4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 171: Weird creature

This thing... really weird.

The earthquake has slowly stabilized. Lin’s underground base has barely encountered any problems. Whether it is from the vicinity of the source or from the far side, there is no damage. The base is indeed able to resist this. earthquake,

If you don't encounter this problem, then you can really call it perfect.

In the room where the brain is located, it is also on the wall directly above the brain, and a little shell is cracked. This is not because of the earthquake, but by the solution.

Although the base shell of Lin's base is very resistant to pressure, it has no structure to protect the solution. It only has the ability to resist the corrosive substances in the soil. It is obvious that there is something deliberately dissolved in some of the shells, causing it to crack.

Moreover, after the decomposition of the solution, Lin found that it contained ingredients that had not been seen at all, and the underground organisms in the vicinity did not secrete the solution.

This is caused by a new creature. Why did it come here during the earthquake and then melt the carapace in the brain?

Lin thought a lot of answers. Generally speaking, before the earthquake, there were some worms living underground. All creatures would try to escape, instead of staying here, and this creature doesn’t look like it can’t move. Some small arms drilled through the cracks in the carapace and found traces of this creature.

It is probably a small beetle-shaped creature with a body length of about 30 centimeters. Lin now uses the ‘driller’ to follow it and trace it in the dirt.

This creature is clearly able to move slowly through the soil during the earthquake. It must be a very strange creature. Lynn has recorded all the creatures in the vicinity for several years. It even includes the types of bacteria in the soil. But no similar creatures have been found. And it is somewhat difficult to understand how it secretes a large amount of lysate to dissolve the room in which the brain is located.

It doesn't make much sense. There is no food in it. It takes a lot of energy to secrete so many dissolved liquids to penetrate the thick shell of the base, and it does not need to be intentionally appeared in the earthquake.

Obviously this creature is intentional, rather than happening to pass through, the biggest mystery is, why did it escape after it was dissolved, instead of drilling in?

Why is this all? Maybe finding this creature can solve this problem.

Now the mud-drillers are still following the traces of them. This creature has a peculiar smell, much like the lysate it secretes. This taste allows Lin to keep track of it.

This thing seems to run very fast, it is not too long to find the solution and Lin to find the troops, and Lin’s muddy is also very fast, but now the smell has been tracked in the mud for thousands of seconds, actually Haven't found it yet.

Wait... have...

The driller suddenly found a wonderful thing in front of him. It was a small yellow ball-shaped object, and it smelled of dissolved liquid. The drudge quickly swallowed this thing...

Lynn found this thing to be a secretory gland. Specially used to secrete the solution.

Strange, why is the secretory gland here? Can the creature still release the secretory gland from the body and then throw it in this place?

This is amazing... Does it know that Lynn is tracking it. So deliberately let go of this gland and escape? This feeling is not very likely, why can it know that Lin is tracking?

However, even if the gland is lowered, its body still smells, and Lin can continue to track it... it can't escape.

While Lin's drillers continued to move forward, Lin also slowly did the recovery work after the earthquake. Although there were usually aftershocks after the earthquake, Lin knew that these aftershocks were very small and they didn't have to pay special attention.

If you look at it from a high altitude, you can see that many trees in the jungle have been shaken by the earthquake. In fact, the things that have been fallen down are the main cause of biological death. The ground is just shaken and shaken. If there is no crack, it is really made. No harm.

Some of the trees did not collapse, and many of them were of strong earthquake-resistant ability. Some of the dinosaurs that had crossed the bridge had now begun to go back.

Mainly because the earthquake has poured a lot of trees, many dinosaurs can now eat the leaves and fruits that they could not eat before. After the earthquake, the creatures quickly prospered.

Lin will drop all the green carpet trees that have risen into the air back to the ground and continue to play their previous uses. At the same time, Lin will also check the soil looseness on the ground.

Lin found that there are many reasons for the earthquake, although it can be predicted every time, but because of different reasons, the predicted time is not the same, most of the time because the underground rock formation is cracked, and sometimes there will be sudden earthquakes.

Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the perfection. If the earthquake occurred in the city of Emerald Dragon, they might be in trouble. The houses built by the Emerald Dragons are not very earthquake-resistant. It is estimated that they have not been shaken. Relationship……

found it!

Just as Lynn dealt with these post-earthquake problems, the mud-driller finally found the target—the creature that secreted the lysate.

This thing looks like a beetle, and it is about thirty centimeters long, as Lin predicted, but it is not a real beetle.

In fact, Lin doesn't know what kind of creature it is. It has a streamlined shell that covers the whole body like a beetle, but there is no joint of the beetle. It is almost sealed all over the body. There are small holes on both sides of the shell. Extend the small joint to move, there is no mouth on its head, and there is a hole in the tail that can be opened and closed. It is estimated that it is here to release the solution, and it is estimated that it also uses this position to eat and excretion……

Eating and excreting in the same place... This is only the case with fairly primitive creatures, but this thing has higher organs.

When Lin found this creature, it was already dead. There was a scar in its body. It seemed to be forced to get out the gland in the body. In fact, this thing is also its gastric juice. Sooner or later, it will not live... ...

What kind of creature is this thing? I have never seen it before, why is it coming out during the earthquake? And ran to the room where the brain was dissolved...

Lin thought of a possibility, maybe this creature was attracted by the brain?

Lin’s dream brain is very large. The current size is about 50 centimeters in diameter. It also acts like other creatures when it is active, releasing some brain waves.

Because it is relatively large, its brain waves are released more strongly. Lin is wondering if this creature is attracted by brain waves. It has a sensory organ in the body, which is very suitable for receiving this signal.

Lin wants to try to see if she can attract a similar creature, so Lin has created a number of arms, which are dedicated to releasing a larger number of brain waves. At the same time, Lin has also created more underground mud cruisers in the vicinity. See if you can find another one.

For this creature, Lynn has many ideas, but it is still impossible to determine what it is. Is it a soldier of a divisional species? Or just ordinary wild species...

This is only known to the groups that have discovered them...

The next step is to wait. Finding things in the mud is not so easy to find. Attracting is a more effective way.

While waiting, Lin can continue to look at things about the emerald dragon...

The team of Mukla and Flying Spear has already set off. Both of them are riding on Yalong, while the other two hundred Jade Dragon guards are used.

As they walked out of the city, there were a lot of emerald dragons onlookers. There was also a whispering discussion between them. There was something about Susumu. Although Susumi’s departure was not said to be spread out, I don’t know how to still There is a common layer of jade dragons knowing that many emerald dragons are quietly talking about this matter. Some emerald dragons think that Susumui has already obtained Dorok's eggs, and some guess whether it is a problem. ......

Looking at the situation here, Mukla is determined to find Susumi back.

The flying spear does not know what to think about...

After they left, Lynn’s spy stayed in the city and observed the changes here. Lin found that the nobles of the previous meeting, the Jade Dragon, had begun to prepare, and they began to decorate themselves more gorgeously. Start to woo some of the jade dragons that support themselves...

It seems that many Jade Dragons have already identified Susumumi as dead and intend to start competing for the throne. But these nobles have the same status, and they usually do the same thing. I want to choose one of them. It is really difficult.

They usually do not sleep in a house, or they try to decorate various things and compare them with other noble people. Although they do not eat and drink, they are really boring.

Only a few emerald dragons have other hobbies, such as art and invention, but these jade dragons are not good at fighting, and they can't compete for the throne.

In fact, there are very few combat commanders of the Jade Dragon. There is one besides Mukla and Flying Spear, but it is also the Emerald Dragon that supports Susumi. It also believes that Susumumi is still alive and does not have the idea of ​​being a throne. .

That's it. As time goes by, these noble people have no special actions, and the ordinary people are still busy. The rumors about Susumi are very good, but nothing has happened in the whole city. Things.

After confirming what would not happen in the city, Lin felt that it was necessary to follow the search team. I wonder if they can find Susumumi in the end? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~alpha~ monthly ticket~

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