4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3237: Miracle of change

"When they saw them before, they... just pieces."

It is said that a long time ago, metal microbes appeared somewhere in the void.

They are sprinkled on a huge creature.

It's not that they are parasites in giant creatures, but the debris that this giant creature sprinkles turns into... creatures.

They are a very common group of microbes, with little intelligence, just in the void in the sky.

Although they are nothing special, they are very much concerned.

Because they can be regarded as the 'marks' left by that huge creature.

If you want to chase the huge creature, you can judge its location by these metal microbes.

The golden spheres indicate that they were indeed chasing the huge creature...accurately, it was a miracle organization...the companions were chasing the creature.

The golden sphere is doing some help with it.

That huge creature is called the 'last relic.'

It is said that it belongs to the creation of a civilization. From the very beginning of this civilization, there was an idea of ​​creating a 'thing'.

From the earliest primitive era, this civilization has been constantly trying to make it.

They have customized countless plans, thought about countless solutions, and have been designing and perfecting this thing for generations.

In the end, when they developed into an era, they finally finished this thing.

After the completion, this civilization is ruined, so this thing is called the 'last relic.'

It moved, like a huge creature floating in the void.

And a member of a miracle organization wants to chase this creature.

This member belongs to a rather strange member, and it is generally called the ‘slayer hunter’.

The golden sphere is not very clear about what the ‘Hunter’ was before it joined, but after joining it, it showed a great love for miracles, or fanaticism.

This sentiment brings another effect, that is, the hatred of ‘custom things’.

The golden sphere found that the hunters were very hateful of the creatures that were set and made.

It includes creatures like smart machines, synthetic creatures, etc., which are set and created by various manufacturers.

This also makes it a very different member of the miracle organization.

The golden sphere means that most of the members like miracles, but they don't hate what makes things.

But this is different.

If it finds that other civilizations are trying to create creatures or something, they will stop it.

However, if you use a living organism to form a mixture, it will not be taken care of. It must be a creature made out of ‘empty’. If it is, it will... very opinion.

It determines that the creature has its own set of standards, and once it finds out what is within its standards, it will destroy it at all costs.

This 'final heritage' is also within the ‘structural biological standards’ of the hunters.

So it has been hunting this target all the time, the golden sphere does not hate the construction of the creature, but it has helped it.

Finally, with the help of the golden sphere, the hunters found the last legacy.

After they had a fierce battle, both sides... died.

The golden sphere did not participate in and watch the battle. When it went to investigate the battlefield, it thought that both sides had blown up each other.

Later, the golden spheres took a little look at the metal microbes that were spilled from the last legacy.

It found that these metal microbes seemed to have lost their ability to reproduce after the death of the last legacy and began to die out quickly.

In the end, they are all extinct.

After that, the golden sphere thought that this was the end of the matter.

But... I didn't expect that in the past, the ancient space would actually assemble metal microbes.

The golden sphere confirms that this creature is almost identical to what was left in the previous 'last legacy'.

Something different is that the current metal microbes have a 'group consciousness'.

The 'brain structure' is something that metal microbes used to have.

Previously, the golden spheres have done some research on them and found that there are some 'memory brains' in the metal microbes.

This structure records the various things that they come into contact with, but the metal microbes don't use any of the memories inside, they are simply recorded.

Now, they have a few more features, the ‘thinking’ feature.

Metal microbes have a 'brain', the role of this brain is mainly to extract those memories, but also to signal each other, and to form a collective consciousness.

Although there is more of this ability, the place where they store their memories has not changed, so the golden sphere can quickly acquire the memory of these creatures.

The history of the golden sphere is also the purpose of the current metal microbial action.

Because the golden sphere learned... by using the data of the galaxy bus, it was able to construct the 'final heritage' again.

Why the bus data can construct the final legacy... This is obviously very strange.

This has something to do with the ‘nature’ of the last legacy.

Because this creature is essentially a homologous product of the original miracle creature.

The original miracle creature was born after countless accidental combinations, and the last legacy was born from a large and sophisticated design.

It looks like this on the surface.

But... the birth of the original miracle creature was also the result of a precise plan.

It is said that any creature with sufficient intelligence observes the complete process of the birth of the original miracle creature, and it will be considered.

When the original miracle creature died, countless coincidences, occasionally... miracles, will happen in succession around.

These accidental and final will all constitute the body parts required by the original miracle creatures, and reassemble the original miracle creatures.

It looks like it has already been planned.

But it is completely invisible.

Because after observing the whole process, if you try to investigate, you will find that there are countless miracles that make up the original miracle creatures. They have no connection between them, and they can’t find out who designed them. They look like real ones. accidental.

But these accidental and continuous occurrences seem to be designed.

In short, the whole birth process is wonderful, the feeling is design... and it is a miracle.

The last legacy is to add the product of 'deliberate thoughts' in the birth process.

For example, if a group of creatures deliberately manufactures an organ part during the birth of the original miracle creature, or deliberately creates some miracles, it will cause great interference to the whole process.

The whole process will still be completed, but the last thing that was born is not the original miracle creature, but the ‘final heritage’.

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