4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3243: answer?

"This is... miracle."

This group of creatures who like to study history... came to this conclusion.

They found some wonderful 'mechanics' in the space that was squeezed between the gaps of the void.

These machines were finally assembled into the repairer's ... larvae.

Initially, the creatures that studied it have always believed that the repairer was made by some of the creatures in space in the past, but in further research it was thought to have been born in a miracle.

In their study of various spaces, it has been found that some similar phenomena have occurred in these spaces in the past.

This phenomenon is very similar to the phenomenon of 'space storm', a violent phenomenon that destroys everything inside.

However, it is not a pure disaster.

Just as some life was born in a world full of natural disasters, the mechanics of the repairer's body were also born under dramatic changes in space.

This violent phenomenon "combines" some of the materials together and pieces together into the body part of the repairer.

As research progresses, they believe that this possibility is also there.

Because these creatures mimicked this space storm in their labs and found something special in many experiments.

These special things can be regarded as an 'unformed' repairer component, or as a component fragment.

Their trials are small, but the ability to make these pieces of debris means that if the storm is strong and lasts long enough, it is likely to constitute the complete part of the repairer.

Of course, they are currently unable to do this kind of experiment because the pieces that are currently being produced are only one ten thousandth of the size of the original part.

At the same time, it is not every time the debris will be produced.

However, according to various situations, it can be considered that the space storm has produced repairers.

However, there is still an unexplained situation.

That is why these parts of the repairer will... combine themselves?

When the repairer's parts are put together, they form a living creature.

That is the repairer's most... when I was young.

At this time, it does not have any intelligence, just to do its own activities.

This is the light that makes this group of creatures feel that this is a wonderful phenomenon, so they discuss whether the repairer is 'natural' or what creature is designed.

They had a lot of ideas at the time, and they thought that the storms in these spaces were designed by what creatures.

Or these storms are just a normal ‘natural phenomenon’ that comes out of space after the void.

But why can 'natural phenomena' just assemble these repairer parts in every space?

When they discussed it, they suddenly found the repairer... dying.

The repairer continues to be active after he assembles himself, and his constant activity is to wear himself.

Because it... often hits and hits everywhere.

And its structure is not very strong.

Although it can be maintained in the 'storm', it is almost falling apart in the current collision.

This group of creatures quickly restricted the action of the repairer and conducted an ongoing investigation into it.

They did not find out at the time that the repairer was using what ‘energy’ was moving, but it was indeed moving.

However, the repairer does not have the ability to maintain his life.

That is to say... it does not eat or obey the ability of the surrounding environment, but knows how to hit something and change direction, and then continue to hit.

At this time the repairer was not considered a creature, but was considered to be a sophisticated device.

Because of its curiosity, these creatures who researched it have made some 'modifications' to it.

Because in their research, they found that the repairer had some 'organs' that could transform some substances into body structures.

However, it does not have a 'mouth' and therefore cannot eat.

As a result, they added a 'feeding device' to the repairer.

This thing helps the repairer to swallow the right substances it encounters and crush them.

This way the repairer can repair the damage he has hit.

Initially they set the feeding device to automatic and it swallowed when it detected the right thing.

They originally wanted to allow the repairer to fix himself when they collided everywhere, and the original repairer did.

It is still moving around randomly... but because it has a feeding function, it can constantly repair wear and tear, so it is... you can live your own life.

Later, the creatures discovered more wonderful things.

The repairer will actively use the device to search for substances, and after eating a lot of material, it will start to get bigger and bigger.

At the same time, it has developed many new structures, such as the structure that can detect the surrounding environment.

So, after that, it really looked like a creature.

Constantly growing, learning constantly, the creatures who study the repairers look forward to seeing what it will look like.

What they didn't expect was that the repairer looked more and more like them.

In the end, the repairers almost completely became the same creatures in shape.

As for the various structures in the body, although they are different, they are very similar.

The main thing is that the repairers learn various communication methods such as their language and start to communicate with them.

The first question the original repairer asked them was ‘Who am I? ’

This seems to be its first thought, to know what it is.

There is nothing else to think about it.

These creatures explained to the repairer how it was discovered and how it has grown to the present.

Of course, in order for the repairer to understand this, they also told the repairer that there is a variety of 'basic knowledge' about the void.

Later the repairer lived with these creatures.

It behaves like a very ordinary individual, with no special performance.

As for these creatures, they are also very 'friendly' to treat it... in fact, they have been observing it all the time.

And its long-standing goal is to figure out who it is.

Because... the answer of this group of creatures is just to make it more doubtful.

After a while, it left the creatures and went to the void.

Because it feels that it is impossible to seek answers in this group of creatures, it will change when it leaves this group of creatures and goes to the void.

It seems that in different places of the void, repairers who encounter different things will have different changes.

In the end, it became such a huge object of black and white that Lin sees now.

And it found two answers.

This is similar to what it was originally learned from those creatures.

One answer tells it that it is a miracle product created by the ‘original miracle creature’.

The other answer is what the repairer calls the ‘the greatest designer’.

It tells the repairer that it is the product of a sophisticated plan.

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