4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 163: Unrecognized childhood

'boom--! ! ! ’

At the moment when Susumumi stabbed, a fierce roar suddenly sounded, and the entire palace shook a bit. The things placed on the map also became irresent at this moment.

Susumi also stopped the attack, and when the roaring shocked it, the target in front of it suddenly disappeared...

Susumi suddenly stunned, and other emerald dragons may not have seen this momentary disappearance, because any color-changing creature is difficult to achieve this speed, but Susumi has seen it.

"Is it..."

Susumui still stood in the same place, maintaining a stabbing posture, but the surrounding guards were scared by the voice, they gathered together and said to Susumi: "Wang, that voice, it rang again... ”

"Yeah." Susumumi retracted the stone blade. It looked at the map of the roaring screaming west: "Don't it... is it coming back?"

"What?" The guards did not understand what Susumumi said. At this time, the guards also noticed that the sudden appearance of the jade dragon did not know when it was gone.

"Is that strange stranger escaping? Just hurry to find it!" When the guards were about to continue looking, Susumi suddenly said: "Forget it, don't look for it, Mukla, continue to discuss things about war. ""

"But..." Mukla seems to want to say something, but after seeing Susumi’s expression, it bows its head: "Yes... the guards, put the map!"

This is also very interesting...

Lynn’s spy did not leave, but still looked at Susumu here and set up the map, then began to discuss.

The sound that was before was made by Lin. But to be precise. A meteorite was found in the high-altitude turret. Some meteorites are broken when they are hit, but Lin will also use the non-piercing bullets to hit the meteorites, which occasionally triggers a strong explosion, just like it did, can cause a lot of noise.

Lynn has already destroyed hundreds of meteorites in these years. They have appeared more frequently recently. I don’t know if it is related to the changes in the stars in the sky.

It is difficult to determine whether these meteorites pose a serious threat, but if there is a city that has reached the Emerald Dragon. There will be a lot of deaths, so Lin is currently protecting them, and Lin wants to see them compete with other creatures, not wanting to see them being killed by inexplicable stones...

The Emerald Dragons have heard the sound of a meteorite explosion several times. Although they can scare them every time, there are some habits, and Susumi knows something like a meteorite. Before Lin and it said related things, presumably it also Better understand this kind of thing.

Lin began to wonder what Susumumi thinks about herself. It is really strange. It seems that there is no such thing as Tucker worshipping himself, in the entire Emerald Dragon city. There are no statues and deeds related to the pompoms. In fact, Susumi never mentioned the pompoms.

Therefore, the Jade Dragon did not worship Lin's pompoms like the dragon, but this does not mean that Susumi has forgotten Lin. In fact, there is still a place with only pompons... and it is here. Inside the palace.

Lynn’s spy left the map room where the tactics were discussed. Before Lin walked away, Susumumi was still discussing the incident with Mukla, but it was not very focused, as can be seen from its expression. It is paying attention to something else...

Expressions are a very fun thing, which allows creatures to show their thoughts on their faces. According to their thoughts, their facial muscles will change accordingly. In fact, there are many creatures that make expressions, but they are complicated. There are fewer expressions, but the developmental creatures like Snapdragon and Emerald Dragon have a richer expression, and Lin finds that they have more communication with the same family, and the expression is more abundant. The development of the Jade Dragon has already had an extremely rich expression.

Like Susumi, it usually uses an expression to direct other emerald dragons.

At the same time, many Emerald Dragons learned how to judge expressions and observe each other's thoughts.

This practice has been like feeling for a long time.

Thinking of this, Lin had already walked to the hall of the palace and went to the deepest part of the palace.

Here is a long corridor with some rooms on both sides. These rooms don't seem to have any special practical use. Many rooms are empty, but there are some things like dinosaur skin.

Susumi seemed to just want to get a little more room, but did not consider the use of these rooms. In fact, only Susumi himself lived with a group of gnomes and a few emerald dragons in the palace. Other guards were nothing. Living in the palace, however, the palace will always guarantee the exchange of turns, keeping the guards in place.

