burning Stars launched an action.

What it did initially was to find ancient spaces where history can be seen and see what happened during this time.

And it did find such a space nearby.

This ancient space has not seen many of the burning stars, but it knows at least some historical events.

For example... after the end.

In fact, at the end of the day, there were still many creatures that survived.

For example, the people of the Star Flame, as well as the species that have changed themselves like the Frost Fort.

But... how are they extinct?

The Burning Stars did not find the cause of extinction. In fact, the history of ancient space is also vague... It can only be seen in general that the number of these creatures is getting smaller and smaller, and the dispersion is getting farther and farther.

However, during the investigation, the Burning Stars also discovered that some creatures 'shuttled' to this future.

That is the creature of the Star Flames.

Creatures like the Star Flames themselves can live in this environment.

After discovering them, the burning star thinks that the extinction of high temperature organisms is not the cause of the environment.

Certainly there are special events that have led to their destruction.

And what it has to do is to find out the cause of the extinction of high temperature organisms.

At the same time, it also needs to recover these high temperature creatures.

To this end... it has embarked on a new journey in this ‘future’.

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