4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3205: different

The ‘meat block’ was born... many different kinds.

Like a fellow traveler who has been flying far away.

There is also this piece of meat that occupies the attempted space station.

It is said that there are some other kinds, these different types...because they are 'infected' with different biological brains or ... computer systems and the like, influenced by different 'thinking' inside.

These pieces of meat have thus produced many different types of different variations.

But to a certain extent, they are the same.

Like they never attack the same kind.

Although these pieces of meat have different ways of acting because of different thinking, they do not attack the same kind.

This is mainly the main reason why the intelligent species such as the innocence did not notice the difference between these meat pieces.

Another point is that these pieces of meat are very fond of...showing their 'memory'.

They always put some things about what happened in the past, that is, the one that made the 'ersh'.

Usually they are placed in the biological brain captured by them.

However, the memory in the biological brain is generally not very clear, but it will lead to misunderstandings in the biological brain.

And now this is the clearest, because the meat pieces put the memory information into the system.

Therefore, Lin can see the development of the entire ersh.

Although Lin is still not clear about the specifics of the development of Ershi and the time of the process, it is obviously earlier than the current Ershi.

Including the emergence of Ershi people, the evolution of species and so on.

They are earlier than the current Ershi... This is a wonderful thing, it feels like it is predicted in the future.

There are also huge Ershi people and these meat pieces... It seems to have a wonderful relationship.

After Lin told Ershi these things, Ershi also felt something incredible.

But the main thing is that Ershi said that it seems to think a little bit too... what it did before.

To be precise, it is not to think of it, but on this journey, it has found some 'memory fragments'.

But these pieces are few and they are still unclear.

Continue to fly and you may find more.

So, the little Ershi continued to travel to the destination... At the same time, Lin also conducted an investigation at the attempted space station.

These pieces of meat in the space station are special because they are not affected by the biological brain, but are affected by these 'computer systems' that have not been manufactured.

The ‘thinking’ of this system is also simpler. For example, the system of this space station always thinks better about maintaining the space station.

After it was infected by the meat, the meat also decided to better maintain the space station according to its ideas.

The way they are maintained is to give the entire space station a 'meat block' while disposing of all the residents inside.

If no resident is active inside, there will be no damage to the space station, and the space station will be perfectly maintained.

However, the main reason why this piece of meat can infect a space station is because of a 'traitor'.

This traitor is actually the individual of the ‘cut leaf ant’.

Lin had learned from the memory of the meat piece that the attempted escape to the void was mainly due to the friend of a individual who cut a leaf ant.

Although this independent individual is not consciously connected with other similarities, it can sense the position of other similarities.

Therefore, it is possible to let the attempted escape the attack of the leaf-cutting ants, so that they have enough time to make the aircraft escape.

After failing to escape, this individual is still...has always lived with the future.

To be precise, it is that its descendants have been living in the void for the rest of the world.

As for the original one, how to breed offspring...that is because they have the ability to 'copy' themselves.

Nowadays, there are quite a lot of these individual individuals, but their status in the future society can be said to be a purely 'tool'.

Because their mental computing power is much less powerful than they are, they are generally used to manage the operation of a large number of machines.

Or used to calculate various things, such as various 'weather' and so on.

Although there is no such thing as a good weather in the space station, there are occasional disasters in the void.

In short, they are just like ‘computer’.

I don't think that this kind of creatures don't need entertainment. They are going to accept a job every birth and then work until they die.

Thus, an individual at some point...like its ancestor betrayed the leaf-cutting ant, it betrayed the attempt.

This individual individual used some method to get some pieces of meat to infect the main system of the space station, causing the entire space station to fall.

Now, in the process of investigating the space station, Lin has already caught this individual.

The individual body of this leaf-cutting ant looks very much like an 'apple' and is similar in size to an apple, with a diameter of more than ten centimeters.

There are six slender limbs around the apple-like figure, and they have a big brain in their body.

At the same time, they also have the ability of parthenogenesis to create their own 'replicated version' offspring.

After Lin found it, Lynn brought it back to the little Ershi.

At the same time, Lin also told the attempted that this thing is obviously not angry with it... but there is nothing to do.

They can't save the space station.

So they stayed on the little Ershi.

After they knew the direction of the head, they also wanted to go back to the one they used to look at.

I don't know what it is like, maybe it has already become the country of ‘cutting ants’.

In this way, the little Ershi continued to sail.

In the process of traveling, Lin also encountered some ... other intelligent creatures.

This is a kind of ape, and their fleet found that the little Ershi was hiding far away, and did not want to come over to see it.

Lin investigated them, these apes are... very similar to Ershimin.

There are even some apes that are completely like the people of Ershi, because they have degraded the hair.

In addition, Lynn also discovered some other types of meat, which are considered to be 'moderate' types.

In short, nothing special happened.

It’s been a while until...

After the flight time of Jursh continued for a lot more years, Ershi also said that the ‘memory’ it perceived was more and more.

In these memories, it can find a different self.

This ‘self’ has traveled in places that it does not know now, and has met creatures that it does not know.

It’s true that it has experienced a lot before...now it doesn’t know.

For example, the ecology of it now may also be related to its former self.

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