4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3242: Between the gaps

"For a long time……"

This is a very long tunnel.

Black and white huge objects are moving fast in the tunnel.

The ‘wall’ on both sides of the tunnel is constantly changing color with its movement, and even shows the scenery.

As these scenes changed, the black and white repairers began to flicker as they said to themselves.

This is not an ordinary space, but a very special one...that is, an ancient space where you can see ‘history.’

It is said that using some method, the past history can be presented in this space.

The scenery that appears around it... seems to be some time ago.

But Lin can't see when it was...because it's all the scenery of the stars.

And these scenes seem to have an impact on the repairer, and Lin found it caught in ‘speaking to himself.’

It is constantly shining, these rays are the language of high temperature creatures.

Every time it flashes, it is saying a different word.

“Why are so many...not sure? Why are they needed?”

“Why can't you... let them act according to the original plan?”

These words are mainly complaints about ‘miracle’.

The repairer thinks that the miracle creature... has created too many possibilities and created too many 'accidents'.

To put it simply, the original miracle creature's constant pursuit of extremely rare possibilities has led to too many 'victims'.

The repairer itself is also considered one of the victims.

The main thing is to let it not know...what is it from where it was born.

The repairer is actually looking for this answer, which is what it is.

It knows where it comes from... that place is called ‘fragmenter returning to earth’.

This place is mainly a gap between the void and the void, but it is somewhat different from the one that Lynn encountered before.

It is said that when two voids approach each other... there is a lot of space that will be 'squeezed' in two voids.

Even the ancient space is the same.

There are some creatures living in ancient space, which connect the ancient space to two different voids through the transformation of ancient space.

This is also to make the ancient space as a 'bridge' connecting the two sides.

Usually after the connection, the two sides often have creatures entering this ancient space bridge.

Some just happened to enter, but some felt that the environment was good and settled.

However, when the voids are far apart from each other, the 'bridge' of ancient space becomes unstable.

If the voids are too far apart from each other... this ancient space will lose the connection between the two sides.

And temporarily disappeared.

It seems that no creatures know at the moment... What state is this ancient space, and what state is inside the environment.

Because as far as the repairer is aware, all creatures will find that they are disconnected from this ancient space at this moment.

At the same time, there is no way to arrive or detect this space.

This ancient space seems to have completely disappeared.

But in fact it has not disappeared.

If you want to see it again, you have to wait for the two voids that you have been away from.

As long as the two voids approach a certain distance, this ancient space can be found again.

Usually this will take a long time.

So after entering this ancient space, you will find everything inside... especially the creatures that settled in it are not there.

There is only a lot of dust and debris left in this place, and this ancient space has become a completely ridiculous place.

There is not only one ancient space connecting the voids, there are many, and some are ordinary spaces.

But they are all in the same situation. There have been many creatures in their interiors, but now there are only crumbs left.

More interestingly, there are a group of creatures who are very fascinated by this place.

They are constantly researching these spaces that are crowded by two voids and investigating the situation inside.

It is also the history of these spaces that they have discovered.

Some spaces have relatively good materials, and if you investigate them, you can discover the creatures that once lived in the space.

But they have never encountered a living creature in space.

Although some of the space is quite large, the resources inside are rich enough to allow some creatures to approach from a void to the next void.

However, no creature can survive.

In fact, most of the material inside is debris, so the creatures surveyed think that there may be a huge catastrophe in these spaces.

Until once...

They found a fairly complete object.

This object is much like a sophisticated machine, which makes them very curious, why this object can be so intact... it is preserved here.

So they studied the object carefully, but did not find its specific use.

Although it is like a machine, it is just like it, it can't start anything.

But because it is a very rare discovery, they keep the object.

Then, this group of creatures continues to explore other ancient spaces.

In the continuous exploration, they found several similar objects again.

They found that their space is not the same, and there is no connection between these spaces, which makes them quite curious.

They believe that these spaces may have been linked before.

Although these objects are similar, they are different. They speculate that they might have been made by a certain creature or civilization, and the manufacturer has gone through all these spaces.

During the period of continuous exploration, this group of creatures is constantly upgrading their space technology.

They explored normal space before, and at some point they suddenly discovered an ancient space.

This is also the only ancient space they have discovered.

After entering this ancient space, they found that there was also a lot of debris inside.

At the same time, they also found the last one...this kind of precision design object.

Later they continued to explore some other spaces, but they never found them.

They store the objects they find in a warehouse.

They have been constantly investigating these objects, speculating on how it stayed, what happened to those spaces in the past, etc... This group of creatures is a group of historical researchers.

However, what they didn't expect was that these objects, which they thought could not be started, moved at some point.

And assembled into what the current Lin sees... the repairer.

Of course it was small at the beginning.

The researchers were surprised to find that the repairers were assembled and thought of it.

That is, it may not be made by the creatures of the past, but by the fact that it is 'formed' in space.

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