"The miracle... is missing."

This is a war.

A total of 19 buses participated.

Although this war... almost no creatures other than the participants learned, because it was expected to be a secret war.

However, there are still some creatures who have learned about the war and have visited the war... visit.

This is a miracle creature.

This war is considered... it should be a miracle.

So the original miracle creature intended to record this war.

The illuminators that Linde discovered today that make up huge images are actually the 'recording devices' used to record wars.

It recorded the situation of the war, but it has long been damaged, and it seems to have been affected by the war.

That is to say, the special 'weapons' created by Ershi used to deal with the creation of the sea and affected the nearby voids, which also affected the recording device.

Then, the device...and then these illuminants were abandoned here.

The miracle creature doesn't seem to want to fix it, or to retrieve the data.

Until a long time later, the 'miracle capital' floated to this place... After the miracle capital came here, it began to slowly repair the recording device.

After the arrival of the miracle capital, it attracted the apes to live here. It was mainly during the period of the residence of the apes.

The initial repair process was to repair the ancient space.

It is said that the war destroyed this space with void, but it is not to turn this place into a place without space, but to make the space here very shard.

Most of the space, including the ancient space, has been broken.

After the miracle capital floated to this position, the space was repaired little by little.

Ancient space has a more interesting feature, even if it is broken, they are also related to each other.

To put it simply, the general space is broken like a piece of debris, and it becomes a simple...gravel. If the ancient space is broken, it is like a sponge-like creature. If there is nothing unexpected, put them back. Together, you can be restored.

The miracle capital took a while to slowly assemble these spaces.

During this time, the miracle capital also played their original role, which is to attract creatures to live here.

The ones that are attracted are... the group of apes.

But in addition to the cockroaches, it also attracted another kind of 'things'...distorted.

In fact, Lin is still not completely sure that it is a distortion, but it does appear quite like distortion.

The miracle capital did not actually notice the distortion at first, and the distortion itself was invisible.

Until some time, the main system in the miracle capital has changed, which is very similar to the phenomenon of 'schizophrenia'.

As Lin knows, this part of the main system began to try to end this miracle, so that miracles can't work properly by letting the apes do not doubt and tell them the true equality method.

The normal system was originally intended to fix this change.

However, there was another incident that occurred at the time, which led to the continuous confrontation between the two sides of the miracle capital.

That was the restoration process of the ancient space at that time was very smooth.

In fact, the restoration of ancient space is not controlled by the main system of the miracle capital.

The role of this system is mainly to maintain the miracle capital and keep the miracle running normally.

The repair work is carried out by another ‘hidden repairer’ in the city.

The reason for calling it is because... it doesn't seem to be devastated by distortion.

And Lin did not find this ‘secret repairer’ at first, it is quite special.

When repairing the ancient space, this device found that the recorded data of the war could not be retrieved after the ancient space was repaired.

The device that originally recorded war was a huge thing, not just those illuminators, but the ancient space around it was also part of it.

When repairing these ancient spaces, ‘secret repairers’ found that even if these ancient spaces were reassembled... the data inside could not be restored to the past.

It seems that what happened inside the ancient space after the fragmentation, resulting in internal data damage.

However, the repairer also found another point, that is, those apes...accurately, any creature on the 'ersh' seems to be able to recover past recorded data.

Of course, this restoration has nothing to do with the ancient space, only the repairer found that these biological brains have a record of the war.

This way of recording... Lin feels very interesting.

At the beginning, there were actually many intelligent creatures from here, close to the miracle capital.

However, since this cockroach first comes and lives here, the miracle capital will not change other creatures.

But the miracle capital will still try to read any biological thinking close to this place.

Moreover, after reading the thinking of a creature, the miracle capital will make a 'thinking connection' to that creature.

After the connection, the target creature will continue to read the mind as long as it is not too far away from the miracle.

Of course, the creature itself does not know.

So in the city of miracles, there are many kinds of thinking data of the ‘Esh Future Wisdom Creatures’.

Since the location of these intelligent creatures is not far from the miracle capital, there are established connections that continuously update the data stored in the miracle capital.

The repairer, on the other hand, detected the data by chance.

It has found that the thinking of these intelligent creatures can be regarded as a huge 'jigsaw', including the apes that now live in the capital of miracles.

Every kind of intelligent creature has some strange parts in their brain cells.

This part does not participate in any work in the brain, but it slowly grows itself.

As the civilization of these creatures develops and knowledge advances, this part of the brain structure will also grow slightly.

And began to slowly generate part of the 'memory' function.

Because the miracle capital's mind detection system conducts a comprehensive inspection of the biological brain ‘in-depth'... so this part has been carefully examined even if it does not participate in the activity of the entire brain.

The repairer found that the memory in this part of the special brain structure...is a very complicated and fuzzy 'image'.

However, when the memory in the brain structure of a large number of different species is pieced together, there will be some relative 'complete'...some memories.

Therefore, the repairer thinks this is a huge ‘jigsaw’.

With the development of these 'future smart species' and the upgrading of knowledge, this part of the 'jigsaw' in their minds will also be completed.

All this... maybe it was designed by Ershi.

For the repairer, this is the only way it is currently to retrieve past data.

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