4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3268: control?


The signal of the command... was sent out by the mutated system.

All buildings on the second floor stopped attacking at this moment.

It seems that it has finally been discovered that these buildings did not attack it by themselves, but that Lin was commanding.

Although Lynn didn't know why it was discovered so late, it was a good opportunity.

Lin let the sea cucumbers suddenly accelerate and hit the past directly toward the mutant system.

The mutated system did not want to collide with Lynn's sea cucumber. It flew to the side to escape, and at the same time, several beams of light were emitted from Lin's sea cucumber.

If it is hit by multiple beams at the same time, it will still be dangerous, but when these beams are close to the sea cucumbers...

They all disappeared.

At this time, Lin asked the sea cucumber to emit a short thorn on the mutated system. These short thorns flew out and blasted on the outer skin of the system.

Most of the short thorns shattered at the moment they hit the target, but a short thorn that was more than three hundred meters hit its ... scar.

This was the scar that was previously hit by the building. The sharp head of the short thorn was directly tied in, and Lin immediately let a large number of arms invade into the interior of the mutated system.

The mutated system then fired the beam again on Lynn, but as before, the whole number disappeared before approaching.

Lynn feels that it should know that it is right.

The reason for the disappearance of the beam... is that Lin converted them to the second layer.

In addition to being used for attacks, the second floor building is used to control the space.

It can control objects in the domain of order to move between different layers.

These space-controlled buildings can transfer the second layer of attack to the first layer to cause damage to the mutated system, as well as the first layer of attack to the second layer.

Lin moved its beam away and it couldn't hit Lin.

But it seems that the mutated system has a feeling of 'unbelief', which continuously emits a beam of light to Lin, but it is still transferred.

It should be clear that Lynn used this method to transfer its attack. Lin originally thought that it should be rushing to control the building and avoid Lin's re-transfer.

But it didn't, but constantly tried with the light beam... and then failed again and again.

It only uses the beam...this is true, in fact the mutated system is not complete now.

Originally, it has been through deep contact with the deep layer to renew its equipment and transform the entire sea cucumber.

But it is only a part of the transformation, so the attack method is very limited.

Of course, if it can command buildings of other floors to attack, the attack method is still very rich, but now Lin can also command.

If the two sides command together, there will be no activity in the building, so that they will only fight on the ‘power’ of the two sides themselves.

Originally, Lin was so thinking, but now it seems that the mutated system is not even planned.

Therefore, it can be said that Lin is more dominant.

What is it thinking about? Lynn is very curious.

Another strange thing is that... Lin has been able to detect most of the thinking of the mutated system from the six-layer mutated system replica, because the two of them are interoperable, but Lin now finds that it has not been detected. .

The thinking of both of them began to become...not synchronized, and it was impossible to know from the replica what the mutated system was thinking.

In short, it is still trying to use the beam to attack, when its attacks fail in succession, Lin's large number of micro-arms have entered the interior of the mutation system.

Its interior has changed quite a lot compared to the past, just like a very sophisticated machine.

Lin asked the mini-arms to move toward the location of the ‘brain’ of the mutated system, while attacking some important parts.

Lin’s sea cucumber continues to attack the mutated system.

Since it is not controlled, then Lin continues to use the second floor of the building.

Lin's sea cucumber first launched the short thorn, and then directed the second floor of the building for space control.

Therefore, it can be seen that these short spurs that have been emitted disappear instantly, and then appear next to the mutated system.

Then they slammed into the outer skin of the mutated system... Most of the short thorns were bounced off, but some also successfully knocked out a scar.

Their role is mainly to put micro-arms inside.

Micro-massive micro-arms began to attack key parts of the interior of the variability system, such as energy and firepower systems.

What they do is to completely break down these things.

Because there is no micro-defense force inside the mutated system, Lin’s action is still very smooth.

When a large group of micro-arms successfully approached and broke down some of the 'pipes' of energy transmission, the movement of the mutated system slowed down.

At this time, Lin immediately let the sea participate in the rapid change of the mutated system.

The use of this tactic is mainly because of Lin's sea cucumber... there is no special weapon.

Lin did not make too many modifications to it and took it to fight.

But now it is very successful, the sea cucumber hit the ‘waist’ of the mutated system.

The violent impact caused a huge crack in the impacted part, and the entire body of the mutated system was distorted.

Lin didn't stop, and Lynn decided to break it.

As a result, the sea cucumber retreated a bit, and then quickly slammed into the mutated system.

Three hundred kilometers of giant objects once again collided in the void.

Both sides suffered a lot of damage under the violent impact, and the parts used by the sea cucumber were also full of cracks.

However, the mutated system suffered more damage and it was almost broken.

Take it out completely, and then capture the brain of the system.

Thinking about it, Lin once again launched an attack.

This time, the sea cucumber retreated to tens of thousands of kilometers, and it accelerated again.

'boom! ’

A violent ... shock.

The mutated system was not hurt again, but Lin found that Lin's sea cucumber... broke into two halves.

The sea cucumber was attacked in an instant... Lin found that the attack came from the second floor.

However, it is not caused by any building on the second floor, but a huge object that suddenly appears on the second floor.

This object...or it should be a creature.

It is about the size of Lin's sea cucumber, which is hundreds of kilometers in size.

But its body shape is completely vague, that is, when it is observed in the void, it is like a thick fog that cannot be seen clearly.

It is what is called the 'defender' and it comes from deeper.

After seeing it, Lin also learned why the mutation system did not carry out building control.

Mainly it wants to attract this defender here.

Or use Lin to attract it.

Evolution of the 4.6 billion ensemble

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