"What is true in the end?"

The repairer looked for its answer in the void.

But it found that the answer was not so easy to obtain.

Because it needs to enter a space that is 'squeezed' by two voids.

Then wait for two voids to stay away inside, and it may observe the situation inside.

But... it may also die inside.

Plus it is impossible to find such a space now.

Because the void has been separated, I don't know when the void will come again.

Moreover, even if it is close, it is necessary to connect one of the two voids with a space.

Although Lynn had encountered space to connect two voids before, but... it has no special effect.

This kind of space does not change when the void is far away, which is related to its 'position'.

Many spaces can connect to two voids, but their position will be biased toward a void.

So after the voids are far apart from each other, it will only break the connection on one side.

This space needs to be in a very 'central' position to disconnect both nulls at the same time.

This kind of disconnection will cause a change in the void of all connections.

The repairer was born under this change.

Now it can't go directly to observe this situation.

So it has been searching for these answers in the void... and found two answers in the end.

One answer tells it that the original miracle creature's ‘miracle recovery’ process has a very large impact.

Although its organ aggregation is not very large, it will affect a wide range of voids.

These phenomena will eventually come together to form an organ for it.

This miracle also affects some space, that is, those spaces that are located just in the middle of the two voids.

Thus the parts of the repairer... were born in this space.

These parts can actually be regarded as miracle creatures, but because of the void, these spaces are 'lonely', there is no way to go inside, and there is no way to leave.

Therefore, the organs born here cannot be gathered in the normal void in the recovery place.

Until... those who like to study the history of space find them.

Then these organ parts were put together and finally formed the current repairer.

But I don't know why, the repairer has his own consciousness.

Perhaps this organ itself has its own consciousness.

This answer tells the repairer that it is part of a miracle creature... all it has to do is go to the recovery site of the miracle creature and wait for itself to merge with other organs.

There is another answer, which is also told to be born in another creature's 'recovery plan'.

But it was not the original miracle creature, but the original...high temperature creature.

This answer tells the repairer that it was the product of a plan that was born a long time ago.

This plan has been carefully designed for every step, and the entire project has been going on for a very long time.

Everything that includes assembling parts in space, being found by creatures, etc. is part of the plan.

The repairer itself has gathered countless 'data' so it can be adapted to suit different environments.

In the end it will be reborn as an 'original high temperature creature'.

However, this plan has suffered some interference.

It is the interference from the ‘miracle’.

In fact, all the parts of the repairer themselves will be assembled in the ancient space.

But because of the miracle, its components are separated into different spaces to form.

This also led to its inability to be born directly in ancient space.

At the same time, it also caused various problems when it was born, such as not eating.

But the end result is that it has succeeded in growing into what it is.

It’s just... it hasn’t left the miracle yet.

It has to interfere with the process of miracles, so that miracles are no longer miracles... it can really grow and complete.

Of course, the repairer is more willing to believe the answer than the former.

Not because the answer seems to be more 'rich', but because the repairer is very convinced that he is... a creature that has been designed.

Its current form and all its abilities must be carefully designed to be constructed, not a random accidental miracle... born.

This is interesting because Ershimin has also argued about this issue.

Whether they are randomly born or designed, if they are designed, then the designer is... Who designed it?

Ershimin argued for this problem for a long time, and the repairer did not pay attention to how the designer of it was born.

It only cares about itself.

It believes that it must be precisely designed.

But it also learned from the creatures that told it the 'answer' that it might be part of a miracle because of the miracle.

The ‘miracle organ’ of the original miracle creature was not something that was completely composed of nothing.

They may also make use of the creation of some other creatures.

In order to avoid this effect, it is necessary to turn the miracle creature into a 'last relic.'

Therefore, the repairer has been working hard in this regard.

It has been investigating the 'miracle organ'.

That is, by studying how miracle creatures are formed by various miraculous organs, and then... they made it themselves.

If you can't make it all, make a part.

If the original miracle creature becomes the 'last relic,' then this is a well-designed creature.

But the main thing is that it still doesn't want to be part of the original miracle creature.

The wonderful thing is that the repairer has been convinced of this, even if the creature that told it the 'answer' was not too detailed.

The repairman’s long-standing efforts have been successful. Although it has not produced many organs, it believes that the original miracle creatures have gone according to the steps of becoming the last relic.

The repairers themselves have been carrying out ‘cultivation’.

It is about the cultivation of ... high temperature creatures.

High temperature organisms have strong control over ancient space, and it is also slowly learning.

However, its control of ancient space will be affected by the transmission of energy. From this point of view... perhaps it is related to its components that are born in ordinary space.

It has managed to 'handle' a lot of miracles, and it has been doing well until Lynn arrives.

In fact, it did not think that Lin was so difficult to deal with.

Lin also thinks this is quite amazing. In fact, the repairer itself is not very powerful.

But it stayed here for so long, and did not encounter anything more powerful than its creatures to stop it.

What is the reason for this?

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