4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3231: carry out?

"They... changed it."

The plan for the Galaxy Bus... is about to be completed.

Leaf-cutting ants originally thought so.

So when the plan was about to be completed, some aircraft were sent to investigate.

These aircraft are constructed by the synthesis of metal microbes... The leaf-cutting ants are mainly used to see the tumbling positions of all the galaxies.

Of course, there is no metal microbe in these aircrafts. Although they are made by microorganisms, they are all released from the aircraft after they are built.

Each aircraft has a system that can directly receive the instructions of the leaf-cutting ants, and the leaf-cutting ants control them to fly to the void.

Soon, these aircraft arrived at the position of each tumbling person in the Galaxy Bus Plan.

Because the leaf-cutting ants had already known the ancient space, it was easy to reach various places.

However, the leaf-cutting ants found these places... nothing.

Although it has realized that the meat piece has almost completed all the plans through the 'computing system', it has created all the tumbling.

But in fact, there are no tumbling players in these positions, and there are still only three tumbling players.

The leaf-cutting ants felt very strange, so they carefully perceived the meat through the computing system... It found that the meat pieces were all thinking that they were about to complete the plan and were making final preparations.

But in fact, none of them rolled out.

The leaf-cutting ant thinks this is really strange...because it can directly perceive the meat piece to make the tumbling person in a certain position, but there is nothing when going there.

There are now two possibilities, the computing system... or the meat pieces themselves have problems.

The leaf-cutting ant thinks that the former is more likely. After all, its computing system does not necessarily perfectly perceive all the behavior of the meat.

In order to confirm what went wrong, the leaf-cutting ants decided to investigate a portion of the meat... Of course, let the aircraft observe the location of the meat.

It's easy to find these pieces of meat. They usually float in the void or in some ancient space.

After finding them, the leaf-cutting ants noticed by direct observation that the behavior of the meat pieces was exactly the same as that of the leaf-cutting ants on the computing system.

All the meat pieces are ready for the final finish.

According to the original plan, these pieces of meat will be brought close to each other after completing all the tumbling.

The positions of the tumbling wheels are far apart from each other, but after they are all built, they will bring these tumbling people together in various ways.

But now they have not created any tumbling, but they are already preparing for the gathering.

The leaf-cutting ants felt that there was something wrong with it... but these meat pieces could not be communicated directly.

It has to investigate on its own to see what went wrong.

The leaf-cutting ants created more aircraft, allowing them to observe the meat in different places.

Under the follow-up observation of the leaf-cutting ants, it found that some of the meat pieces had very strange behavior.

These pieces of meat were accidentally discovered, and they were not felt by the computing system.

For this group of accidentally discovered pieces of meat, the leaf-cutting ants carefully observed it and found that the pieces of meat always gathered somewhere.

Accurately speaking, it is concentrated in a certain place in the ancient space.

These pieces of meat pile up here, and continue to collect all kinds of crumbs that have drifted into the ancient space, and continue to proliferate.

They are like a piece of meat that grows on the walls of ancient space, and it seems to grow by collecting debris for a long time. These things have grown to more than ten kilometers.

But they are not dangerous because they only collect floating debris without attacking ‘lives’.

Of course, the aircraft of the leaf-cutting ants will not be attacked, so the aircraft can approach them for observation.

The leaf-cutting ants found that there were some strange ‘text’ on the walls of this space.

Although leaf-cutting ants do not use words, all kinds of intelligent creatures, especially apes, use text.

When I saw the above ‘text’, the leaf-cutting ants felt that it was like some kind of scorpion-used text, but it was not actually any scorpion.

The main thing is that the leaf-cutting ants find out what they can read and understand what these words are written.

After watching it for a while, the emotion of the leaf-cutting ants poured out a lot of surprises.

Because it found out that all of the above was written... all the information about the Galaxy Bus Plan.

All along, leaf-cutting ants are helping the meat block to carry out various thinking to complete the galaxy bus program.

The completion of the tumbling pieces of the meat pieces can be said to be mostly the ‘char work’ of the leaf-cutting ants.

Of course it seems that it has not been completed.

The leaf-cutting ant is surprised that all the information he has thought about the galaxy bus, as well as the process of making the meat pieces, all... are written on the walls of ancient space as these 'text' .

After some investigation, the leaf-cutting ants found that this piece of huge meat sticking to the ancient space wall was made.

This piece of meat seems to be able to influence the ancient space in a special way, and to etch these words in space.

What is the meat piece?

Although it is known that the meat pieces cannot communicate, the leaf-cutting ants still hold the idea of ​​trying to give some signals of communication to these pieces of meat.

Initially, the meat piece ignored it.

Later, the leaf-cutting ants thought of a way to communicate with the words on the walls of these ancient spaces.

When the leaf-cutting ants saw these words, they found that they not only knew but also wrote them.

The leaf-cutting ant then slightly modified an aircraft so that its outer shell could glow through the text.

For this type of communication, those meat pieces reacted and they communicated with the leaf-cutting ants in the same way.

These pieces of meat told the leaf-cutting ants that they did record all the information on the galaxy bus.

Because they... decided to be the 'core' of the galaxy bus.

In the plan of the Galaxy Bus, Ershi is the core of the entire galaxy.

However, there is no Ershi in this planning process, and even without Ershi, all the tumbling and galaxies can be built.

It just lacks a core to manage the entire galaxy.

This group of meat shows that they want to be the core, and that they have their own thinking.

They also believe that it is necessary to do this as a core.

Use the characteristics of ancient space... to create a galaxy bus of their own.

It feels like this is the same as making creatures in ancient space, but why does the meat block have the ability to use ancient space?

Leaf-cutting ants also have this kind of question.

So, it launched an attack on the meat.

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