After walking through a few empty rooms, Lin saw that there was a lot of weapons in the room. Lin felt a little strange and walked into the room...

There are all kinds of weapons here, as well as some small statues, which are all thought out by Susummi and some of the more intelligent jade dragons.

At first, the emerald dragons only used wooden spears. Later, some of them would tie sharp stones and bones to the wooden spears with vines, and become sharper stone spears or bone spears. After Susumi, They use not only spears, they learn to make a variety of weapons, mainly for dealing with different kinds of creatures.

Like the 'bow and arrow' made of some flexible vines or dinosaurs, there are some weapons that cut the side of the stone, such as 'axe', 'sword', etc. In this way, Susummi recently developed a new suture technique that uses a small bone needle to stitch together some dinosaur skins to achieve a defensive effect.

It is true that this kind of individual creature cannot create new arms like the divisional species, so Lynn also believes that their development direction is to constantly piece together all kinds of things and then put them on themselves to change their power.

However, the biggest problem with this kind of thing is still the same, and their enemies can also use it. Susumi has an example. When they attack a large white dragon community, because of the negligence of several guards, their The weapon was taken away, and as a result, Bai Xiaolong quickly learned how to use it, and in turn killed some emerald dragons.

After that, Susumi tried to create something more complicated, and at the same time managed the slaves of the Bailong.

Now Susumi is trying to develop some powerful long-range attack weapons. In this room, Lin can see a statue that looks like a bow and arrow. In fact, this is a big thing, Susumi tried to put The large pillars they used to push down the trees were ejected on a huge bow and arrow, but the thing seemed to have not yet been created, but a statue model was created.

There are still some models of other things here. Some of them are very strange. Lin feels that some things are unlikely to be actually created, but they also reflect Susumie’s imagination. This is not just a weapon. The place is still a place to make new things.

After leaving the room, Lin faced the final room. It was also the place where Susumumi slept, which is probably the largest place in the palace.

It's not because Susumumi needs a lot of places to sleep, but it likes to put something here... spoils.

As soon as she entered the room, Lynn saw a lot of heads...accurately the skull of the creature.

Under the walls, there are many powerful creature skulls, such as the tyrant monitor lizard, the raging dragon, the spinosaurus, etc., and not only meat, but also large plants such as the big horned dragon and the dome dragon. The skull of the eating creature.

Susumu doesn't like collecting bones like a gnome, but it really likes to collect the skulls of the large prey that it has caught. It also has some wreckage of large trap plants. Perhaps it is unusual to beat these creatures. A sense of accomplishment, though not a victory for itself.

Lin found that some other nobles and jade dragons with various decorations are not only to make themselves look good, but also to ‘contrast’.

Even if there is competition in the nobles, they always like to bring some more precious and rare sights than the surrounding ones. I don't know when they started to produce such useless thoughts.

Susumi collects these skulls and only shows them for themselves. Generally, other jade dragons cannot come in.

In the center of this room is where Susumumi usually sleeps, there is nothing, there is only an empty floor.

The ‘Gui Lai’ jade dragon likes to put some soft things, such as leaves, a lot of jade skin, etc., when sleeping, which is more comfortable and warm.

But Susumu doesn't seem to like it, maybe because it knows how comfortable it is, it is easy to become vulnerable.

Other emerald dragons like to enjoy, and Susumi is quite far-sighted. Susumumi is preparing a large number of weapons and equipments to fight against possible wars... Susumi’s knowledge is more, Therefore, it also understands what is called a dragon outside the dragon, and there is a heaven outside of heaven. Even if they build a huge city, they will not be able to relax.

The word is really interesting to say...

Lynn could see a special thing hanging on the top of Susumi’s bed, a statue of pompom.

This pompon statue was made by Susumumi himself. There is absolutely no other jade dragon involved. In fact, Susumumi did never tell anything about the pompoms of other emerald dragons, but it made itself. A statue of his own. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ the holy moon of the holy fish ~

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