4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3184: 02 area

"They... are full of confusion."

"Why do they want to do this?"

"Do they want everything here?"

Lin's pompom is now in the depths of this special 'cloud sea'.

Lynn found a lot of small creatures made from database data.

The number of these small creatures made by the database is very large, and they have been doing all kinds of things... talking to themselves.

While testing them, Lin came to a deep position in the sea of ​​clouds, where Lin found a creature that felt very interesting.

Lin feels that it can be called a 'synthesis center'.

That is, the location where these small creatures were born.

This place is somewhat like a cave, but the surrounding walls are soft and soft like clouds. There are many small ponds on the ground.

The liquids in these ponds are all colored, and whenever a creature is born, it will be drilled out of the pond.

The creatures that have just been drilled are also colored, and after a short while they become white.

When I came here, Lynn saw many small creatures crawling out of the pond.

So... Lin immediately wanted to start researching here, but when Lin was trying to do this, she suddenly felt some ‘speaking’ here.

This discourse is similar to the brainwave information of these small creatures in the database.

But it is not what they sent.

It comes from... this whole cave.

"Look at them, they have no expectations for the future, they will only be in a daze here, yes, they can only be in a daze."

"But I like them very much, they are what I expected, they are... the creatures I am looking forward to."

This brainwave has always been talking like talking to himself... Lin feels that it may have something to do with the database... so I have a question about it.

"who are you?"

"I feel it... I feel its words! They are eager for the future! You can't do this, you can't let these creatures long for this! I will... destroy you all!"

After Lin’s question was issued, Lin found that the cave began to vibrate.

The ponds that are giving birth to small creatures have changed from color to... transparent colors.

At the moment, the walls of the cave, which are surrounded by clouds, all stretched out a lot of ... spikes toward Lin's pompoms.

These spikes pierced Lin's pompoms at the same time, and Lin felt that they had a strong heat at the moment of piercing, and in the next... every spike was blown up.

The violent explosion destroyed Lin's pompom... This made Lin feel... very strange.

What kind of creature is this information, why does it... attack the pompom?

In this regard, Lin issued some questions about the bubble.

Because some of Lin’s other arms remained in the '01’ area of ​​the bubble, and after asking about the bubble there, the bubble performed very...is incredible.

"How is this possible? You really saw that creature? Did you really receive that information?"

Although Lin has only a very simple description, the bubble seems to immediately feel what Lin is describing.

Under Lin's inquiry, the bubble told Lin.

This is a fear of civilization.

This creature died a long time ago, it should have been like this... But now if Lin says it is true... it means it is resurrected.

It has no name. If it is to be called, the general bubble is called in the area in which it is located, which is ‘02’.

‘02’ is a very strange creature.

It has the ability to control data... If this ancient space is to use data to make a certain creature, then 02 has the function of giving this data creature from its body.

To put it simply, the ancient space uses some of the material in it to make new creatures as 'materials'.

The creatures that are made usually live on the spot.

That is to try to live on the body of 02, using the various things in it as a food resource to grow and develop.

02 also likes it very much.

This makes Lin feel that it has some similarities with the bus.

However, 02 is slowly not satisfied with just letting a small number of creatures live in it, and it begins to try to get more creatures.

To this end, it tries to touch the data in the ancient space.

The bubble said that I didn't know how 02 did it, but it found that 02 did use some method, resulting in a large number of creatures in ancient space.

These creatures live on 02, making it rich in the body. If it is so, it is nothing special.

But then on 02, something even more amazing happened, that is, it started making creatures by itself.

The bubble believes that 02 can store 'data' in its own body, and has the same method of using data to make organisms like ancient space.

It... mastered this technology.

At this time, 02 is everywhere to attack the fear creatures of civilization who live here.

It kills many fear creatures of civilization, the purpose is to get their data, and then make a variety of creatures.

Since many fears of civilization are in the process of 'sleeping', it is very simple to kill them 02.

But some creatures woke up in the process of being killed by it, and they fought fiercely with 02.

The bubble said that 02 has come... I have found it.

At the time, the bubble, along with other fearful creatures of civilization, finally killed 02, and then they eliminated the body of 02...

Later, it never heard of the news of 02.

But why... 02 has once again appeared in the '02 area'?

The only possibility is that the ancient space has once again created a 02.

At this time, 02 is everywhere to attack the fear creatures of civilization who live here.

It kills many fear creatures of civilization, the purpose is to get their data, and then make a variety of creatures.

Since many fears of civilization are in the process of 'sleeping', it is very simple to kill them 02.

But some creatures woke up in the process of being killed by it, and they fought fiercely with 02.

The bubble said that 02 has come... I have found it.

At the time, the bubble, along with other fearful creatures of civilization, finally killed 02, and then they eliminated the body of 02...

Later, it never heard of the news of 02.

But why... 02 has once again appeared in the '02 area'?

The only possibility is that the ancient space has once again created a 02.

At the time, the bubble, along with other fearful creatures of civilization, finally killed 02, and then they eliminated the body of 02...

Later, it never heard of the news of 02.

But why... 02 has once again appeared in the '02 area'?

The only possibility is that the ancient space has once again created a 02.

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