4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 165: Ancient record

When did the community of Jade Dragon begin? When are they going to record the creatures?

This may be thousands of years ago or even longer, and it is difficult to determine how long they have been, but their recent development has indeed exceeded the previous countless times.

The more developed a bio-community, the faster they will develop, and the faster their intelligence and supplies will grow, but this does not prevent them from retaining some very old things.

Emerald Dragon should have had the habit of admiring something a long time ago, and at that time they had learned to portray this kind of thing. At that time, Jade Dragon portrayed some creatures on the slate for worship, and it continued for a long time. Time, now, in this hall of worship, you can also find the characterizations they retain.

Lin's spy went to a corner of the worship hall. There is no jade dragon here. It is estimated that it has not been worshipped by the emerald dragon for so long, but this painting is still preserved...

In the corner, you can see a one-meter-high slate with a strange sight on it, which looks like a giant creature, because some trees are painted around the creature, you can see it. The body shape, it looks like a creature of that kind, with a huge body to drill a canyon-like crack on the ground.

This painting is really weird. Originally, this painting was kept in the underground cave near the giant egg stone. When the worship hall was established, Susumi let some jade dragons who are good at portraying all the patterns inside. On the slate and then to the worship hall.

The painting looked like an imaginary pattern, and it smashed a crack in the ground... Lin began to think so, until recently Lin found the same creature under the huge rift in the mainland...

Not the whole creature. Just a broken leg. But the legs are also more than three meters long. Imagine this is probably a giant creature with a length of several tens of meters...

Moreover, Emerald Dragon saw it and recorded it, so Lin was wondering... Is that huge rift related to it?

Although there are many problems, for example, the shape is not suitable for drilling, and it is impossible to make a rift as large as ten kilometers.

However, Lin always feels that if I look for it according to this situation, I can find some secrets hidden here. The dinosaur continent, and the reasons for the formation of dinosaurs here.

Before, Lin thought that it was related to a certain creature, not entirely because of earthquakes, etc., and after the rift was formed, the creature was not extinct, at least it survived when some of the previous jade dragons appeared, and then those Emerald Dragon saw it and recorded it.

But after this, the creature didn't know where to disappear, and there were no similar creatures in the nearby sea. The leg that Lynn discovered was also a long time ago, probably something that was thousands of years ago. And it is strange that there are no traces of giant creatures crawling nearby.

In fact, Lin Lai’s city of Emerald Dragons is not only a close look at their lives. Looking at Susumi, Lin also wants to investigate what is recorded about these jade dragons, and perhaps what they have seen.

When thinking about it, Lin heard a sound from behind, and an emerald dragon came over.

This jade dragon looks very old. The life of the jade dragon is about 90 years and above, 120 years or less. Of course, this is the data of safe living, not including war diseases, etc., and this jade dragon is probably alive for more than 90 years. It is quite long life, this is a very rare situation, because most of the jade dragons will die in disease or battle.

This emerald dragon seems to belong to the noble people. It is covered with a leaf called ‘Jiaoshu’ and has some ornaments on the neck and hands.

It also saw Lin's spy, but its eyes did not look down on the feeling of this 'people', but slowly walked to the spy, pointing to the stone road that painted: " Are you admiring it?"

"No." Lin said: "Just look, because I don't know."

"I don't know... Actually, no one knows it now." The old emerald dragon spoke slowly, standing in front of the slate, and then began to read some words of worship.

The language of worship is also the language of prayer. It is usually composed of purely ‘嘎’. The main meaning is to respect the things of worship and then pray for things like resources, victory, food and the like.

Although there are many things that the Jade Dragon worships, the words of worship they say are exactly the same. This is a very fun phenomenon.

It seems that this embarrassment does not seem to be without the emerald dragon worship. I think, Lin said to the old emerald dragon: "What is it? Have you seen it?"

“No, it’s impossible to see.” The old Jade Dragon said: “It’s a dish’s fear. It’s the former, the ancestors, the things that are worshipped, the 'discipline’ has the power to open up the earth, but in this generation, No one knows it, I, this generation, I have heard of it, there is a legend about 'discipline'."

