"It is helping us."

"I still remember that time."

"Yeah...but what are you doing now?"

This is a snowy city...

There are countless cold white objects scattered in the sky, and they fall to a thick layer on the ground.

On a bench, two ‘biological’ are sitting there, and they are watching the ‘future’ while watching the heavy snow.

And next to them, there is a small ... arms.

It is watching the two chat creatures.

In fact, the entire city has such small arms everywhere, they look like a snowflake, a few centimeters in size.

Lin uses them to observe the situation of the city... the city of this mutated system.

Not long ago, the mutated system fled with everything.

Ershi’s ‘weapons’, repairers, and... it’s all disappeared into the original void.

It uses the usual way of transporting the bus, but it is a bit special.

After it was transmitted, Lin found that it was transmitted to a considerable distance... This distance is generally the maximum transmission distance that is transmitted hundreds of times to arrive.

The reason it can be transmitted so far is because... it puts something that can be called a 'transfer storage'.

This thing stores the transfer energy and, when it is delivered to this location, it can continue to transfer it to the next place.

Because there are hundreds of such things in each location, it arrives quite far away.

Lin feels that this way to send is quite interesting, although Lin also thought about it, it is necessary to arrive at these locations in advance.

After transmitting a long distance... the mutated system did not continue to transmit.

Instead, it has done some special actions. It has been split before, and now it has once again been integrated to form a complete city.

At the same time, it also assembled the parts of the Ershi weapon and the repairers together with themselves.

Now it has become a lot bigger than before.

After the increase in size, the city of the mutated system has a lot more... the open space, which is now growing a large number of urban structures on these open spaces.

At the same time, the city is also covered by the snow, which is actually used to grow the city.

When a large amount of 'snow' accumulates on the earth's surface, it gathers into a snow-capped mountain.

The mechanical Ershi people on the surface will modify the shape of this snow-capped mountain. They will make it into the shape of some buildings like a snow castle... Then the snow will become a real building.

However, most of the mechanical people do not participate in the construction of the building, they are sitting here chatting.

By observing them, Lin discovered their history.

Their history is compared...simple.

They think that they were ordinary Ershi people and have been traveling in the void.

At some point, they all infect a wonderful, fungus-like thing.

The fungus killed them one after another, and they also encountered a city of mutated systems at this time.

They found some special devices in the city that could transfer their thinking memories into the machine.

Thus, the ‘skin’ of this group of people died, and their thoughts and memories were transferred into the machinery they created.

Go ahead... live.

During this period, they discovered that the city had a management system, a variant system.

They found that the mutated systems have their own consciousness, and through the communication with the mutated system, they learned the purpose of the mutated system.

The mutated system tells them a lot about things, like the use of miracles to recover Ershi's weapons, and the repairers.

These mechanical people also decided to go forward with the city and complete this great cause together.

Although they can't do a lot of things, they usually live here like ordinary people.

Lynn is more curious about where they came from. Is it really the Ershi people floating in the void? It is only a group of residents created by the mutated system.

The investigation of this place is still going on, and Lin is not going to attack it directly.

Instead, look at it and see where it will drift.

Now the repairer is completely in a state of sleep. Even with the repairer, this Ershi's ‘weapons’ is only a small part of it, so it should not be able to use this weapon to do anything.

And it is also unlikely to return to the miracle biorecovery point.

So it is now shipping the weapon somewhere.

Will it be shipped to the sea of ​​creation? Where are you going?

Lin plans to observe it first.

... After that, it has been a while.

During this time, Jursh has been to many places around the miracle revitalization.

However, Ershi found that there is no way to find any memory.

These memories seem to have no way to find them here, and they may indeed come in person.

Although I have not found anything in person to solve it.

After the golden sphere understood the situation here, it decided to go to another original miracle creature.

The biological energy of these mutated systems interferes so much with the original miracle biorecovery process mainly because they know miracles.

Why do they understand this in the end... This is a puzzle.

But this is likely to pose a threat to miracle creatures, so the golden sphere thinks that other original miracle creatures may care about this event.

So it seems that the things here are almost the same... come to an end.

Although Lin has not fully understood the things here, such as the matter of cutting leaves.

Why did some of the metal microbes combine to form a historical ball and tell the history of leaf-cutting ants and metal microbes? Lin is still not well understood.

This is related to the repairer, but Lin did not know the details from the repairer.

In short, the leaf-cutting ants intend to continue to control the life of metal microbes.

And this place may not have anything special for a long time, unless the miracle creature recovers.

Lin doesn't know how long the miracle creature will recover... the golden sphere doesn't know.

This is an unfixed time, and in general there may be thousands of years of pompoms.

However, if there are many possibilities for miracle generation nearby, it will be shortened a lot.

So, Lynn decided to build a base here.

At the same time, I also tried to help the meat pieces to complete the ‘Galaxy Bus Plan’ of Ershi.

During this period, Lin also focused on the whereabouts of the mutated system.

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