"This doesn't make any sense."

"No matter what you do... it doesn't work..."

After controlling all the 'brains' of the mutated system, Lynn found that it had been saying these things.

It is now in a more desperate mood.

For example, when Lin was besieging it, if it wanted to resist or resist it for a while.

However, the mutation system wanted to give up at that time.

It believes that it can't be connected to the deeper now, and it can't do anything with it. It doesn't make much sense to resist it.

It is better to let Lin control here.

In this case, it will be able to hand over the things of Lin to the domain of order.

It feels that if Lin lets control it, then Lin will definitely investigate and influence the domain of this order.

Doing so will definitely lead to the complete activation of the defense system in the domain of order... This is much easier to solve.

Of course, it is not very sure whether it is the domain of the order that will start the defense system.

Because there has been no response to it, it is very doubtful. Although the defender has appeared, the behavior is very strange.

As for the entire defense system, there are many defenders... there are many other arms.

In general, the more violent invasion of the domain of the order will start.

But the problem is that the current domain of order seems to be in itself.

So... Lin decided to investigate this place carefully.

This is why Lynn wants to capture the mutated system, because the mutated system has some special devices in the body, which can also be called organs.

They are modified from the original sea cucumber organs, which can be used to sense the number of layers around.

Lin is now studying these organs.

Through them, Lynn can discover ways to perceive the environment around the layers.

At the same time, Lynn also needs to study some of the mutated systems...the deeper ways of communicating.

Although it is completely inaccessible to the deeper, Lin can still find that it has some special signal transmission methods... This signal is sent specifically for deep layers.

Simply put, its signal can reach the deepest part of the order in an instant.

Lin wants to study the way this signal is transmitted, and this should also be a shortcut to discover the deep.

The other is... Lin wants to attract a defender, although I don't know if it will succeed.

In short, when the mutated system gave up resistance, Lin began to slowly study and transform it.

... It has been a while.

During this period... Lin did not get any hindrance, the mutated system did not resist, and there were no defenders... creatures appeared here.

Lin has completely controlled the sea cucumber of the entire mutated system and can treat it as a new unit.

Under Lin's research, Lin also found that other layers can be perceived here, but the method of opening the space channel generally has no effect here.

It seems that any entrances and exits here have been blocked.

Of course, there is no transfer energy available here, so it cannot be left in the normal way.

However, Lin can still have some way to forcefully leave from here, that is to create a weapon that can harm the space.

Now, Lin has already made it.

Because this 66 layer... and the body of the variant system have a lot of suitable materials.

These materials allowed Lin to create a ... bomb.

This bomb is similar to a space collapse bomb, and its explosion will cause the effect of the space 'shocking'.

The manufacture of such bombs requires special materials, that is, some devices that can affect the space.

And there are many things like this.

After it was made, Lin's sea cucumber, which controls the mutated system, flew to the 'edge' of this layer.

The layers of the domain of order are somewhat marginal and some are not.

Those layers without edges can fly directly out and fly into the normal void.

The layer with the edge... like this 66 layer is similar to the ordinary space, can not leave directly.

Thinking, Lin fired a bomb at the edge of the space.

The silvery skin of the sea cucumber split, and the bomb of more than 100 meters flew out and hit the edge of the space not far away.


After a moment, the flash exploded and disappeared.

Then, Lynn can see... a very interesting exception happened.

A huge, glowing vortex unfolds from the point of the explosion... It confuses the environment it touches around, whether it's floating debris or the loopholes.

However, when Lynn tried to touch the 'whirlpool' with some arms, he found that the arms crossed directly through it.

This seems to only have an effect on perception and is an illusion-like effect.

Lin did not think that there would be such an effect.

What Lin wanted to do was to blast this space into a hole or something.

If it's an ordinary space, it can really blow a hole... but it's weird.

‘啪’ suddenly, this vortex flashed and disappeared.

At the same time in the center of the whirlpool, Lynn found a thick mist of things constantly pouring out and forming a huge object.

This is... the defender.

It seems that another purpose is to attract the defenders to achieve.

At the moment the defender appeared, nothing was done, and Lin directly let the sea cucumber of the mutated system emit a beam of light on it.

Now Lyn can control its beam weapon.

These beams hit the defender, but it seems that the other party has no reaction.

After a short while, the defender suddenly moved, and it flew to the sea cucumber at a very fast speed.

Since the beam couldn't stop it at all, the defender quickly touched the surface of the sea cucumber.

The silver skin of the sea cucumber cracked at the moment of contact with the other side, and became a large amount of debris floating around.

This makes Lin feel that the defender seems to be a huge storm that will smash anything close to it.

So, Lin let the sea cucumber quickly retreat and also fired a ... space bomb.

The space bomb flew into the body of the defender like a fog, and a violent flash of light also illuminates.

This ray of light is very strong, almost completely illuminating this 66 layer.

After a few seconds, it quickly darkened again.

As the defender moves on, it seems that he wants to twist the whole sea cucumber of the mutant system into pieces.

However, its movement suddenly stopped, although some of the skin was smashed, but did not move on.

It seems that this is a success.

The reason it stopped was mainly because of Lynn’s signal.

Or Lynn used the signal from the mutation system to successfully communicate to the defender and let it stop the attack.

The previously mutated system could not be sent to the defender or the deep signal... mainly because it was isolated.

Space bombs can blow up this 'isolation'.

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