"Hey - just plug it in, it's almost like this." After the brain worms listened to the current, they said to Lin.

This is a vast ocean. Under the bright sunshine, three huge wooden boats are slowly advancing on the water. Over the years, the brain worm has finally reached its own wish - "like the waves rolling in the sea, like The jellyfish wanders in the ocean."... This is what it says.

In short, the brain worm has handed the troops of the Twin Island to the newly born brainworm 'Amon' management. Lin feels that the character of 'Amon' is somewhat similar to that of Muktu in the northern continent. Later, the brain worms made three large ships of more than 60 meters, with some troops going out to sea.

However, it is not fast sailing. Recently, it has been turning around nearby. It is not far from the Twin Island. The brainworm does not know how to distinguish the direction on the sea, or it does not want to distinguish it. It is purely thinking. Just turn around.

The same is true now, but now, Lin found it. In the inner cabin of the ship, the brain worm is listening to the 'sound of the soul' released by Lin, that is, using the displayer who communicates with the brainworm to imitate Release some of the waves found in the Emerald Dragon cemetery...

"Sound, current, full of impurities, irritability, incomprehensible." The brain worm said: "Although weird, but sad."

Lynn questioned: "Sadness? What is that?"

"It's hard to explain, like the screams before the death of the creature." The brain worm said: "But after the creature dies, the information is difficult to retain, and even more impossible. Keep the thoughts."

It turned out to be the case. The brain worm thinks so. The brain of a divisional species never worships anything, so there is no such thing as a 'soul'.

"Soul, a word of interest." The brain worm said: "Those green creatures think that the soul is the core of the mind of the creature? After death, the thoughts will continue to be maintained? The imagination is rich, worthy of reference, the soul..."

The brain worm looks like the word, but since the brain worm can't read the information. Maybe there is no soul at all? Lin's current definition of it is 'electrical signals for storing information', which is difficult to study, or other ways to continue research.

"That, how is it?" When he spoke, the brain worm suddenly shifted the subject and asked, "Is it successful?"

The brain worm asked about the situation of the dragon. Two years ago, the dragon left the brain worm because it had to go back to its breeding point to breed. The dragon's reproduction is indeed the case, if there is a difference. . They will breed both sexes, but if they don't. They will be parthenogenetic.

The dragon's breeding place is on the volcano of the dinosaur continent. Now, the young dragon has produced twelve eggs and has successfully hatched.

"Successful, gave birth to twelve."

"The dull creature, I lived so much, it suddenly ran away, thinking that it rolled into the water and died." Although the brainworm said so, it heard Xiaofeilong succeeded in giving birth to future generations. Its mood is still quite happy.

The dragon really suddenly left the brain worm, but when it left, it was quite sad, and it had a very special relationship with the brain worm.

The dragon needs to take care of the pups now, maybe when the cubs don't need to take care of them, they will come back to find the brainworms.

It’s a fun relationship... but I don’t know if it can’t find a brain worm that floats around the sea?

The brain worm is now swaying at sea, and the troops have no chance to develop. It should hurry to find an island because it is likely to encounter another creature floating on the sea again.

Monte II.

After the second time of Monte II, Lin found a island far away from Gemini Island and placed it on it, but Monte II did not feel relieved, then he flew off the island and found another piece. The island began to breed, but when it spawned a relatively small number of troops, it found that the island was 'live', an island formed by a large number of arthropod creatures that Lin had seen before.

After Monte II discovered it, it had to leave. Later, it changed a few islands. In the end, it found a better island. It was very large and rich in biology. This time, Monte II seems to understand that it started. Not a crazy growth group, but come slowly.

Although it is still difficult to do it without squeezing the local environment like a brain worm, it is at least trying to do it.

After that incident, Lynn felt that Monte's attitude towards Lin was obviously changed. In short, it was less hostile, perhaps because it knew it was useless, or because Lin saved it.

If a creature is helped by another creature, it will have a great affection for the creature that helps it. This phenomenon is common among all kinds of creatures. Of course, the helper must have enough intelligence. Understanding yourself is helped, but the general level of shark intelligence is enough.

Speaking of it, Lin also observed the group of abyss after that. They haven't changed in the past few years. Sometimes they will still pick up some creatures and go back to raise them. So far, I haven't figured out all the reasons, but Lynn is nearby. The seabed saw more brains.

Those creatures not only live on land, but also in the sea, and they produce many split brains, even though those split brains do not affect the surrounding creatures.

And unlike the land, because the split brain has many creatures in the sea to prey on them, so the number has not increased.

Lin killed all those brains, but Lynn suspected that there was something in the production of brains, just like they produced split brains... After all, the brains themselves could not breed, and Lynn also found some oceans like sharks. Creatures prey on them, so they shouldn't have too much in the sea.

This aspect must be carefully studied... As for the brain worm and Monte II, they have completely changed from land to marine life. They will meet again sooner or later, and then continue their eternal war...

At this time, Lin once again turned his attention back to the city of Emerald Dragon. The spy was in the palace at this time, but... there was no exchange with Susumi.

When Lin saw Susumi in the palace for the second time, Susumi was staring at the map tightly. Its thoughts were constantly changing, and it seemed to be considering a lot of things...

Still don't bother with it for the time being.

It is not important to communicate with Susumi now, because it will face a war. The war is quite troublesome for the emerald dragon. Susumi should not only consider how to fight, but also consider what is called 'moral'. The question is like the troops are willing to fight, then what about the city? Are there any anti-Sui Mi dragons who will take the opportunity to take the opportunity to do so?

It is not only to solve the opponent, but also to find ways to secure its own kind. Susumu’s attempt to acquire Dorok may also be more prestige for himself. This is quite troublesome. The brain of the divisional species only needs an idea. It will make the army fight wildly, just as the average creature directs his hands and feet...

Susumi should have been breeding at this age because he considered various things. It seems that there is no such idea. If Susumi has descendants, its descendants should also inherit its power.

If Susumumi wins, it is not too late for Lin to talk to it. If it is defeated, there is no way to talk.

Lin looked at Susumi's map. The last time the meteorite explosion caused all kinds of things on the map to go downhill. They took a lot of effort to set it up. Susumi now puts his mind on the map in front of him. It is tight. Tightly staring at the south side of the map...

There, there is a crystal woodland...

There is a strange creature there. It is called Lie. Lie originally lived underground. Because of the death of the brain, they fell into madness. They fought each other, plundered each other and fought for themselves.

Lin found that the situation of the jade dragon is actually very similar to the group of madness that was discovered before. If the guards of Susumui and its management city are all gone, it is estimated that the city of Jade Dragon will fall into a madness. The same situation.

Emerald dragon is now completely because of the relationship with the manager.

But there was no manager in the madness. After Lin had escaped with a part of Lie, it was not long before they became less and less because of fratricidalism, and finally they were completely extinct.

But the part that survived, because Lin’s teachings understand the importance of the leader, they will also know the competition leader, living like other creatures...

At the beginning, Lin thought that they would develop like an emerald dragon or a dragon, but it was not like this...

Lie did live like this in the first place. They didn’t compete for the leader for a while, then they hunted under the leadership of the leader, built houses, made weapons...

But as time went by, their character slowly began to change. They had some strange movements. At first, Lie slowly began to not compete with the leader. The leader has always been a pawn, they are generally They gather in large numbers in houses and go out to activities when they are hunting. The behavior seems to be like a division of labor, but they still often communicate with each other like individual creatures... but their movements are quite united, each standing There will be no disputes between them, or things like assignments will happen...

Lynn felt that this group of people seems to be forming a new state of life. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks to the monthly ticket of ~yuey~

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