4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 168: War and invention

"Their number is really much."

On the south side of the dinosaur continent, there is a dense jungle, and among the dense trees, there are many large vertebral structures, the pyramids, which are more than ten meters high, crawling on the pyramids. Hey, they are going back and forth like an ant colony. It seems quite busy. In the sky, two Yalongs are hovering. The Jade Dragon riding on Yalong’s back is observing the following situation...

"I think we should attack from high altitude!" A jade dragon riding a Yalong yelled at its companion. The wind in the air was very big. Two emerald dragons yelled at each other to hear each other, although the following You may also hear it, but they can't worry at all, because Jade Dragon has not yet discovered the ability to attack the air.

"You're right!" another emerald dragon shouted: "But if they are scattered into the jungle, it's hard to deal with! Wang is planning to use a new way to deal with this strange thing!"

“A new way?”

"I don't know! It seems to be a newly made weapon!" Jade Dragon shouted: "The weapon is said to be able to destroy the enemy's defenses at a great distance! We don't have to care so much! Just watch them. And then report their dynamics to the king!"

"Yes! But I think we don't need any new weapons at all! To deal with this strange thing, our troops are completely enough! They can't even attack us..."

The words of this emerald dragon had not yet had time to finish, and it suddenly fell there, as if it had been fixed, it was generally motionless. And it grabbed the hand of Yalong's back and slowly released it.

"What's wrong! Don't let go!" Another Jade Dragon shouted in dismay. But it is still motionless. In the high winds, its body slowly began to lose balance, and finally fell from the back of Yalong...

... At this time, in the upper area of ​​the city of Emerald Dragon.

The upper zone is not a complete residential area. In the vicinity of the palace, there is a larger square. The length and width of this square are nearly one hundred meters, and Susumu calls it the 'war square'.

Just like a name. It is used to test wars, and is precisely used to train troops. Susumumi often lets the troops gather here, and then carries out various orders to direct them to exercise.

The jade dragons are very strange to the war. They have never experienced any real war. To say the biggest battle, it is estimated that they have recently besieged a larger horned dragon community...

But Susumi is different. It has a richer thinking. When it sees tiny ants on the ground, it has already thought of it. The general jade dragon is not going to pay attention to these small creatures, but Susumi found it. These creatures are extremely large. They kill each other with sharp scorpions. The bodies and wrecks can even cover the earth during the war. Susumi believes that its ethnic groups may also encounter such wars.

Li Wei is a suitable war opponent. They are huge and quite smart. When Susumi saw the huge pyramid they built in the jungle, it decided to start a war.

Most of the upper-level jade dragons know about the war in Ligao, but the jade dragon of the ordinary layer is not known, or there are some jade dragons against Susumi in the ordinary layer...

Susumumi is now trying to prepare for the war, but it is not in this war square, here is its army leader - Mukla.

Mukla is probably a 'consultant', it is responsible for many incidents, and often discusses some things with Susumi, which is considered to be one of 'Susummi's most trusted emerald dragons', and recently it is responsible for the shaping of weapons. .

"Put that on it! That's it." Under the command of Mukla, a group of emerald dragons carried something in the square, which looked like a large bow and arrow, and the bow had a length of more than five meters. On the ground beneath them, there are two small pillars protruding from each other. The distance between these pillars is just the same as the length of the bow. After they put the bow down, they use the stone pillar to clamp the bow and then force the bowstring to a large extent. The ground was pulled open, and when it was almost pulled to the limit, several emerald dragons moved a huge arrow and placed it on the string.

"Let go!" After watching all were ready, Mukla screamed and several emerald dragons immediately let go of the bowstring.

At the moment they let go, the arrow rushed out of the square at a very fast speed, and slammed into the wall of a house outside the square, and made a loud bang, actually hitting a hole in the wall of the house...

"Oh! Success!" The jade dragons cheered excitedly, and Mukla was very happy to say: "Very good, then you can try to make something bigger!"

The jade dragon that was blown up by the wall ran out. It looked puzzled and looked at it, but did not know what was going on. After all, this is the first time that the jade dragons used this kind of thing.

Susumi prepared this large bow and arrow mainly to shoot through the large pyramids, but I don’t know if it works. But when I saw the situation, the jade dragons would not doubt the power. They all I think they will win!

But the idea of ​​their underestimation made Susumi feel uneasy.

Susumumi is not in the city at this time. In fact, it is quite far away from the city. This place is also densely covered with jungle. Because of some special scenery, it is also called the 'forest of stone pillars'...

Susumi is now riding a dragon in the sky, and looking down, you can see some huge stone pillars standing in the jungle. These pillars were built by Yalong, and the male Yalong crushed the massive rocks. Then use special saliva to slowly bond the pieces of stone, and go through hundreds of days and nights, and finally build a tall stone pillar of ten or even ten meters. This stone pillar is not only very hard, but also perfect for balance, and female. Yalong is usually living a wandering life. They will fly back here during the breeding season. They usually have the largest stone pillars, and the largest body Yalong can find more spouses.

After the female lays eggs, it will become male and leave, let the females live on the stone pillars to take care of the young ones, until the young ones can live on their own, the males will fly back and continue to return to their stone pillars, and then the females will be replaced. Wandering life...

The constant exchange of lifestyles between males and females led to the formation of this special form of life, and now it is just the time of hatching, Susumi is in the sky, its eyes have locked the highest pillar... ... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Innocent ~ sluggish eyes ~ monthly ticket ~

Happy Christmas everyone~

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