4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 166: Is there a ghost in the world?

Lynn’s spy stepped into a place that was filled with decay.

It is located on the edge of the Emerald Dragon City. The ground is covered by soft, black soil. There are many raised mounds on the ground. There are many hairy jade in the mound.

In fact, here is the area where the emerald dragons placed the corpses, which is called the 'cemetery'. Whether it is the noble or the lower layer, the jade dragon puts all the dead companions here, and then buried them with the soil. In front of it, there are several jade dragons that are digging into the potholes. They are throwing a large number of bodies into it...

Dealing with similar corpses has always been a very special thing. Every creature has a different approach. Most of the creatures with higher intelligence are saddened by the death of their companions. The same is true for the jade dragon, but for the current jade dragon They say that they will only feel sad at most to their peers who have a good relationship with them. Other emerald dragons die and they just throw them together at random.

Although it is buried here, the surrounding walls are built higher than others, which prevents some carnivorous creatures from being attracted from the outside.

This place is also the place where the jade is gathered most. They are easy to dig underground and eat a big meal. The jade dragon will drive the jade in other places, but here they need the jade, if there is no jade Dealing with corpses, not only smells like it, but also easily spreads various diseases...

Although the hair of Maoyu will stick to a lot of fungi, it is much better than the corpse that slowly rots and grows bacteria here.

Lin intends to carry out some tests on this fungus first. The spy stretches out his fingers, touches some dirt on the ground and puts it in his mouth... It seems that there are not some fungi that are particularly dangerous for the jade dragon.

In the fight against disease. The Jade Dragons did not make any special growth. They are currently eating a variety of plants to test which is effective. Then you basically rely on your own immunity, and then a big city, if there is any disease, they may all be destroyed.

However, the main purpose of Lin here is to take a look at a new story spread by the Jade Dragons. Next to the cemetery, the Jade Dragons built a building called the 'Lingtang', which is dedicated to commemorating those who died. Emerald dragon.

Lingtang is not big, Lin walked in from the entrance, and there are many jade dragons gathering there. There are some white stones placed under the walls on both sides of the hall. These emerald dragons are watching the stone silently here, saying nothing.

These stones represent their dead companions. If you want to commemorate, you have to smash a white stone into the hall, and then pray. Every time, there will be a jade dragon dedicated to clean up the stones.

This is indeed normal, but the Jade Dragons have a special imagination, they think that after death, they can still be conscious. And this consciousness will form a special thing, called ‘shuha’.

This is the pronunciation of 翠翠龙. Lin has a word that can be called a 'soul.'

Lin had heard about similar things before. It seems that those creatures such as the dragons think that after they die, they will produce a 'soul', then the soul will enter an egg and grow into a new dragon. The dragons also believe that the soul will enter Lin’s dream world to live...

Lin began to think that this was what they imagined, and there was no reason to pay attention to it. However, it has recently been found that this seems to be a matter worth studying. The interpretation of the soul by Xiaolong and Jade Dragon is almost the same, that is, the thought body that can exist after death.

In general, the subjective consciousness of living things is born by the connection of brain cells. They store memories and generate thoughts. Then why do they have thoughts after the cells die?

This looks like the imagination of the dragons. They think that they can continue to 'live' after they die. It seems that there is no possibility at all, but recently Lynn discovered something interesting.

For example... electricity.

Every creature has electricity in its brain. It is better to say that every creature has electricity. In the cemetery area of ​​such a large number of corpses, Lynn can clearly feel that there is a current similar to brain waves nearby.

There are many different ways of electricity, but Lin prefers to be collectively referred to, so it is not a detailed classification. This kind of current is quite strange. The location of biological death can usually feel very clear, but generally it needs to be quite sensitive. Perceive the organ.

And Lynn also found some special places, sometimes there will be some newborn cubs, they have not learned anything but know that they ran to some places where the bodies were buried.

This is an interesting phenomenon... Lin now thinks that after the brain is dead, there will be some special radio waves and other information that will affect the more vulnerable baby brain.

Lin originally believed that cells need to be added with a large amount of material plus current to store information. It seems that even current can store a lot of information.

Perhaps this released brainwave is called the 'soul' by the jade dragons. Lin recently wanted to figure out this phenomenon. It seems to be related to many mysterious things...

It seems that the thoughts of the Jade Dragons are not necessarily completely unfounded. They will still find some real situations, but they like to put more imagination on the things they discover, and finally they are completely unreal.

In the following time, Lynn recorded some of the electrical signals here. Lynn decided to store the information, and then went back and released it to the brainworm. Maybe the brainworm can interpret it? After all, it uses this thing to transmit signals. Of course, Lin will also transmit electrical signals, but the signal here can't explain what ‘memory’ is inside...

Lin believes that having information is not representative of thoughts, but discovering this mysterious thing is quite interesting.

After recording this information, Lynn’s spy left the cemetery and continued to return to the upper level of the Emerald Dragon City and walked to the front of Susumumi’s palace.

Now everything in the Jade Dragon City is almost ‘experienced’... Now there is the last doubt.

Susumi’s attitude towards Lin, which is similar to Tucker in the ten years that Lin took it, has a kind of admiration for Lin, but after returning, it did not mention Lin at all, but became a king. Established a country of its own.

Susumui has received various educations, so it can make the Jade Dragon progress faster, like other communities like Baijilong, even if they are equal in intelligence, but there is no slight development during this time, visible among the groups. How important is a 'wise man'.

But, do you want to talk to Susumi now? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ grease waist ~ reward ~

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