4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3209: Research and war

It seems... most civilizations have a hard time dealing with this kind of problem. m

That is the point of discharge of waste.

The same is true for the creature on this special ‘尔什’.

This is even more troublesome for them than the single civilization that occupies the world.

At the beginning, various apes, unsuccessful, and some other intelligent creatures occupied the surface.

They can't be thrown into the sea like Ershimin.

There are very few intelligent creatures in the ocean that intersect with terrestrial creatures, but there have been several wars because they have thrown a lot of waste into the sea.

The war between the sea and the ground is completely devoid of 'soldier' ​​contact, and it is completely missiles fired at each other.

Every time it is struck, it will cause a lot of casualties, so the surface creatures quickly decided to use another method to dispose of the waste.

Later, the creatures on the surface decided to bury all the waste underground.

They were originally dug a large pothole and then threw it into the landfill... and then slowly became dragged deeper into the ground.

Because the world itself has many huge underground caves that are 'natural'.

They have been trying to get the waste into deeper places, and again and again, the machinery that transports the waste passes between the holes of the leaf-cutting ants.

Leaf-cutting ants were originally primarily used to breed fungi in the ground, and they discovered these civilized tools to throw away waste.

But... they didn't do anything.

This group of leaf-cutting ants hide themselves.

Civilized creatures that throw litter on the surface of the earth are only able to see the 'edge' of their large group by chance, and they know nothing about them.

The leaf-cutting ants sent some troops to the surface to observe the civilization of the surface. This is also the first time they discovered that there are biological groups on the surface that are so different from their own.

Therefore, the leaf-cutting ants have conducted long-term research on surface civilization.

Leaf-cutting ants rarely enter the city directly because their appearance is too... conspicuous and too large.

However, they are still getting to know more about the civilization of the surface, because of the waste.

By studying waste, leaf-cutting ants can know the technical level of surface organisms, the various things that happen, and so on.

Because the species on the ground are very different from themselves, the leaf-cutting ants also took a long time to understand all of this.

However, they finally understood, understood the language used by surface organisms, and understood the operation of their urban systems.

In fact, most of the information is learned from waste.

Although surface organisms have seen the arms of many leaf-cutting ants, they have not been treated as 'civilizations'.

More in-depth understanding.

Leaf-cutting ants do not have aversion to the fact that they throw waste into the ground, but they are interested in surface organisms.

They feel that each of these creatures has different consciousness, and it is very interesting to have countless different ideas.

Then, the leaf-cutting ants decided to defeat these civilizations on the surface.

It is not the reason that surface organisms are a threat.

Just want to see... what changes will happen to these surface creatures in extremely dangerous environments.

Each of their individual consciousness is independent, so how they will cope in the face of a crisis.

To put it simply, I just want to see their reactions.

Another reason is that the leaf-cutting ants feel that they have a complete chance of winning.

And after the war began, the facts were true.

The leaf-cutting ants fully understand everything on the surface, mainly the intelligence of how the ground building structure is stable.

They can easily collapse these buildings.

The surface creatures have no experience in combating underground creatures and are thus retreating.

In the later stages, the leaf-cutting ants almost forced these creatures to a dead end. During the war, they also saw all the interesting parts of the surface organisms. continued

Like the terrifying fear of underground creatures at the beginning, and the ongoing disputes over how to formulate tactics, they continue to show unparalleled selfishness and mutual cooperation under the crisis.

In the end, they regard unity and cooperation against the enemy as the highest concept, trying to unite all different consciousnesses to fight.

All of this, for the leaf-cutting ants... it is so wonderful.

Lin thinks that the leaf-cutting ants do something like the current Ershi people. In order to understand the ant organisms, they use metal liquid to fill the ant nest, and take them back to the laboratory to investigate their ecology.

The leaf-cutting ants have nothing to think about these creatures on the surface that they are threatening to destroy their own enemy forces.

The whole process is simple... the interest of a creature to another creature that is distinct from its own form of consciousness, and the understanding and sigh of these alien lives.

Therefore, the leaf-cutting ants did not destroy these creatures. They had a research and understanding attitude from the beginning.

However, although they have a considerable understanding of these independent and individual creatures, there is no considerable 'respect'.

To be precise, there is no respect for the individual.

As long as the population does not die, it is not dead, as is the case with leaf-cutting ants.

Therefore, when the individual creatures die, they are called again, and they are hard to understand the emotions.

So the leaf-cutting ants destroyed most of the cities and there was no sin.

In the later stages of the war, the leaf-cutting ants created a number of individual individuals, which were essentially the products of the study of individual biology.

Lin found that the arms they produced were similar to those in the early days of the brainworms, mainly because the soldiers produced 'nuclear information mutations' during the larvae and gave birth to different 'abilities'.

This requires a huge amount and time, but the leaf-cutting ants are not lacking.

Later, the more precise the regulation of nuclear information by the leaf-cutting ants, the more individual individuals were created.

The purpose of the birth of individual individuals is to mix them into the surface of the biological civilization, and conduct a more in-depth investigation.

This practice is also very successful.

Because the surface civilizations fled to the void, these individual individuals still played a very good role. They continued to give the leaf-cutting ants a lot of information, letting the leaf-cutting ants understand what these creatures encountered in the void and what they experienced.

These individual individuals can breed independently, and there are many uses for cutting leaf ants.

This made most of these escaped civilizations not deal with these individuals.

Leaf-cutting ants have been looking forward to re-engaging them.

In fact, some civilizations think so.

After a period of development in the void, they tried to return... They felt that their strength was strong enough to completely eliminate the cutting ants on the surface.

But what they didn't expect was that the leaf-cutting ants had changed dramatically.

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