4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3180: Ordinary birth

"What the **** is going on..."

"Of course, there is no result, and the entire civilization has turned into dust."

"Become part of this."

"We may be wrong."

“We are not a 'key' creature in our own right...”

Lin is still in a special area of ​​the ancient space.

In this place, Lynn saw many of these 'burning gold' things... and saw that their population ended in extinction.

However, they are actually alive.

The ancient space turned all of its population into data, and this data... also gave birth to a fear of civilization.

It is now, just before Lin's pompoms.

"Do you think so too? Tell me what you think, and... the meaning of your coming here."

This creature, Lin called it a 'bubble'.

Because it looks like a large group of ... golden bubbles, they sometimes spread out, sometimes gathered, just like a group of bubbles.

They will fly around and occasionally change shape and become a variety of 'phantoms'.

The phantoms that Lin had seen before were also changed.

Lin is still unclear about what kind of structure this ‘bubble’ is.

It can only be seen that it can change constantly. In general, it is like a bunch of ethereal golden bubbles.

In Lin and its communication, Lin learned that it has been here since its birth.

In fact, it was born on the bodies of some feared creatures of civilization.

Some of the fear creatures of civilization were imprisoned in ancient space, but they did not stay awake, but woke up on the way.

The fear creatures of these civilizations died here because they could not find a way to leave the prison.

And its body was affected by the ancient space, and finally the 'bubble' was born.

The bubble has always stayed here... After a long period of time, it awakened the 'perceived' power of ancient space.

Thus, through the ancient space, we know the history of burning gold, and it also confirms that it is the biological data of burning gold.

Of course, it does not tell the details of Lin.

It tells Lin that it will not be taken care of for most of the creatures that come here.

But there are some creatures that will want to change it to data.

There are also some creatures that tell them... some history of the past, such as creatures like Lynn.

Lynn asked him carefully, it said... This is mainly because it feels that Lynn is part of the high temperature creature.

However, this is just its 'feeling' and it has not been carefully certified.

In general, it has been very...free at this place.

Basically, it is to treat all kinds of creatures entering the ancient space by feeling, and it is not a hot creature. It will say these things.

Lynn thinks this is quite wonderful.

Next, Lin continued to talk to the bubble carefully.

About the army of Ershi... It is wonderful that it does not know.

It tells Lynn that this place is a very... dangerous place.

In this ancient space, there are many hidden traps and the like, and if you don't pay attention, you will fall into these traps.

Many creatures are lost in this place.

... In fact, those who burned gold also discovered some of the characteristics in ancient space before they came up with a plan for imprisonment.

If it is true, then you can only investigate these places.

It also means that there are some other creatures in it, which are related to the fear of civilization.

Simply put, they are all born out of ‘data’.

The fear creatures of civilization born here are somewhat different from those of the outside.

That is to say... they will not attack other civilizations, but they will live here very quietly.

Or compared to the comparison... casual.

Next, Lin and the bubble said something about the database.

To be precise, it is mentioned that there is a ... outside the organism trying to turn its own data into data here, and to create a very powerful civilization of fear.

And the bubble tells Lin that this kind of thing is...not very likely.

In the past, fuel money also thought so. They thought that they could become the most powerful civilization fear in research and investigation.

However, they did not succeed, in fact they never thought of this result.

They are only treated as very 'normal' data.

At the beginning, the bubble felt that fuel was still very special, because burning gold was the first fear of civilization.

And they are the first to discover the storage data in this ancient space.

The bubble believes that the burning of gold must be inextricably linked to this space, and what should be done later is what caused this.

However, some creatures appeared later.

The bubble found that some new creatures have learned the data of ancient space through research, and also feel that they can... upload some data and create a fear of the most powerful civilization.

And this creature's move also failed, its end is almost the same as burning gold, it just got a 'normal' data.

This data does not create a powerful civilization fear creature.

It is said that other creatures appeared later.

The bubble said that all the creatures that actually appeared later, as long as they have the ability to investigate the data storage here, they will definitely think that they can make a powerful civilization fear here, but the results are not very good.

In this way, Lynn feels that this space is indeed a ... trap.

This may have some sort of 'spoof' system that causes other creatures to misunderstand, and the goal should be to get their data.

The creatures that have been able to investigate the data storage function in ancient space in history are powerful and scarce, in fact, several.

These creatures have lived in the void for a long time, and have a lot of knowledge. If they turn their knowledge into data and send it into the ancient space, it is quite a huge amount of data for the ancient space.

Collecting this data should be the purpose of the original high temperature creature, although I don’t know why...

However, there is always a lot of use for data information.

So, is the database also deceived?

It is currently not confirmed.

But Lynn feels that the data in the database may indeed be special.

After all, it even controlled the fear of some civilizations before transmitting data.

So its data may indeed create a powerful civilization of fear creatures, and attack the Ershi troops...

It should also be it.

According to the bubble, Lynn decided to go to a very suspicious place next to investigate to see...m.

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