4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3203: go away

This war on ‘Ish’... there is actually no record of the true ‘end.’

In the end, almost all the creatures on the surface are not escaping or dying.

Ant creatures occupy this wonderful world of Ershi.

And are they attacking the ocean in the end? It’s not clear.

Some of the intelligent creatures, including the attempted ones at the time, were almost invariably investigated in the ruins of the Ershi people... some techniques about the voyage of the void.

In fact, these creatures have been improving their technology by investigating the remains.

It is not that they will not invent anything by themselves, but that relics are their main way of ascension.

So they began to plan to flee into the void.

These 'leaf-leaf ants' on the surface did not give them enough time to build ships, and they constantly attacked all the concentrated parts of the surface creatures.

What makes these surface creatures flee is mainly the relationship of some traitors.

These ant creatures are themselves brainless, like the Inca group, with an awareness of the entire group.

But among them, there are also individuals like 'brain bugs'.

These peculiar individuals are very intelligent and have their own individuality. They are separated from the group consciousness, but they still live in the group.

Generally speaking, their role is to provide some advice to various war situations, and will not directly direct the troops.

However, during the war, these independent individuals were regarded as individuals with commanding ability, so many of them were captured.

These captured individual individuals are treated in various ways, such as torture and torture.

As a result, they also revealed a lot of intelligence.

For example, there are many movements about ‘leaf-leaf ants’ and so on.

Under the ‘help’ of these individual individuals, some of the surface civilizations have survived for a long time under the attack of the leaf-cutting ants, and created aircraft to escape the void.

The same is true of the attempted... They capture individual individuals in a leaf-cutting ant.

But they don't use the form of 'torture' to let the individual yield, but communicate with it, and it becomes...a good ‘friend’.

This is a true traitor than other individuals.

It tells a lot about the information about the leaf-cutting ants, which gives the attempt enough time to escape the world.

After leaving the world, they no longer know what is going on here.

Because they never came back.

What's more interesting is... The 'memory' that Lynn found in this system, and its perspective is also followed by these leaving creatures.

After these creatures have left, there is no record in this memory.

Instead, there are things about these leaving creatures... such as the case of an attempt.

After the initial flight to the void, they experienced a long period of drift.

This special Ershi is not like the real Ershi that there are a lot of tumbling around, it can be said that there is no tumbling, but there are many things.

There are a lot of floats and the like, such as stones, debris and so on.

It has not been found that some of these substances can be used as nutrients for planting, while others can be used to repair aircraft.

So for a long time, they all lived on these voids.

Initially they were intended to be as far away as possible because they were afraid that ‘cutting ants’ would also fly out to pursue them.

Because those leaf-cutting ants began to study the remains of the Ershi people in the late war, and created some weapons tools.

It is not impossible to manufacture an aircraft based on their learning ability.

So the attempt has also been to the depths of the void... fly away.

As they gather more and more resources, their aircraft are getting bigger and bigger, and they are also divided into many ships.

They started to decide... settled somewhere and stopped traveling.

Later they found a place that was very suitable and had a lot of resources.

They combined the team's aircraft to build the foundation of the current space station.

They then lived here for generations and slowly increased the space station.

During this period, they also encountered some intelligent creatures that escaped into the void at the same time.

It is amazing that these intelligent creatures did not meet them when they flew out, but the destinations were very close.

These creatures also live near the point of life of the attempted life.

However, their technical level is quite close at this time, and the attempt has caused some conflicts with these creatures, but more is ... mutual 'friendly' transactions.

The biggest opponents they have encountered, or when they are collecting resources.

In the future, the fleet was often dispatched to search for more resources in the void. When they searched, they found a...very strange thing.

To be precise, it is a piece of meat floating in the void.

This piece of meat...is actually one of the pieces of meat that was fired from ‘ersh’ a long time ago.

Why is it not clear here?

Of course, I don’t know why it is here.

In fact, they simply don't know about the meat.

Although they themselves and their world are all made up of these 'meat pieces', they do not know the meat.

Just think that this is a wonderful substance.

So they brought these materials back for research.

However, they were not brought directly back to the space station, but were taken to a ‘scientific research aircraft’ for investigation.

So the infection started.

The aircraft soon fell into disarray... These pieces of material occupied the aircraft and erupted from it.

This aircraft is like their base, from which a lot of small pieces of meat flying at high speed are flying.

They will erode other aircraft around them and erode the creatures inside.

Then, this special piece of meat was spread out so slowly.

But the reason they can spread is because it is because of the ‘thoughts’ of these creatures themselves.

The original attempted researchers found meat pieces and did some research on them, which found that the meat pieces were due to a large number of ... very small 'microorganisms'.

At the time, I felt that if these things were active, they might be terrible things.

Their idea... affected the meat.

It feels a bit like the impact of the huge Ershi people on the meat, but there are some differences.

In short, the meat pieces became terrible according to what they thought.

. m.

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