4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3269: Discarded place

"This is the 66th floor."

"It is called ... the land of vulnerabilities."

This place is the depth that Lynn has not yet reached.

But it was not brought in by myself, but was dragged in.

After being divided into two by the defensive, the sea cucumber controlled by Lin dragged the sea cucumber to the deep movement of the domain of order.

After arriving at the depth of 66 floors, it placed the sea cucumber here.

Then it disappeared.

This place is said to be a gathering place for loopholes, that is, those creatures that are not controlled... They seem to be not killed after being discovered, but will be thrown into this place.

The scenery here... is very similar to the layers that Lynn has been to. It is a completely dark place.

However, in addition to the surrounding scenery there is a big difference, like other layers will have a large number of sea cucumber bodies.

These corpses are either scattered or stacked, and there will always be them, but this layer does not have any sea cucumber bodies.

Or the sea cucumber is the only sea cucumber here...

There is a lot of debris floating around the sea cucumbers of Lin.

These fragments are like broken stones, irregular in shape and ranging in size from tens to hundreds of meters.

The whole layer is full of such stones. At the same time, Lin also found that some stones have buildings and the like.

Because here... there are many creatures living.

At the moment when Lynn’s sea cucumber was thrown here, Lynn discovered that many creatures had gathered.

Most of them are creatures that resemble metal structures, and of course they are all vulnerabilities.

In this regard, Lin is known from the ... mutation system.

Before Lin couldn't feel its thoughts from the replica of the variant system, but when the defender appeared, he could feel some more.

The reason why the defenders would appear at that time was mainly because Lin was trying to control the building in the domain of order.

Generally speaking, the buildings in the domain of order are not so easy to command. Even if they can completely imitate the command signals, they can still identify the source of this signal.

Therefore, alien creatures cannot command the buildings in the domain of order.

However, there is a problem with the domain of this order, and the recognition ability of these buildings has not started. Therefore, Lin... can simply command these buildings as long as they imitate the signals.

The original variant system was intended to be commanded by Lin and Lin, but then it came up with a new method... It was to use Lin to attract the defenders here.

In addition to being able to contact the deeper layers of the order, the mutated system can also contact some of the defenders here.

But it can't be connected now, but it still believes... The domain of order itself should still be functioning properly.

At least those defenders are still alive.

As long as Lin continues to command those buildings, the defenders can find this.

The defender itself can perceive almost all layers... and whether there are abnormal conditions there.

Although the building's own identification system is useless, if Lin is in control, the defenders can still perceive their... anomalies.

Thus, the mutated system is letting Lin control it.

This is also a bet.

Because the mutation system does not know if the defender really can perceive it.

If it bet wrong, it will be captured by Lin.

In fact, it feels that it may be killed.

But it is still gambling, although it is late, the defenders still attacked Lin.

However, what the mutated system did not expect was that the defender dragged Lin's sea cucumber back.

In general, when a defender attacks a foreign creature, it will completely destroy it directly, and will not be dragged into the domain of order.

What is the reason for dragging in now... The mutation system does not know.

It just knows that if it is dragged, it will be dragged to the 66th floor where the loopholes are lost.

That is, the defender regarded Lin's sea cucumber as one of the ... loophole creatures.

At the 66th floor, the loopholes here have been... struggling to survive.

Because this layer does not participate in any interaction with other layers, it can be considered a separate layer.

So there won't be any food and other supplies, but occasionally something will come in from other layers.

The creatures here rely on this to live.

Now that Lin’s sea cucumbers have come in, the creatures here have gathered quickly. They just want to see what foods... can be obtained.

At present, these creatures have entered the interior of Lin's sea cucumber. Although Lin is also interested in observing them, Lin is more concerned about the defender.

Lynn thinks the defender is...is a very interesting thing.

Obviously you can learn more about it here.

However, the defender does not seem to be so easy to deal with, and Lin decided to rebuild the sea cucumber again and then attack it.

And now a lot of things in this layer of vulnerability are suitable for use as a material for transformation.

Although Lin did not think about how to transform the defenders, how to attract the defenders here.

But when Lin thought so... the defender appeared.

It appeared alongside Lin's sea cucumber with a flash of light, and Lin noticed that there was a familiar figure beside the defender.

That is... the mutated system.

After a few seconds of their appearance, the defender disappeared... only the mutated system stayed here.

It seems that it seems that the mutated system has been thrown here as a 'hole creature'?

This makes Lin feel a little... wonderful.

The mutated system is similar at this time.

Lin felt the intermittent consciousness from its replica. In general, after the defender threw the Line here, he quickly returned to the first layer to seize the mutation system and bring it here.

The variant system is very surprised by this.

However, it has now noticed one thing.

That is how good it is... opportunity.

'boom! ‘

Suddenly, the mutated system emitted a violent beam of light on Lin's sea cucumber.

It launched a total of three beams, each hit a part of the body of the sea cucumber fracture.

It seems that the intention of the mutated system is to solve the problem of Lin's sea cucumber first, and then consider how it is.

This is indeed a good decision because Lin’s sea cucumber is currently seriously damaged.

Because the sea cucumber has no way to make an effective counterattack, it is under the beam of the mutated system... it begins to collapse.

Both body parts of the fracture melt and dissipate under the beam, slowly becoming a large amount of residue.

For the destruction of Lynn's sea cucumber, the mutated system has a very exciting mood.

It thinks it has finally solved this trouble.

But Lynn also noticed that the mutated system produced more doubts, like... What should I do next?

Lin has already thought about what to do.

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