4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3270: Trapped

"what should we do?"

It has been here for a long time.

The mutant system completely destroyed Lin's sea cucumber before.

It burns off most of the body of the sea cucumber with a beam of light, and then... it thinks it has won.

At least it is not interested in completely burning all the debris.

Now the variant system cares about how to get out of this place.

It has now completely trapped it.

Lin found that it has been trying to leave in various ways. Initially it was tested whether it could go to the other layer through ordinary methods, or send instructions to other layers to let the space control device there move itself.

After the discovery is unsuccessful, look around the entrance and exit of this layer.

However, it is not to fly around to find it, but to release a lot of detectors and other things to fly in this layer.

But there are no common entrances and exits in the general level, so... it hasn't been able to leave for a long time.

Of course, there is another way that it has been trying, that is, trying to contact the deeper.

It has been trapped here until no method works.

It seems that it is temporarily unable to go out... and Lyne can use it to let himself go out.

Although Lin's sea cucumber was destroyed, Lin's large number of mini-arms were not destroyed... they were still scattered in this place.

There are many creatures in this '66 layer', and Lynn has done some research on them.

Sure enough, they were like Lin’s previous understanding. They were a group of creatures born in the domain of order but not associated with sea cucumbers.

The creatures of the order are born from the consciousness of sea cucumber collection, and most of the loopholes are made by them.

The creatures of the domain of order often have some tasks of 'making things'.

What they make includes some mechanical parts or something.

It doesn't matter when a single part is made, but parts made from multiple layers of creatures may be 'touched' together.

That is, these parts are generally sent to other layers after they are completed.

Most parts are used to make things like buildings, aircraft, furniture, and most of the time they are assembled into those things.

But sometimes there will be a 'part lost' situation.

For example, the core parts of a system of an aircraft, they are built and sent to another layer, but for some reason they are not assembled by biological discovery, these parts may be forgotten in a corner for a long time. .

These parts that have been placed long enough will be discovered sooner or later and assembled.

But if the time is long enough, they are used as the core system of the aircraft, and the aircraft is likely to produce... a consciousness.

Whether this situation is deliberately made, or accidental is still unclear.

In short, the creature born in this way is a loophole creature.

These creatures were originally originally created as something like an aircraft or some mechanical device in various layers.

Although they initially had no knowledge, they observed the surrounding biological activities to learn slowly.

Because the creatures created by the sea cucumber consciousness around have many ‘self-talking’ or ‘chat’ tasks.

At the same time, they are often used to store materials as a variety of mechanical devices.

Slowly, they know where they are, and all kinds of knowledge about the void.

Then most of these creatures would want to leave the domain of order and want to escape in various ways.

Some continue to live here, and they often want to use various methods to transform themselves into a form of convenient activity.

In any case, they are likely to be discovered by the defenders, and once they are discovered, they are identified as loopholes, and then placed on the 66th floor.

So Lin found here that most of the creatures are mechanical.

Lin is now ‘integrating’ them.

Lynn allowed the mini-arms to invade the bodies of these vulnerabilities and began to transform their structures and finally control them.

Most living creatures did not notice Lin's invasion, and it was too late when they discovered it.

But the main thing is... the mutation system didn't notice.

Or it doesn't care about the creatures around, it only cares if you can go out.

Now, the mutation system is flying in one direction.

Because the detector it emitted did not find any entrances and exits, it now decides what to look for in person.

Lin can still feel some of its ideas from its replicas.

And just at this time... a lot of creatures around it moved.

They suddenly flew toward the mutated system.

The mutated system seems to have some surprises about this sudden situation, and it immediately uses the beam to sweep the surrounding creatures.

But at the moment when the dazzling beam of light came out... it suddenly disappeared.

It seems quite successful.

Its beam failure is mainly due to Lin's micro-arms destroying some of its energy transmission devices in the mutated system.

In fact, after burning Lin's sea cucumber, it also cleaned up the micro-arms that Lin had invaded.

The cleaning method is very simple, which is to add the body to a very high temperature.

It does kill a lot of micro-arms, but there are also some mini-arms that can withstand this high temperature.

Lin let these miniature arms hide in key positions and be ready to move.

When the beam fails, a large number of vulnerabilities have all hit the surface of the mutated system.

The number of them is quite large, and it is enough to almost completely wrap the 300-square-sized variability system.

This is also because of the fact that some creatures are particularly large.

When they wrapped up the mutated system, they began to try to dig holes in the body by various methods.

The mutated system has no good resistance to this, because Lynn's mini-arms attacked its energy part internally, which caused many of its interiors to fall into paralysis.

These creatures that are drilled from the outside are mainly going to the brain of the mutated system.

Lin intends to completely control the entire variant system.

A large number of creatures have now gotten into the body of the mutated system, and they dig all the way inside and reach the thinking part of it.

There are actually many thinking parts of the mutated system, but Lynn has surrounded each one.

Its thinking, it can be said that the brain is a lot of structure, when Lin surrounded them, I can feel that the mutated system seems to have given up resistance.

It seems that it doesn't make sense to do anything else.

But it also believes that Lin has no meaning whatsoever.

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