4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3204: Variety

At the time when the 'meat pieces' were discovered, the attempt was very scared to them.

They think that this kind of thing may have the ability to break down everything around it, just as the plague spreads and spreads.

And the meat, I don't know how... I got infected with the brains of these future researchers.

Or, they receive information about the future of the researcher.

Then the pieces of meat began to devour and decompose the surrounding material as they thought, and spread quickly.

As for the original researchers, of course, none of them survived.

The earliest pieces of meat did not retain the habit of their brains.

Later, other unexplored development of the ruined research aircraft and the spreading of the meat, began a long war.

The meat pieces cannot be completely eliminated, but at the same time they are not so devastating.

The meat pieces initially spread in the void in a virus-like form... They floated in the void with a lot of small pieces of meat, once they touched something suitable, such as an airplane.

They will erode these things and then make a lot of small pieces of meat.

Unexpectedly, you can always find out and blow up the place where the meat is infected.

However, meat pieces are often infected with various aircraft that have not been smashed.

Of course, these pieces of meat also affected some other intelligent creatures, and the meat pieces became their number one public enemy.

They agree that this piece of meat is a plague in the void, and some creatures believe that it may be the weapon of the 'leaf ant' attacking them.

No one even thought that they were all made of meat...made.

But the meat does not completely destroy the main cause of these creatures, or because they change according to the biological thinking.

At some point, some of the creatures have been broken down by the meat and their brains have remained.

It may be the reason for some strong life-seeking thoughts in their brains... At present, Lin is still not very clear about the way these meat pieces are judged.

Obviously they won't change completely according to the whole idea of ​​the creature, only certain thoughts of certain creatures.

As for what the standard of meat is to decide which actions to follow, it is still unknown.

In short, there are some biological brains...so they survived and they were not broken down by the meat.

The brains of these creatures live within the meat, they are initially invisible, and there is no sense after all.

Because of the strong thinking, the meat gives them the senses, allowing them to perceive the external environment.

These creatures have thus discovered... the meat pieces are constantly eroding attacks against other creatures.

Seeing this situation, these brains are very frightened, and ... sympathy.

The brain looked at the creatures that were invaded and slowly decomposed and felt that they were very miserable.

And because of their thoughts, the erosion process of the meat pieces slowly became... a lot milder.

Although they still erode the aircraft and creatures they encounter, the process of breaking down the creatures slowly becomes a process without pain.

The brain feels like this... very wonderful.

They slowly noticed that these pieces of meat seem to make some changes based on their ideas.

However, it is impossible for the brain to try to stop the infestation directly.

However, they found that the 'property' of the meat pieces could be slowly changed.

For example, they expect that the meat will no longer attack other creatures, and the meat will slow down the attack. They think that as long as it has been affected, it may one day let the meat block completely stop attacking.

However, what these brains did not think was that they themselves were also affected.

Initially they didn't want to attack the meat, mainly because the creatures that were attacked were their own...the same kind.

It’s normal to be like an attempted brain that doesn’t want the meat to attack.

But slowly, they don't feel that the other is their own kind.

Their thinking slowly changes, feeling that they and the other party are not a kind of creature at all.

These brains quickly produce the feeling that the other party does not die.

Under the influence of this feeling, they did not try to maintain the idea of ​​not attacking.

At the same time they have another idea.

They are very confused about themselves... or they are confused about the creatures like ‘meat.’

They are thinking about... what is the meat piece, how big the void is, and so on.

It seems that when these imaginations are carried out, they are also exposed to the 'memory' of the internal storage of some meat pieces.

This is some piecemeal memory, mainly about the various pieces of meat that were used in the world of manufacturing, and later.

Simply saying that these memories are similar to those I'm seeing now, but they don't look so detailed.

They just know a part of things.

For example, there is something about ‘huge Ershi’.

Only because the information is not so complete, these brains think that the great Ershi people have created this.

The behind intelligent creatures may have been created by the great Ershi people... they think so.

At the same time these brains... mixed with some information.

Because in the memory they read, it seems that after the great Ershi people reformed the environment, it was the emergence of the Ershi people civilization.

In this information, they did not see detailed things, for example, they did not know the civilization of the Ershi people...

In fact, there is no people.

They just saw some developments and simple descriptions about this civilization.

So these brains believe that this Ershi civil civilization... should be the 'offspring' of the great Ershi people.

They also found the reason for the demise of the Ershi people's civilization.

In fact, they are not dying, but go somewhere in the depths of the void.

These brains... have a deep yearning for the place where ‘尔什民’ went.

They really want to go there and have a look.

The thoughts of these brains slowly affected the meat pieces, and the meat pieces began the journey of finding the 'Ersh people'.

The meat piece then formed a huge fleet of ....

This is mainly for sailing to distant places.

At the same time, it is also to attack all creatures on the road...because these brains want to bring other creatures to the distant place.

It seems that it is because of this cause that ‘travelers’ have appeared.

These brains began to affect the meat pieces and flew away from the void.

At first they remembered their purpose, but then it seemed to slowly... forget it.

To be precise, the first batch of brains died, and they still have life.

Some of the brains that I joined later began to slowly forget the original purpose, or did not record it.

Only the idea of ​​sailing to the distance and collecting more companions was recorded.

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