4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 164: Worship object

why? The purpose of Susumi’s doing this... It made this statue of pompoms, but did not tell other emerald dragons, did not let other emerald dragons worship the pompons...

Lin doesn't know Susumi's heart, but it's so interesting. Personality is like this. Every personality has a big difference.

Just as Lin thought about it, Susumi came in. It seems that he had already discussed the matter about Li, although Lin did not listen carefully, but before seeing it, he knew that it was very likely to go to war.

Since they are going to fight, Susumi will definitely decide to attack first when they are sitting here waiting for them to attack. Susumi usually rides Yaron in the sky during the battle, although he likes to fight himself, but in general he is commander. It’s too awkward to go to fight in person, just like the brain worms roll out and attack themselves.

Susumi walked into his room. He looked at the heads of various creatures around him, then walked to the center of the room and looked up at the statue of the pompom.

"Is it back?" Susumi looked at the pompom and spoke softly. Lin could feel its thoughts complicated... Some happy, some... fear?

Will it fear the pompom? Although Lin took it with Leviathan for a while, but most of the time is the pompoms followed by Susumi, the pompoms are not very powerful, and should not cause fear.

Or... is it fearing something else?

At this time, the surrounding light slowly became dark, it seems that it is almost late, after a while, Susumi stood up. Going out to the door of the room.

The spy followed Susumumi. It was found that it had reached the room where the weapon was placed before. Looking at the statues of the ‘new weapons’ on the ground, they began to think again... It reached out and played with the huge bow and arrow statue that could shoot the stone pillars. This is probably the most likely thing to be made.

Susumi really likes to think about it. It was shown a long time ago. Susumu does not like it so much. It is always worried about a lot of things...

"If you want to win the battle, you must be there before... beat it with this." Susumi seems to be talking to himself, and Lin knows what it is saying. Susumi always wanted to get the biggest Yalong, the Yalong leader Dorok... The wall above this room is engraved with the shape of this huge Yalong.

Of course not adult, but Doluck's egg, some of the status of the Jade Dragon guards have their own Yalong mount, and Susumi is king, it certainly wants to get the biggest Yalong.

Although the Jade Dragons are now able to live on their own, the legend of Dorothy has been circulating, and the Jade Dragons believe that this powerful creature that roars against thunder can bring victory to the battle.

However, adult Yalong is impossible to obtain unless it is thundered to the head, and such a Yalong is stupid. Therefore, the Jade Dragons will now try to get Yalong from a small age to get the ‘complete’ Yalong.

But there has never been an Emerald dragon trying to get the eggs of a wild Yalong, and Susumi seems to be planning to do so. And its goal is the leader... the huge Yalong with a wingspan of fifteen meters!

Lin thinks this is not very good, but it won't stop it. Now Lin is not here to think about it. Now that the night has come, Lin may have to go out and have a look. At night, this city of emerald dragons There will be a lot of wonderful things.

Lin slowly left the palace and returned to the upper area filled with gorgeous buildings. As the sky darkened, the emerald dragons all lit up the flames. They used a special kind called 'the brazier'. To illuminate things, it is to put a pile of mixed and continuous fuel in a ceramic pot and then ignite to maintain the illumination for a long time.

In fact, the manufacture of the brazier is very simple. Except for the lower zone, almost every Emerald dragon's house illuminates this kind of flame, which makes the entire Emerald Dragon City brighter in the night.

Lin followed the fire and walked to another special building called the ‘Cult of the Worship’, the largest building in the upper area except the palace.

In front of the worship hall, there is a large brazier with a diameter of more than three meters. With the arrival of the night, this huge brazier is also ignited with raging fire. With the spread of the burning sensation, a large number of emerald dragons have Gathered over.

These emerald dragons are members of the ‘the meteorite admirers’ who stand around the brazier and then read some strange words in their mouths.

In fact, this worship was accidental. One time, Lin broke a meteorite in the air, and then some emerald dragons saw the spark of the sky explosion. They didn't know how they worshipped this rock.

The reason why they worship the meteorites is related to fire. They think that they can get warmth and light. The jade dragon is more afraid of cold. Although there is no snow in this continent, the temperature will become lower in winter, when the jade dragons Fires and dinosaur skins are used to warm up, while those underlying areas that are unable to warm are often prone to death in the winter due to the cold.

These jade dragons are not just worshipping the meteorites. They like to worship all kinds of things. Lin walked into the worship hall. There is no separate room, but a big space, placed on the surrounding walls. A variety of large slate, carved on the slate with a variety of worship creatures, like Doruk is also in this.

A large number of emerald dragons gather here, they are surrounded by their own worship, you can see that there are many jade dragons that are not expensive. In fact, every night and night, there will be a day and night called 'Worship Day', at this time, the 'lower people' of the other layer will take the initiative to enter this place.

Jade Dragon also worships some giant creatures, such as some large long-necked dragons, giant sharks, etc., and some other things that the emerald dragons imagined by their own thoughts. Lin sees a ball on a slate. I don't know what it is.

At the same time, Jade Dragon also worships the sun and clouds. Generally speaking, there is no limit to the object of worship, but occasionally there will be quarrels of jade dragons for worship.

However, the most admired of them is their king - Susumumi! Its statue stands in the center of this hall, with many emerald dragons gathering around it...

The main purpose of Lin’s coming here is not only to look at their worship, but also to find something...

This is about... a very old creature. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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