4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3276: Past plan

"You... feel me?"

This place is called the ‘forgotten seat’.

There are so many ‘shadows’ here, they are all creatures that have been here.

And now, it has become... completely different from before.

The entrance to the Forgotten Lounge is located somewhere on the 99th floor and it looks like a big hole on the ground.

After entering it, you will find yourself in a blue sky.

Continue to fly down and you can reach ‘land’.

From the heights of these land, it seems that the land blocks of Ershi are all crowded together.

To put it simply, there is a place on the surface of this place.

Although there is no ocean, the size of these land masses is the same as that of Ershi.

When you land on the surface, you can see that the surface is very different. There is no creature on the surface, and there is no such thing as common rock and gravel.

Yes, it is only the white hemisphere that spreads over the entire surface.

They are usually in the diameter of tens of hundreds of meters, like a swollen bag filled with the surface here.

When Lin's stone ball approached, these things on the surface also attacked Lin.

Their attack method is to launch a large number of micro-explosive bombs from the epidermis, all of which are less than one millimeter in size... The way to cause damage is to adhere to the surface of the stone ball and explode.

The power of the explosion is still quite impressive, and if they are allowed to explode together, the shell of the stone ball can be peeled off instantly.

But it must also be fried.

Because Lin deployed a large number of mini-arms on the surface of the stone ball, these bombs were almost all hit when they approached.

It also provoked the reaction of those things on the ground, which seemed to be madly releasing a huge amount of miniature bombs.

These bombs have formed a strong smoke that almost completely covers the surface.

And Lin made the micro-arms on the surface of the stone ball violently fired them, and directly shot the explosion of the bomb.

Before the surrounding bombs came round, Lin directly let the stone ball land on the surface and touched a hemisphere.

The moment I touched it... Lin felt it.

The Ershi block in this place is actually a 'whole'.

Or it is a thing like 'brain' itself, which was learned from the first metal Ershi people that Lin had caught before... So Lin planned to fly directly to contact it.

At the moment of contact with it, Lin can perceive it... can be said to be 'brain activity data'.

Because it works in a similar way to the bus organ.

After getting the data, Lynn sent it to Ershi, and Ershi also recalled something.

This thing really has something to do with it.

It can also be said that it is a weapon designed by it.

Order order is a place that lasted for a long time. At some point in the past, Ersh also learned about this place.

Ersh had a detailed understanding of the domain of order and generally knew how they worked.

That is, an area that is maintained by the interaction of various trapped creatures inside.

It can be said that it is an overlapping ecosystem.

Some wonderful things about this area, that is, the ‘mission’ of the creatures here is actually not controlled by anyone.

Although it seems that there is something that constantly sends tasks to their minds, these tasks are actually their own...thinking.

For example, if a creature sees a wooden stool, it will produce several thoughts.

It’s like ‘I should go to sit’, ‘I don’t want to sit now’, ‘Oh, when I’m burning,’ and so on.

If you see a mechanical part, you may have the idea of ​​'what is this', 'what is falling on something'.

At this time, the most intense thought in the brain will become its ‘mission’ and it will be released in its mind.

Once selected, it cannot be changed. This creature needs to finish the task within a certain period of time.

If you have a stool, there may be a task for the creature to sit on the stool... As for the part, the creature may find more similar parts, and the assembly task will appear after the alignment.

This is the main way to start this task system.

What a creature sees and what happens will produce some ideas, and the general task will make them the strongest one in the idea.

And these creatures themselves are unaware of what they think will invade their minds and issue tasks to them.

But what you actually do is determined by themselves.

Of course, it is not entirely possible to decide. For example, if a creature wants to escape, then the idea of ​​it will not receive a strong task to let it escape.

Because they don't know it themselves, the behavioral patterns of the creatures here will be fixed slowly.

They will slowly be completely occupied by the thinking of this ‘this time should be this task’, ‘this time should be the task’.

So, they lived here completely... mechanized life.

As for the systems of the order of the order, they all operate around these creatures.

For example, put a layer of biological waste on another layer to use resources and so on.

Although most of the creatures in each layer do not know other layers, they are closely related to other layers.

The waste and things they make will become resources of other layers, and the things they need for their missions... will also be sent in other layers.

The wonderful thing is that these creatures seem to be unrelated, but they are completely connected.

Ersh has not fully recalled all the details of the entire order domain.

But recalled what it did for this place.

That is the ‘intrusion of consciousness’.

The domain of order was mainly collected by ‘sea ginseng’, and Ersh was aiming at this.

Ershi made a special sea cucumber.

Or grabbed a wild sea cucumber and made some modifications. This point is not clear what it is.

Anyway, it got a special sea cucumber.

Special sea cucumbers have the ability to collect special consciousness. Ershi mainly uses this sea cucumber to slowly "infect" the environment of the order.

Accurately speaking, it is lurking here.

Because it has never been 'sick' before.

Until... now.

The long-term plan of Ershi was completely manifested, and a comprehensive invasion of the domain of order was launched.

The core of this plan is the creature that Lynn now encounters with a large pile of land.

It is actually a sea cucumber itself.

It is also the largest in history.

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