4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 170: Shaking the earth

‘Boom...’ In the depths of the earth, there was a feeling of shock. This feeling made Lin have to pause the search activity in the Rift Valley.

In fact, Lin predicted it very early. Yes, this is an earthquake. Through some sensor officials, Lin can feel the subtle vibration of the underground named 'Zhenzhao' to judge the real earthquake. It will happen.

Although it was predicted very early, Lin began to formally prepare now.

And when Lin discovered the mud cave under the rift, the earthquake was just the time to hit.

At this time, a lot of preparations are needed, because the main area affected by the earthquake is the area where Lin's underground base is located - the outer continent.

Lin named the dinosaur continent separately. The inner world was separated by the rift, while the outer continent was outside. The base of Lin was mainly distributed under the underground of the outer continent.

The underground is a criss-crossing pipe system. Lin was completely strengthened when it was first manufactured. The pipes inside are the most resistant hexagonal structure, and the inner wall is also specially reinforced. When it was first manufactured, Lin believed that it could Resist any crisis...

The underground base can ignore the threats such as meteorites, and the earthquake has become the only trouble, so Lin has intensified the defense against the earthquake.

But that's just to think about it. Can you really resist the earthquake? I have to test it before I know that Lin will certainly not go to special earthquakes to experiment, but now, Lin’s chance is coming...

If you can resist the real earthquake, it is enough to prove that the defense of this base is perfect, if it is impossible to resist. Lynn can also get the corresponding data and continue to strengthen to the point of resistance.

Of course, it is still good to resist. After all, this base has been around for a long time...

At the beginning of the earthquake. A large number of dinosaurs and various creatures in the jungles of the outer continent began to escape. Most of them escaped into the mainland through the bridge of keel made by Lin, but because there is only one bridge, it is very crowded and also I can see the scenes that I can't usually see. The meat creatures that were originally hunting and mixed with vegetarian creatures seem to be very united and moving forward together.

But because the bridge was too crowded, some dinosaurs were squeezed out from the bridge. Falling into the dark rift valley abyss... There are many pterosaurs that have long anticipated this, and they have already flown deep into the rift to enjoy the food that falls from the sky.

At this time, some large dinosaurs such as the Dome Dragon were also squeezed onto the bridge. More small dinosaurs on the edge of the bridge were squeezed into the abyss. Now, there are countless creatures passing through the bridge, making this place The bridge is a little bit swaying. Lin actually doesn't know if the bridge will collapse. If it really collapses, then I don't know how much it will die.

According to the calculation, it should not be. After all, the strength of the composite spider silk is very high, and the original design was made to withstand some large dinosaurs.

‘Boom...’ Lin could feel the deep voice coming from the depths of the earth. This made the dinosaurs speed up, and Lin was almost ready.

A large number of green carpet trees in the jungle, these trees have emergency airbags, at this time Lin let them fully expand the airbags, while breaking the roots, they are slowly rising into the sky.

At the same time, Lin asked the units in the base to start a parade and test every part of the inner wall of the base to see if there was any damage, and if it was repaired immediately.

Because Ping Lin has always been very concerned about repairing, so there is no big problem, all the pipelines in the base are made of high-strength shell-mixed spider silk, and Lin thought that it should be able to support the earthquake.

Although the earthquakes are also large and small, it is certainly not going to be a small place for the creatures to escape.

The retreat of the dinosaurs lasted for about a day and night. At this time, Lin also slowly completed all the preparations. After watching the dinosaurs almost pass the bridge, Lin finally concentrated the troops in the base to one place. The main reason is that if you really have trouble, you can also dig it out. At the same time, Lin specially protects the nutrition storage room, and uses the 'sheller' to create more shells to wrap them up. These nutrients must be protected. If it hurts, it will be quite troublesome...

Now, the vibration has slowly begun.


The first time the earth vibrated, Lin felt the obvious shaking. The pipeline at the base seemed to be squeezed, and it felt not particularly strong.

'boom--! ! 'The next vibration is more intense. The whole base is constantly shaking. Some trees on the ground have begun to collapse. Under the shaking, the underground base pipe feels like being shaken by huge force. But still no damage.

Sure enough, this strength is very suitable, because the base tube has a blood vessel-like system inside the shell, and Lin can feel the entire base.

'Booming bang...' The vibration is still continuing. The trees on the ground have collapsed because of the earthquake, but the taller, older trees still stand on the ground. It seems that this kind of vibration Still can't affect them...

For Lin, the same is true. The inner shell of the base remains stable under the vibration, and even a little crack has not been produced. It seems that the calculation was good at the beginning, and the base defense has been quite perfect.

In fact, Lin was not afraid that the entire base would collapse together. It was afraid that the shells in some places would be imperfectly manufactured, which would produce partial...


Just as Lin thought so, a burst of sound spread to Lin's hearing. In the deeper part, there was a crack in the top of a room!

That room is... the place where the 'dream brain' is placed!

Why is it there? The room there should be completely protected...but the vascular system inside the shell is not completely spread, so some of the shells are cracked, and Lin can't know why.

Because there are no troops there, you must immediately drive the troops from the nearest room to the room where your brain is!

Lin asked some of the recent shellers to rush to the room of the brain. The shells were transformed by Lin. Now they are like a two-meter-long spider, and they run quite fast.

When she reached the room of the brain, Lin immediately found the cracked place, just above the brain, and Lin saw some strange liquid dripping there.

This shell is not shattered and is dissolved. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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