Why do you want to make this choice?

Lynn feels that this may be attributed to the similar characteristics of the people of Burning Gold and Star Flame.

In fact, they don't have their own 'personality'.

It seems that some high-temperature creatures have this characteristic, that is, what the surrounding creatures are, and they become a very similar character.

As long as they live with other creatures for a long time, their way of thinking, even their values, will be close to that creature.

This effect usually comes from the most intelligent creatures they have contacted, and no creatures affect them.

Initially they lived around some other biological civilization and lived a life of 'picking up the waste.'

After they slowly developed, they began to contact more civilizations.

Then the character of 'burning gold' has become similar to these civilized creatures. It seems that after touching too many intelligent creatures, it will produce a kind of 'comprehensive' character.

However, the most important thing is that they like these civilizations. They like to communicate with various civilizations, or to observe the life of these civilizations, even wars and other things.

They find that if you want to be the dictator of the fear of all civilizations according to the data... then you will lose all your current thinking.

Of course, these civilizations here will also be destroyed.

As a result, the burning of gold began a heated discussion, mainly on how they should choose.

Is to choose the 'route' left by the original high-temperature creatures to become a fearless creature of incomparably powerful civilization, or...

Save the civilization here.

What's more regrettable is that they don't talk about too many things about the original high-temperature creatures. They are only discussed. They are the masters of the fear of all civilizations that were 'designed' at the beginning.

What Linde found to be more interesting is that these are the fuels that are gathered here, each of which has a 'biased personality'.

Every individual who comes here has different personalities, and their personalities are all biased towards different civilizations.

This is also the way they generally discuss and decide things, that is, to have representatives who are biased towards different civilizations to discuss.

Although this seems to cause a lot of conflicts, they actually seem to be a race without any civil war.

Characters biased towards different creatures will make them disagree, but this is limited to communication, they will not attack the same kind.

This is not from the point of view of their exchanges, but Lin was known in the ruins of the burning of gold through the intelligent system they left behind.

After the burning of gold here, they made a decision after a series of discussions.

They believe that the civilization here should not perish, so... they chose to imprison all civilizations.

Finally, this idea was also passed.

So they started to work on this...

In fact, this process was not achieved immediately, but it took a long time.

Their specific method is to "attract" the fear of civilization into the ancient space, or to capture it.

This has been used for a long time.

Lin is also here to see the discussion of their entire process.

Every time we capture some of the fear creatures of civilization, they will gather here to discuss.

Although Lynn saw them coming in and discussing in a short period of time, the whole process took a long time.

Here is the time to accelerate...

In the end, they almost captured the fear of all civilizations, which led to the rapid development of other civilizations in this environment without threats.

After almost success, this group of gold has once again gathered together for the final discussion.

They believe that these ancient spaces should be destroyed.

They believe that as long as the ancient space is still there, it may affect the emergence of fears of new civilizations.

This proposal does not have the approval of most fuels as it did last time.

They feel that ancient space is also very important, and this place is quite useful for their future development.

They are currently mainly used for long-distance travel through ancient spaces.

So their meetings are also in constant debate.

However, something special happened at this time.

A group of burning gold suddenly broke into this ... meeting point.

This group of fuels mainly refused to help other civilizations in the initial meeting, but wanted to control the fear of all civilizations.

This group of fuels shows that all the fuel in the meeting, they have already started... the system that makes their entire population 'data'.

Once this system is activated, the data of their population will be imported into the ancient space, thus giving birth to the ultimate fear of civilization.

Other fuels were shocked by this, and then Lin found them... and soon started to fight.

These creatures suddenly squirmed a variety of weapons from their bodies and attacked each other.

What's more interesting is that they attack not to fire bullets, but to use something that affects the 'spirit'.

It is an attack similar to a brain wave, but there are some differences. Their weapons can emit a lot of signals every time they fire.

The fuel burned by these signals will instantly enter a state of thinking and will not do anything.

This will recover after a while, but after being hit by a large number of attacks, their thinking seems to be completely abolished and cannot be recovered.

It seems that they are not a race that does not have a civil war at all.

The battle between the two sides was very close, and after a period of time, most of the fuel on the field did not move.

Originally they had hundreds, and now there are only ten.

These ten seem to have stopped shooting because there was no ammunition.

None of these ten things were said.

They just looked at each other like each other... no more fights.

This lasted for a long time.

When Lin felt that the image was played here, they only moved.

These ten fuels, they are so in situ to be ashes.

But it seems that not only these ten.

Although these illusions of burning gold no longer appear, Lin can still feel some information here.

There is a mention in these messages... The same is true of the entire civilization that burns gold.

Individuals of their population, dissipated one by one, turned into dust.

Then their civilizations slowly perished.

No individual is left behind.

The reason for this is that ancient space is 'recycling' them.

They have indeed changed back to 'data' and returned to ancient space.

But they are a little different from what they think... Supporting the burning of the fear of civilization, they are thought to become a powerful creature of fear, not a dusty ‘data’.

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