4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3183: Manufacturing

‘ booming’

After the constant tremor, Lin found that a lot of things were hit by the place where the 'incinerators' hit.

They have a smooth surface and look like a limb-like creature with many limbs on the same head.

Their shape is almost the same as that of the creatures on the ground that look like mice.

These things are tens of meters in size, they squeezed out the surrounding 'clouds' and drilled out from underneath.

And when they got out of it, they rushed to Ershi’s ‘incinerator’.

'boom! The incinerator's heavy punches directly hit the first creature that had been thrown into the cloud, and the incinerator then emitted the other beams.

Every attack penetrates the target precisely, and these creatures are quickly turned into flying ash.

However, at this time, more vibrations were heard on the surface, and many creatures were drilled from the ground and rushed toward the incinerator.

The ‘rats’ on the ground are cheering because they think ‘God’ is going to save them.

Although these ‘God’ are not very strong.

Incinerators can easily fly or break them, and beams can easily... melt them.

Although they continue to drill out, there are no individuals who can approach the incinerator.

‘Boom! At this time, Lin saw a creature directly flew out by the incinerator, which crashed into a large number of buildings and eventually fell into the clouds.

Those buildings are also the last few buildings here, and their collapse also means the destruction of the entire city.

The incinerators also left here and flew to other places.

But when the incinerator just flew not far, there were a lot of creatures in the clouds underneath it, and they attacked it again.

In fact, it’s not just here... Lin confirmed the location of each incinerator not long ago and found that each of them was attacked.

It seems that a large number of ‘God’ have been dispatched.

Lin looked at them and fought against the incinerators while investigating these ‘God’.

The way Lin investigates them is to find a ... dead body that was attacked by the incinerator, but still a complete body.

Then it was carefully examined.

The composition of this creature is almost identical to those on the surface.

Of course they are not as hollow as buildings, they are filled with complex structures... So Lynn suspects that the buildings that might be on the surface are originally composed of the bodies of creatures called ‘God’.

Then, Lin let the pompoms get into the hole that was left on the surface when these ‘God’ were drilled.

Lin mainly wants to see...they usually live where they live.

Because, Lin believes that there should be a more powerful creature... commanding them.

After going deep into the places they drilled, Lin felt like she had entered the maze of clouds.

There are also a lot of small creatures in the activity... They look like an arthropod, but they are a few centimeters in size.

But these small creatures... have given Lin a lot of interest.

Because, they... look like the database.

When Lin is close to these little creatures, she can feel a brain wave-like message directly from them.

But they are not cell biology, but there are some special structures in the body that can send this signal.

They don't communicate with Lin, but they are similar... talking to themselves.

"It was taken away...the data, the setting... was taken back."

"I can't succeed, it seems to have been noticed... I have already been noticed."

"But... I still want to succeed, it's not impossible... this must be... it's possible!"

"It’s the last step..."

These creatures are basically saying these words here, it seems to be very complicated, but in fact... these words are consistent with what the current database thinks.

The brain parts of those databases captured by Lynn, except those who are self-destructive, are not living on the surface, but they are constantly thinking about these things.

This seems to be a remorse for the whole thing, but it is very vague and there is no way to see the exact meaning.

However, Lin found here that these creatures are not just the same as the brains of the database.

They occasionally send out information that the brain of the database does not have.

There are interesting things mentioned in this information, like... a more detailed 'interpretation' of these vague words.

After watching it for a while, Lin found that these ideas in the database were mainly related to another creature.

That is the maker of it and the sea of ​​the creator of the creator of the creator.

It used to enter the ancient space where information can be transmitted with Lin, and to transmit information and transform data...

The database felt another special signal.

This signal comes from the sea of ​​creators.

To be precise, the sea of ​​creators is ‘invading’ ancient space and acquiring data from ancient space.

In fact, the database has questions about this.

It cannot be sure that this is the sea of ​​creation.

Because, it believes that the sea of ​​creation will not do this.

But the familiar information it feels... is indeed derived from its essence.

Therefore, the database is now in a state of confusion.

It is now that these ideas are not 'repentance' but a kind of confusion about whether or not to create the sea of ​​creation.

Lynn thinks this is very interesting... so Lynn decided to start some investigations.

In fact, Lynn has done a lot of searching for the creator's ‘essence’ direction.

But the search in history seems to only make it more mysterious.

But now, Lynn feels that it may not be possible to really get close to this creature.

Because the database is perhaps one of the closest creatures to the sea of ​​creation.

But there is no way to find out what the investigation database is.

The key to the investigation is the creatures found here in the 'Cloud Sea'.

These creatures...the database was created with ‘data’.

They are obviously not the most powerful creatures of civilization, and they seem to be a very weak creature.

However, Lynn feels that they have something special, such as the fact that Ershi’s troops have disappeared into this place.

And if there is really a signal to create the sea, maybe they are the key to detecting this signal.

They are a database, but they are not a database.

It can be said that it is a kind of 'new species'.

Therefore, Lynn feels that there are some ways to use them. They don't have the complete database of thinking about Lin's defense...m.

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