4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3222: Repairer

The repairer, Lynn feels that it can also be called ... ‘black and white film’.

Because it is a pile of black and white flakes, each piece is tens of meters in size.

A large number of sheets are combined to form the entire square that is now seen by Lin... with a square object of several kilometers.

It looks like a large number of small black and white squares.

This creature tells Lynn a lot of things.

It’s more than a jigsaw puzzle.

It is looking for past war records, which is why they have not dealt with systems that are distorted and mutated.

Because this has something to do with cockroaches.

The group of cockroaches here also have this kind of 'jaw puzzle memory' in their brains.

It's not that simple to deal with mutated systems, they can't clean up the mutated system in a flash.

If the mutated system finds itself to be cleaned up... it is likely to shift the 'twisting'.

At present, the repairer has confirmed that the 'twisting' affects only the main system of the miracle capital.

To be precise, the main system trapped this 'twisting' in the main system. It wanted to distort more things, but now it only twists one.

But if you want to clean it up, it may lead to a 'twisting' shift, so it will not be easy to say what it affects.

Of course, it is possible to affect these apes.

If these encounters encounter unexpected accidents, and the memory puzzles in their brains do not grow, it is equal to the puzzle...the whole part is missing.

Thus, the repairer and the normal part of the system jointly decided not to deal with the mutated system.

Then, as Lin knows, they have been carrying out ‘wars’.

What is more special is that although the thinking of these apes is affected by the various systems of variation, their memory in the brain has been maintaining 'normal' growth.

As a result, these mites continue to live in the capital of miracles without knowing it.

During this period, many other things happened.

The repairer stopped repairing the ancient space at the time, but it has already repaired many ancient spaces.

In fact, many of the ancient spaces that Lin has seen now are repaired by the repairers.

As soon as these ancient spaces begin to be repaired, they are actually 'automatically' synthesized.

So the repairers initially only repaired a small part, and these ancient spaces will grow and grow slowly.

Only if there is no adjustment and maintenance, these ancient spaces will have a rather strange state.

Lin saw the ancient space that was mixed together before, because the repairer did not manage it.

Lynn thinks this is quite amazing... This miracle creature seems to have a deep understanding of ancient space.

After that, there was another group of creatures... in contact with these ancient spaces.

That is the piece of meat.

The repairer was not quite sure how the meat pieces found the ancient space. Initially, some of the meat pieces floated in.

Then, these pieces of meat began to attract other intelligent creatures into the ancient space.

In fact, creatures like the scorpion have discovered the ancient space, and it is also the reason that the meat pieces have attracted them to the past.

Here, Lin can understand that although Lin found that the meat pieces are affected by the thinking of these creatures, the actual meat pieces are also affecting the thinking of these creatures.

To be precise, it is the idea of ​​'integrating' these creatures.

The meat pieces have been recording the thinking of all intelligent creatures.

Thoughts like this group of intelligent creatures will be recorded by them and concentrated in ... somewhere.

This place can be said to be a point of integration and was discovered by the repairer.

Although the repairer said that he was not repairing the ancient space, it was still paying attention to what happened in the ancient space.

The ‘combination point’ records all kinds of things, such as thinking, knowledge, and so on.

Of course, it also includes the contents of the 'Jigsaw Memory'.

The repairer has also been understanding and tracking these pieces of meat, of course, its purpose is mainly to retrieve past war information.

The repairer noticed that the meat pieces had been converging the thinking of these creatures, and there was no problem during the whole period.

Until... that thing.

Because the mutation system has not been cleaned up, it has been fighting the main system.

In the end, they let the cockroach fall into the constant struggle of thinking, and the meat piece produced this... opinion.

Meat pieces also have the idea of ​​collecting apes, when these apes are insane.

The meat piece seems to be unable to withstand the unusual thinking of the apes, and decided to "handle" the group of apes living in the capital of miracles.

Of course, the repairer did not stop the matter because the repairer thought there was a reason for the meat to do so.

After all, the meat is also trying to retrieve the memories of all the past wars. The repairers think that these creatures, the three worlds have such a purpose.

The meat is the whole system that runs... the conditioner and the like.

The repairer then let the meat pieces clean up the mites, and it continues to pay attention to the progress of the three worlds.

However, during this period, the distorted anomaly system is constantly growing.

Initially this anomalous system was easily cleaned up, but then it became more and more powerful, and it had a lot of control over the miracle.

This makes it difficult to clean up, and the cockroach is no longer the cause of the cockroach class and the mutated system.

So the repairer made such a decision at that time, it decided to remove the current miracle capital.

Then, it itself constitutes a new miracle capital.

Then Lin came here to observe.

The whole miracle capital was destroyed by itself...actually the repairer made it.

The repairer buried a large amount of tiny explosives in all the buildings.

In this process, the mutated system has been trying to stop it, but because the repairer is not under its control... it cannot stop its actions.

But the repairer can't separate the mutated system from the normal system, so simply blow them up and build a new miracle capital.

Having said that, Lin asked him carefully about the original miracle creature.

The repairman told Lin that the miracle capital was indeed made by the original miracle creature.

But it is not directly related to the original miracle creature, which means that it is actually impossible to contact the original miracle creature.

Or... can't be contacted at all times.

As for the ape that survived, it was also the repairer who communicated with it.

The repairer confirmed that it was a small miracle and decided to let it be a system management try.

Just... obviously it can't be.

Now the repairer has only one thing to do, and that is waiting.

It believes that everything here must be 'mature'.

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