Does Jade Dragon call this ‘ ‘ 惧? Why do they like this weird name so much, the name of the emerald dragon is indeed very casual, and each of their names sounds like they happen by chance.

"The legend of 'Diffuse'?" Lin questioned: "So in this legend, did you say where it is?"

"Fear fear... In the legend, it is in a faraway place..." The old Jade Dragon seems to be working hard to remember, it seems that it does not remember it, if it waits for its generation to die, That legend is estimated to be lost.

"Ah, you are here! I told you, don't talk to those people!"

Suddenly, Lynn heard a sound and saw a young noble emerald dragon coming over. It was looking at Lin on her side and hurried over.

"You, what do you want? Want to get close to it? Then steal something?" This jade dragon glared at Lin: "You like this, you should..."

After the words have not been finished, the body is frozen and motionless.

Lynn just poked it, because the spy's claws contain a paralytic toxin that can completely freeze the target for a while, but it's no danger.

This jade dragon is probably the descendant of the old jade dragon, and it clearly shows the hostility of the people to the people. Since Susumi changed the inheritance system, the jade dragon lived with the descendants and formed a so-called The combination of 'family', then the old one will take care of the small, the small one will take care of the old, and there is a new relationship. In the past, the little jade dragon lived after growing up.

The old Jade Dragon is still thinking and closing his eyes. It seems that he has not heard the words of the previous words, nor has he noticed that his descendants are stuck here. It seems that because of his age, his memory and his ability to perceive Not so good...

But maybe this will make its thinking more flexible... Thinking, the spy stretched out his claws and poked the old emerald dragon.

The tip of the claw penetrates into the cortex, releasing another irritating liquid, which enhances its cell viability, accelerates blood flow, washes away waste accumulated in the blood vessels, and enhances its brain nerve connections.

In short, this is a liquid that stimulates vitality.

"I...think!" After being poked, the old Jade Dragon suddenly opened his eyes and said: "On the south side, the huge valley, the location of the fear, it is said that a long time ago, Some of the ethnic groups have arrived there and saw the fear of the dish... it can dig the earth and shape the canyon."

"But, this is only part of the story. There are more stories in the fear, but those have already been lost..." The old Jade Dragon said that there was a sad mood: "I still remember the fear. Estimated to be quite small."

Having said that, the old Jade Dragon noticed that there was a stiff emerald dragon behind him. It suddenly shocked: "Sudden, how are you here? Why are you standing still?"

It’s really slow to find out, saying that this jade dragon is called a sudden? The way they named it was really weird. Thinking, Lin poked out the jade dragon called the sudden, and injected it with antidote. Before it woke up, Lin walked away...

Out of the Hall of Worship, Lin continued to think about the previous things.

So, is it really in the rift? Emerald Dragon really called it "Yuangu". It seems that Lin can only find some clues when he digs from there. Although Lin wants to find more stories related to 'discipline', this is probably looking for If you don't, the Jade Dragon will not record the story, only the pattern will be recorded. If the story is forgotten, it will not be possible to find it again.

However, mining under such a deep rift, Lin is afraid of causing some damage, the rock formation under the rift may be unstable, and it is necessary to use smaller arms to excavate, although this will take time...

Lin thought, and began to prepare for excavation in the Rift Valley, and the spy will continue to stay here to explore the various situations of the Jade Dragon here.

Next, I should go to that place, there is another legend about the Jade Dragon...

In the burning night market, Lin slowly walked out of the upper area.

The jade dragons in the ordinary layer seem to be less busy, and most of them return to their own nest to rest, and when they are white, they are busy beginnings.

At this time, although most of the jade dragons are planning to rest, there are still many worship halls to worship, and in addition to the worship hall, there is another place where the jade dragon gathers at night.

There, there is a special thing in the Jade Dragon. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ fat waist ~ monthly ticket ~

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