"They... Where have you been?"

There are so many intelligent creatures that have developed a powerful ... civilization in the void.

At least they feel very powerful.

They created a large number of new weapons in the void, even things like warships.

Perhaps it is because there are too few crises in the void, they begin to 'expand' quickly, thinking that they can easily eliminate ... those leaf-cutting ants.

As a result, they formed a unit and began to return in the direction of 'Ersh'.

Their mission goal is simple: to destroy the underground kingdom of the leaf-cutting ant with a powerful 'drilling ground'.

Since the attacks are launched directly in the void, they consider themselves to be absolutely safe.

The troops of this group of intelligent creatures gathered in the sky above the 'ersh' and cast their weapons toward the surface.

But they are not sure about these weapons... have they succeeded in destroying their targets.

At that time, the whole world of 'Esh' was covered by strong smoke, and they could not see the surface.

The missiles they fired out also lost all communication connections after entering the atmosphere.

They don’t even know if these missiles are blown up.

So, after some discussion, they drove the warship to the surface, and after passing through the thick smoke, they landed on the ground.

They feel that this place... seems to be completely out of the 'ersh' in their records.

This is a world covered by dust, everything is dust, without any familiar things.

So, they put forward a lot of theories, such as what the leaf-cutting ants got to make the whole world look like this.

And this group of intelligent creatures, they themselves quickly became dust.

Because there is a lot of tiny [...metal microbes] in these dusts.

They can easily pass through the filtration system of the intelligent biological armor and penetrate into the battleship.

When the microbes began to dismantle the warships... they reacted.

However, the warship's system has been damaged, and they can no longer fly into the void.

And microbes also invade their bodies... and the wonderful thing is that these microbes don't disassemble them quickly.

Instead, the warships were slowly broken down into a pile of worlds before they began to break down these desperate creatures.

In the end, they disappeared completely.

This group of intelligent creatures that attacked ‘尔什’ is a group of apes, which seems to be a kind of evolutionary species of ‘狒狒’.

This group of cockroaches was later completely destroyed in the void, and it is unclear whether they are in direct contact with the attack on Ershi.

As for the leaf-cutting ants, they have never appeared, and they seem to have disappeared long ago.

The world does not know when it has changed from this to become a world covered by dust.

A significant portion of these dusts are made up of special 'metal microbes' that break down most of the creatures that are close to the world.

But not all creatures, they have their own set of fantastic criteria.

As long as they meet this standard, they will not be attacked by them.

So... there are still some creatures left in the battleship that have not been broken down.

This group of creatures...they are rodents.

And like Ershimin's time, they are also used as experimental creatures, but at some point they... seem to have experienced some kind of special experiment and produced wisdom.

However, even with wisdom, this group of rodents is still used as an experimental creature.

Because they are very small, they have the character of 'treacherous'... The apes that raise them think so.

These intelligent rodents are often used as 'social experiments' to judge various situations by observing the micro-society they constitute.

When they came to attack the leaf-cutting ants, they also brought a part of the 'smart mouse'.

The reason is not clear.

After the metal microbes broke down the battleship and most of the other things, they left the rodents without breaking them down.

So... they started living in the dusty world.

This group of rodents initially felt very confused.

They don't know what to do, they don't know what to do, but they start digging holes and looking for food according to ‘instinct’.

When digging underground, the rodents found something they could eat, a fungus.

This fungus is a fungus species previously raised by leaf-cutting ants. They have many species of bacteria, but only this has survived.

The reason it can survive is not to be decomposed by metal microbes, but also because they are not so dependent on feeding.

They can grow on their own, and for a long time, these fungi have grown very large.

And the source of their nutrients is the dust.

The dust that is broken down by metal microbes is mostly biological and so on, so they can be used as nutrients.

Then, after the group of rodents who came to the ground discovered the fungus, they began to eat the fungus, and then established a civilized country belonging to them underground.

They built buildings, cities, all kinds of creations...

The level of technology created by this group of rodents is exactly the same as those of the void creatures.

To be precise, it is a species that is still living in the void in the air.

These rodents are not technical in themselves. After all, they are only experimental creatures... and the battleships that uploaded them have long been broken down.

But these rodents have ‘awakened’ a lot of technical knowledge.

This seems to be because...the leaf-cutting ants have disappeared, but the individual individuals they have arranged in various civilizations are still there.

These individual individuals observe the techniques and circumstances of the civilized creatures and send them back to this dust-covered world without their knowledge.

Then... passed on to these rodents.

These rodents have created a variety of buildings and other things that are technically mixed.

However, they can't be created, especially with regard to weapons.

Some of the things they make are broken down by metal microbes, and they develop a very special civilization in this strange environment.

Because they are also individual creatures, there will always be various disputes, but because there is no way to make weapons, these rodents mainly rely on their own teeth for war.

At the same time, they are basically all kinds of armor in combat equipment, and there is no weapon equipment at all.

So... their war soon stopped.

Because their armor is so fast that they can no longer hurt the same kind.

This makes them change in the other direction...that is, to study the world.


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