4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3250: fighting

"Why it is like this?"

Here is somewhere...the void.

A huge city is floating under the endless starry sky.

In this city, there is also a glimmer of brilliance like a starry sky.

That is... the light of war.

'boom! ’

Numerous flying objects danced between the cities. These things hit the building, and the ground exploded one after another. A building collapsed in the bang.

In fact, this has been going on for a long time... this war.

The city of the mutated system has been drifting in the void for a long time... Lin has been observing it and seeing where it will drift.

This observation has passed almost six hundred pompons staying up late, during which time it did not make any rapid movements.

It just seems to float in the void without any target.

The creatures that lived on it, that is, the group of mechanical people, got up.

This is mainly because they have had disputes during this period.

Although the mutated system told them about the miracle creature's plan, it did not say what would happen if the plan failed.

Now even if the plan fails, they can't continue to wait for the process of miracle biorecovery, but float into the void.

They don't know what to do next, although they tried to communicate with the mutation system, but the system did not respond at all.

So they started to discuss how they should do it... but they quickly argued because of different opinions.

Some of them want to leave here, go to the virtual air to develop themselves, and some want to follow the mutation system.

Then slowly develop to fight each other, the whole process is very fast.

As for the mutation system itself... it seems to be a sleepy look.

The 'exchange points' of these mechanical Ershi people and the mutated system are deep underground in the city.

Lynn has been observing the 'communication point' recently.

There are many exchange points, each of which is in a room about 30 meters in diameter. The center of the room has something like the head of Ershimin.

The mechanical Ershi people came to these rooms to communicate with the mutation system through this thing.

These exchange points will communicate with the mechanics some time ago, but at some point they suddenly become 'empty'.

That is, the internal structure all disappeared in a short period of time.

In fact, they are self-decomposing.

Lin didn't know why the mutated system did this, perhaps because it knew that Lynn had been monitoring it, so she came up with this way of getting rid of Lin.

Although Lynn still does not confirm what it is for.

In short, these exchange points like the head of the Ershi are just empty shells, and there is nothing inside.

The mechanics here played and the variant system did not pay attention.

Since it doesn't manage it now, then Lin has to order some things.

That is... take Ershi’s ‘weapons’ away.

Lin was also integrated with the repairer, and Lin also did some research on it in the underground of the city.

But what Lynn wants to do now is to separate it... the weapon is shipped alone.

Because the mutated system is not managed now, this should be a very simple matter.

Or it's just superficially mounted like this, actually monitoring the city.

In this case, Lynn can also see if it has any special reaction by taking the weapon away.

Thinking, Lin started the action.

'boom! ’

At this time, the whole city swayed violently.

This is a huge explosion, and it is Lin, because there are many micro-arms in the underground of the city.

They revolved around Ershi's ‘weapons’ and they blew themselves up.

Under this explosion, the city of the entire mutated system also produced huge cracks in the middle, and as the cracks became larger, the city was split into two halves in a fierce tremor.

Between the split-half cities, a huge...the seemingly rock-like object is slowly rising.

This thing is Ershi’s ‘weapon’.

Lin has installed a power system on it, so it can float out on its own.

And all the mechanical residents in the city are watching this scene as if they were worried.

"Fast attack!"

There is a mechanical person who seems to have reacted.

Although they are mechanical structures, the reaction speed is similar to that of the general Ershi people, and it will not be very fast.

They reacted to this after the weapons of Ershi... immediately aimed at it all.

What's more amazing is that they don't think it's what the mutated system does, but immediately think that it is the weapon of the ash that wants to escape from here.

When Lin thought about it, they had already fired.

Numerous flying objects were emitted from the city, and they collided and exploded.

This makes the stone-like surface of the weapon begin to produce a lot of cracks.

This also made the surface of the mechanical people more aggressive attack, after a round of bombing, the shell of the weapon almost completely broken.

After the shell burst, the inside is a huge object.

This object is a square type, and the whole is very similar to the 'magic cube' of Ershimin, but it is only black and white.

This is also the current state of Ershi 'weapons', which was not the case at first, but it has been slowly changing itself in the city of the mutated system, and finally it has become this shape.

At present, its length, width and height are about seven kilometers. In fact, it was not just that big when it was originally integrated, but it is this size after a series of changes.

After the rock-like shell burst completely, the entire weapon also jerked and rushed to the depths of the void at an extremely fast speed.

And those mechanical people can only watch this weapon escape.

They don't have any fast-moving aircraft or powerful weapons. Lynn is strangely like the mutated system does not respond.

In this case, Nalin will take this weapon back first.

In fact, the ‘road’ that is continuously transmitted along the mutated system will go back.

Only those storage devices that the variability system uses for continuous delivery run out of energy after one transfer.

It is obvious that it does not want Lin to chase it, but Lin can still go back through some methods.

Because Lin found that these devices were not damaged, they could be supplemented with energy.

If you put this weapon on Ershi, Lin thinks that something interesting might happen.

There is also the possibility of restoring memory.

But when Lin thought so, Lin suddenly found out... There was a big object in front of the weapon.

This thing seems to be consistent with Lin's way forward.

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