4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3223: suspicious?

"This creature... it is very suspicious."

The golden sphere is so telling Lin.

This creature, claiming to be the repairer...Lin talked a lot about it.

It mainly tells what happened to Lynn's miracle capital during this time.

At the same time, it tells Lynn this, also because it thinks that Lyn can indeed join the organization of miracle creatures.

But... the golden sphere says that this is not the same as it knows.

The golden sphere does not know this ‘fixer’ at all.

And according to what the golden sphere knows, the ‘miracle capital’ is the original miracle creature itself.

Although the original miracle creature did have the possibility to record the war of the past, the golden sphere did not know that there was such a ... repairer.

Of course, the most suspicious of this repairer... does not seem to be a member of the miracle creature.

Although it may be the creature that the original miracle creature created to help maintain the miracle capital, the golden sphere feels that the repairer's 'rights' is too big, because it can destroy the miracle capital.

If you say so, it is really strange.

But Lynn thinks that the things the repairer said before should be true... at least most of them are real.

The repairer did not react to the golden sphere, and neither of them communicated, as if the repairer did not know it at all.

Lin feels it is necessary to do more research and research.

Next, Lynn asked the repairer more about the original miracle creature. It seemed to be like the golden sphere suspected. The repairer didn't know much about the original miracle creature.

No matter how Lin asks it, it just answers that it is managing the miracle capital with the main system. As for the original miracle creature... it is not clear what is going on.

The repairer said that the original miracle creature is completely unrelated to the miracle, and it is possible to contact it at some point in the future.

The repairer itself does not have the right to let the creature join the miracle organization, but it can choose some candidates to stay in the miracle capital.

In addition, it also told Lin some things.

After the destruction of the miracle capital, there are still some buildings and the screens inside.

The screens in these buildings can be said to be the 'last struggle' of the twisting system.

When the repairer wants to destroy the entire miracle capital, the twisting system is trying to do it... survive.

It successfully controlled some of the explosives buried by the repairers, allowing the building to survive.

Then this part of the building that survived...has always tried to send out signals to contact.

The type of ball displayed on the screen is actually the sign that the mutated system is trying to contact the 'outside'.

The repairer said that although the mutated system wanted to do this, it could not be contacted.

Because the repairer has completely "blocked" its signal, the mutated system could not be contacted outside.

The ‘outside’ it links to is probably the sea of ​​creation.

There is another wonderful place, that is... meat.

Some pieces of meat seem to have noticed the destruction of this miracle capital.

As a result, the pieces of meat began to be detected here, and the signals they sent led to the appearance of images of the meat in the screen.

But in fact, the image of the piece of meat is not what the piece of meat wants to show, but the signal that the twisting system has received the piece of meat.

As for why it is doing this... the repairer doesn't know.

In short, the repairer believes that as long as the system is controlled, it can't do anything.

Why not completely destroy these residual buildings? The repairer said that it also wants to see what the mutated system can do at this last minute.

It seems that it can't do much.

The golden picture that appears on the screen is the performance of the repairer in control.

It seems... It seems that everything is well controlled by it, although the golden sphere still feels suspicious.

The repairer also said that it did not know the golden sphere.

In this case, Lynn decided... Of course, I will observe it for a while and then say it.

At the same time, Lin’s main concern now is the ‘recovery’ of this place.

The three worlds are now almost “touching” each other, and their respective positions have reached the ‘end of the ancient space’ and are in contact with the exit of this space.

At the moment of contact with the exit... you can see that these three worlds are slowly being wrapped in a layer of 'light'.

They are slowly 'moving' their own space.

Lin is also paying close attention to this phenomenon.

When these three worlds were completely wrapped in 'rays'... Lynn could detect a strong signal.

This signal can be said to be a signal similar to bus creatures, and Lin has many signals in the ancient space here.

At this time, the three worlds have also reached the same ancient space.

These three worlds...just as Lin thought before, the distance between them is only about 10,000 kilometers.

There are many things around them that are constantly colliding with matter. At the moment when these three worlds appear, these scattered materials fly toward them.

However, the three worlds themselves are not moving in place.

None of them are close to anyone, and no one has any influence on the other's surface environment.

The three seem to be close, but they seem to be unrelated to each other.

At the same time, another thing happened, that is, various kinds of ... intelligent creatures.

Many intelligent creatures have been encountered along the way, and Lin has let the mini-arms follow them.

Now Lin discovers these intelligent creatures... they all receive a signal.

This signal appears directly in their minds, and the content of the signal is the resurrection of 'Ersh'.

For this situation, they are obviously very surprised.

Because most of these intelligent creatures don't know about Ershi, they don't actually go back.

All the creatures receiving the signal are caught in doubt and ... fear.

Some creatures think it's something that the leaf-cutting ants have done... and some just simply fear that this signal can enter their brains.

At this time, Ershi also felt the signal.

Accurately speaking, the Ershi nerve structure of the small Ershi, who came here... received a lot of signals at this moment.

These signals reminded Ershi of the memories of the past.

"Yes." Ershi said with Lin: "Everything here... I was designing a long time ago."

"These worlds, and these creatures, were completely designed before the war..."

"But... I used to negate this plan."

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