4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3211: Brain contact

The original war of rodent creatures has had a lot of interesting situations, because they can't make any weapons...so these creatures can't do any effective damage to the same kind.

They often wear full body armor in the later wars.

This will cause a large group of rodents to push, hit, and bite for a long time without any casualties.

Although during the war they tried to install various weapons on their armor, they were almost impossible to harm the same kind because of the influence of metal microbes.

In this case, a very wonderful ‘order’ was born in them.

These rodents began to seek solutions to problems other than war.

And they did find it... They found that war is just one of countless solutions.

Because they are the easiest to think of and practice, they always thought about playing.

Now these rodents are ushered in an era of complete peace. Every time they encounter problems, they will first deny the battle, and then they will start thinking about other options.

In this peaceful era, they have been... not very happy.

Because they customize a large number of laws, prohibiting any form of dispute and attempting to attack similar behavior.

Because once there is any situation that provokes a large-scale battle, it is very cumbersome to deal with.

Of course, the general rodent residents are also strictly prohibited from possessing any armor equipment and other things.

Any defensive person will be immediately executed.

Although they can't fight war, it is very simple to kill a single offender.

After a period of development, these rodents quickly became confused about the status quo.

They are very strange why they can't make weapons... or anything like that.

At the earliest, they regarded this as a 'natural phenomenon' and did not have much doubt about it.

But slowly they started to be weird and carefully investigated this phenomenon.

Although they have all kinds of knowledge of the emptiness of intelligent creatures, they do not have the intelligence of these sources of knowledge.

All knowledge is that when certain pups are born, they have a chance to 'awake' and acquire this knowledge.

But they don't know where this knowledge comes from, they didn't care much at first.

But now it starts to wonder... and they also find that many of these things are impossible to make.

At first they thought it was normal, but now... they started investigating why this is.

They soon discovered that ... their stuff could not be related to the 'dust' that is everywhere in the world.

Through something that can observe tiny things, they discover the metal microbes that are all over the world.

They were scared when they first discovered these microorganisms.

Because this kind of creature that can decompose various things at will... is widely present around them.

Initially, the rodents did not feel that this was a creature, but just thought it was a very dangerous thing.

But after a period of research, the rodents noticed that the metal microbes themselves seemed to follow a certain pattern of action.

Their decomposition is ‘standard’.

But the main thing is that rodents notice their knowledge and are affected by metal microbes.

Whether each pup will “awake” knowledge at birth, mainly whether or not their brains are affected by microbes.

These rodents are also filled with many microorganisms, and each time the pups grow in their bodies, these metal microbes may directly affect the brains of the pups.

Then, the rodents slowly developed... not the way the cubs can acquire knowledge.

In fact, it is enough to let these metal microbes directly 'infect' the brain.

It's also very simple, mainly to find a large number of metal microbes and then eat it.

These metal microbes will wander around in their bodies, and some will approach the brain.

As long as you are close to the brain, adult rodents can also get ...... emptiness knowledge.

In fact, they have happened before, but they are much less than the young ones.

But if you want to eat it deliberately... you can get a lot of knowledge.

In this way, they began to carefully study things about the knowledge of the void.

Previously their knowledge was mainly about the construction knowledge of some items. Now they actively swallow these... knowledge, they know a lot of things about the various creatures of the void.

They are also the place to know that there is a void at this time, and ... all sorts of things.

When these rodents were used as experimental creatures, they didn't know what was empty, basically they always lived in a 'virtual' city.

They don’t know after living here, until now...

They found that there were so many intelligent creatures in the void.

I also found my own 'identity', and... the history of this place.

That is, this place used to be a world occupied by leaf-cutting ants.

So, this group of rodents began to investigate everything in this world.

Their investigation method is also very simple, that is, digging everywhere, looking for more metal microbes... and then eating.

These metal microbes can provide them with a large amount of intelligence, in addition to the various intelligent creatures in the void, and the 'essence' of these metal microbes.

They are related to leaf-cutting ants that once occupied the entire world.

The rodents found in the study that it seems that those leaf-cutting ants suddenly turned their entire population into these metal microbes at some point.

We do not know how it is, but rodents can find that ‘consciousness’ of leaf-cutting ants is also inside.

Some rodents speculate that this metal microbe may be some invaders from the void, and they have a war with the leaf-cutting ants... a war.

In the end, these two races were 'fused' for unknown reasons.

This is just a guess of the mouse. In short, the consciousness of the leaf-cutting ants is in the metal microbes and can control these organisms.

The goal of cutting leaf ants now alive is very different from before.

Now they are not interested in most things, so these metal microbes are generally in accordance with the 'instinct' activity.

But the rodents are not sure how this instinct works. In short, the consciousness of the leaf-cutting ants does not directly control them.

At least most of the time it is like this.

Leaf-cutting ants mainly use one of these metal microbes to do one thing, that is... to construct the world.

They have constructed two other worlds.

This is mainly related to ancient space.

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