4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3230: After transfer

It is slowly breaking down everything in this world.

‘It’ is also a metal microbe.

These metal microbes are disguised as giants, and have been ... fooling the leaf ants and thinking creatures together.

Finally, it transferred the entire consciousness of the leaf-cutting ant to himself.

That is to say, now the leaf-cutting ants find their own consciousness to control these metal microbes.

However, it is unclear whether this is the ‘transfer’ of the consciousness of the leaf-cutting ants, or whether these metal microbes replicate the leaf-cutting ants and realize that they are not clear.

Although it does not seem to make a difference in general.

In short, the whole process took a long time, during which metal microbes almost completely decomposed all the species in the world.

Whether it is a large organism or a microbe, it is almost broken down.

Metal microbes have also customized the next goal, which is to break down the other two world creatures.

In fact, the action of the metal microbes is... as long as the meat piece completes the tumbling of a galaxy bus, it goes to break down everything on the tumbling person.

Turn it into a world full of metal microbes.

Because the meat pieces do not seem to protect these worlds, the action of metal microbes is easy to succeed.

If this continues to the end, even if the meat piece completes the plan of the galaxy bus... then all the buses in this galaxy will only have one species of metal microbes.

So, the leaf-cutting ants began to try to stop it.

At this time, the metal microbes are ready to invade the other two worlds, while the leaf-cutting ants try to forcefully control the metal creatures and stop them.

Unexpectedly, the behavior of the leaf-cutting ants is very...effective.

It found that it was easy to control each metal microbial individual, and at the same time it controlled, the original consciousness of metal microbes became more and more...small.

In the end, it almost disappeared.

Thus, the action of the metal microbes... was stopped by the leaf-cutting ants.

After that, the leaf-cutting ants restricted the metal microbes to the world and did not let them go to other places.

However, the leaf-cutting ants also found that these metal micro-organisms were not completely controlled by themselves.

They sometimes do things themselves, such as making things themselves and synthesizing something.

Or ‘hidden perception’.

That is, they sometimes come into contact with some objects, but the leaf-cutting ants do not.

Leaf-cutting ants will find these objects if they want their consciousness to be directly detected.

This is similar to an Ershi people who don't feel anything when they touch something, but when it looks at the skin that touches something, the skin feels again.

These phenomena make the leaf-cutting ants think that the consciousness of metal microbes is still there, although it is not felt.

And it doesn't know why the original consciousness of metal microbes is so easy to disappear.

All sorts of suspicious phenomena allow the leaf-cutting ants to closely monitor the behavior of each individual of all metal micro-organisms.

The leaf-cutting ants found that these metal micro-organisms, although they have some of their own behaviors, are still quite ... very safe.

They haven't made any big moves, and they immediately follow any ideas of the leaf-cutting ants.

After a while, the leaf-cutting ants also became a little... they were a little relieved.

Next, what Linde knows... a group of apes in the void come here.

The leaf-cutting ants noticed these mites, but it ignored them.

Later, the metal microbes broke down the mites, and the leaf-cutting ants did not care.

However, there was a thing that made the leaf-cutting ants very concerned, that is, those... rodents.

Rats have been developing in this world for a while, and leaf-cutting ants have never noticed them.

Later, these rodents actively ran to the position where the leaf-cutting ant consciousness was located, and the leaf-cutting ants discovered it.

The consciousness of the leaf-cutting ants is not located in all individuals of the metal microbes, but is located within a portion.

However, leaf-cutting ants can command all metal micro-organisms and receive information on all metal micro-organisms.

For example, the environment around them, and so on, they will report to the consciousness of the leaf-cutting ants.

But this time, the leaf-cutting ants found that these metal microbes have been holding it all the time.

It did not report any information about rodents to the leaf-cut ant consciousness, whether it was the construction of the rodent or the rodent itself.

Therefore, when the rodent directly touched the part of the leaf-cut ant consciousness, it discovered that the group of rodents was here.

The leaf-cutting ants had a lot of doubts at the time. It noticed that the rodents had lived here for so long, and there is still a lot of development here.

The leaf-cutting ants believed that the metal microbes had been holding these rodents here, and certainly had any purpose.

So I immediately tried to order the rats to be broken down.

The metal microbes eliminated these rodents without any hesitation.

This made the leaf-cutting ants feel very strange. It continued to examine it many times and found that the rodents did die.

Since it is so easy to solve, why is it so long?

Under research, leaf-cutting ants found that these behaviors of possible metal microbes...may be random.

They did not deliberately want to take the rodents here, and it may be that they did not report this information to the leaf-cutting ants by chance.

The leaf-cutting ants quickly confirmed that these metal microbes would occasionally not report some of the surrounding information to it.

However, if the leaf-cutting ants directly order them to report, they will still report clearly.

After understanding this, the leaf-cutting ants... don't know what to do.

It seems that it has nothing to do. In order for metal microbes not to 'erode' other worlds, it needs to keep them here, which also makes it impossible for them to leave the world.

Later, the leaf-cutting ants plan to continue doing what they did before.

Just continue to use the mind to influence the meat block and try to get it to assemble the remaining tumbling of the galaxy bus.

Although this tumbling person has been completely broken down by metal microbes, if other tumblings are completed...

Maybe the galaxy bus can still be completed.

It doesn't know if it can be done, but the computing system that can now perceive the meat is still there, so the leaf-cutting ants try... continue to use it to think about the meat.

Finally... that is now.

The meat block has assembled all the tumbling.

The entire galaxy bus is also about to be completed.

The leaf-cutting ants are also very happy, and it wants to see what it all looks like.

But it suddenly noticed a big problem.

All this is actually not really done.

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