4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3238: To understanding

“That is, the most important thing is ‘thoughts’.hps:.”

Now, there are no creatures other than the original miracle creatures who know how it miracles around.

However, some creatures already know how to interfere with this process.

Add the idea of ​​'deliberate' to these miracles.

In fact, this is not so simple...because it is necessary to understand the body structure of miracle creatures.

Then create an organ in its revived position.

This will interfere with the recovery of miracle creatures.

You don't need to make all the whole, you just need to create an organ deliberately. Of course, it is impossible to make a little 'hair'.

It is said that this organ must be large enough and needs to be a more important part.

In short, you need a detailed understanding of miracle creatures.

After creating such an organ, the entire recovery process of the miracle creature will continue, but it will only be born...not the original miracle creature, but the ‘final heritage’.

The difference between the last legacy and the original miracle creature is that it has no past memories.

At the same time, there is no hobby for miracles.

As for any other hobbies, it is still unclear. According to the information currently known, this is a huge creature that wanders in the void.

The original miracle creatures did not seem to have any special opinions on the final heritage, at least they did not kill the creature.

But the ‘hunter’ is a great opinion on the final legacy.

But it does not know that the last legacy is a variant of the original miracle creature, just because it is a creature designed by a civilization.

And as far as we know, the civilization that designed the last legacy...they are not designed to be the last legacy of the whole creature, just an organ of the original miracle creature.

After making this organ, they are destroyed.

Then, the recovery process of the original miracle creatures continued, leading to the birth of the last legacy.

This civilization is likely to be the 'guidance' of other creatures to create an organ of miracle creatures.

Lin felt that the birth of the original miracle creature was very interesting... but, more specifically, there was a way to make organs.

That is ‘design’.

At the location of the original miracle biorecovery, an extremely complex, sophisticated, and massive design and construction imagination was carried out.

This will also interfere with the recovery of the original miracle creature.

This kind of imagination is actually no simpler than making an organ, because it has to be very 'huge'...for example, designing all the details of each tumbling person in a galaxy from the center of the earth to the surface.

Therefore, Ershi's galaxy bus design data ... may have the effect of interference.

This is also the reason why metal microbes have brought in the data of the galaxy bus. The idea is actually very simple, just want to take a look at the 'final heritage'.

But it is not clear now whether it interferes with the recovery process.

These ‘storm balls’ that Lin sees here are actually generated by the recovery process.

Now only a little is generated, there is no way to know if the last miracle creature is the last, or the last legacy.

Of course, this is not all known to the metal microbes.

Instead, there are other 'signals' telling it to do so.

So... what should I do now?

After some discussion, the golden sphere thinks it should find out where the source of that signal is.

The golden sphere says that it is also the first time to know... the original miracle creature will revert to another creature.

Or the disruption of its recovery process will produce the final variant of this ‘mutant species’.

It does know that the original miracle creature will recover.

In general, if the original miracle creature is revived, there will be memories of the past... and other miracle creatures can sense its position.

Simply put, a recovery is even added to the miracle organization.

And the final legacy is clearly out of this.

However, there is no way to know where the source of the signal is.

Another thing happened at the time, that is, the repairer.

Lin wanted to ask the repairer about these situations before, but Lin found it...not seen.

The repairer had been staying near the miracle capital, but Lynn saw it disappeared not long ago.

It feels like it is hiding in what space, there is no way to find it.

Obviously it is very suspicious... maybe it is leading the way.

After all, long ago, some creatures made the last legacy by influencing the miracle.

Maybe it has something to do with the creatures that tried to influence miracles?

Lin also told Ershi about the things here.

At present, Ershi also recalls the ‘set’ of all the galaxy buses, but... Ershi still can't recall what happened in the war.

It seems that the experience of this period of things has been completely lost.

Simply put, I don’t know what to do next.

If you wait for the miracle creature to recover here, you may have to wait a long time.

And there is no intelligence for other things, so Lin and the golden sphere are still decided...

Go and catch the ‘repairer’ and say it.

The repairer is currently considered to be one of the more clues. Although it disappears, Lin feels that its disappearance method is within the scope of Lin's familiarity.

As long as you do some careful investigation and testing, you should be able to know where it is going.

Now, near the miracle capital, Lin and the golden sphere have launched an investigation.

The main thing is to detect the various things here... ‘energy’.

Check if there is any hidden space here, or if it leaves with a method like transfer.

During the period of the investigation, Lin also asked some things about the golden sphere.

That is the 'recovery location' of miracle creatures.

The original miracle creature... should have died under the ‘empty pull’.

Why is its recovery location in this place?

The golden sphere indicates that the place where the original miracle creature recovered is not necessarily the dead place.

In general, it will be more likely to have a lot of miracles.

For example, where there are more substances.

Of course, it will not be too far from the dead position.

But if there is no substance in the position where it dies, it will certainly not recover there.

In this way, Lin also understood.

It seems that this creature is indeed interesting.

At the same time, Lynn also discovered the movement traces of the 'repairer'... these traces remain in the position where it disappears.

It hides this trace deep, but it is not found.

It's actually used...the ancient space, and it's used in a way similar to a burning star.

Evolution of the 4.6 billion ensemble

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