4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 3277: erosion

If you want to be undetected, you must go to a place where you won't be noticed.

Although the domain of order says that no one is directly releasing tasks and managing these creatures, it is still responsible for monitoring.

Defenders are one of the roles of this surveillance.

But it won't monitor a place.

That is the ‘forgotten seat’.

Just like the name of the place, it is a forgotten area.

If you want to enter the forgotten seat, you must first enter the 99th floor and want to enter the 99th floor... it must be strong enough.

At that time, the sea cucumber of Ershi was a creature with ‘qualification’ entering the 99th floor.

It is very old and very...powerful and has the title of 'immortal collector'.

Sea cucumbers, such creatures, will change their consciousness to maintain a constant control of the body after they die.

But there is only one kind of sea cucumber that is legendary, and its consciousness is immortal.

Its consciousness can last forever... forever.

However, it is said that this is not the sea cucumber's own ability, but they have collected a special consciousness.

This kind of consciousness is called ‘indestructible consciousness’.

This is also why it grows so big. A sea cucumber grows big, mainly because its consciousness is maintained for a long time.

Usually, after changing to a new consciousness, its body size will shrink. Like shelling, most of the body will be detached.

And a consciousness is long enough for the sea cucumber to grow.

This sea cucumber, which has grown enormous enough, has won the ‘conversation’ of the sea of ​​creation.

It seems that the creatures that enter the 99th layer do not have to participate in the first war. If they are strong enough, they will be called here.

Although Ersh has not yet thought of the real reason, Ershi believes that the creatures being called are creatures with certain 'perception', that is, this creature can travel in a wide range in the void, and can perceive many in the void. The big thing happened.

There is no direct correlation between the ability to fight this creature itself.

Although the biological combat ability that generally has this perception is certainly strong.

The creatures that are called are eligible to participate in the meeting of the Sea of ​​Creation.

They are generally discussing some things in the void, like the emptiness of the sky... big things.

At the time, the largest sea cucumber entered the 99th floor. At that time, no one found out that it was a sea cucumber that was captured by Ershi and had undergone some transformation.

At that time, Ershi was also very confident... I thought it would not be discovered.

In short, it also participated in the meeting, and later participated in many times.

And at some time, after it participated, ... did not leave.

It was... died there.

This is not what Ershi got, but because this sea cucumber would have been 'dead'.

Its consciousness is actually not indestructible... but this special consciousness has greatly increased its life limit.

The sea cucumber that died on the 99th floor was not thrown out, but was placed in the ‘forgotten seat’.

This is also the only creature in the forgotten ‘entity’.

Other creatures in the forgotten seat are basically only shadows. It can also be said that a pile of recorded data indicates that this creature has been here.

But the sea cucumber is the entire body that was put in.

Although I don't know if the sea of ​​creation was carefully tested at the time, and what is the idea of ​​it... In short, the sea cucumber is placed there.

Then, no one has managed it, like a defender will not go to the sea to see what happened.

But the sea cucumber did not die completely.

Some of the consciousness collected in it is still alive.

Almost all of these consciousnesses were made by Ershi, and Ershi made a special transformation.

When the sea cucumber consciousness dies, they will not replace the original consciousness of the sea cucumber, but will die with it.

But it is actually dead.

After being placed in the forgotten seat, these consciousnesses began to move a little.

Their activities are very...weak, they will wake up after a while.

Most of the time, it is maintained in a state of 'pretend to die'.

Perhaps because of this, it has not been discovered... but Lin thinks there may be other reasons.

In short, they are indeed not discovered.

Although there are only weak activities, it is enough. At each activity, these consciousness will quietly do something.

They use some method... slowly eroding the entire order from the position of the forgotten seat.

But in the end how it eroded, Ershi did not think about it.

It may be through sending a signal, or even ‘personal’ to go to other layers for some activities.

Ersh felt that it was probably a disturbance to the creatures in the domain of order.

In short, these erosion disturbances have not been revealed, and they have been buried in the domain of order.

Until now...

Like a lot of metal erish people that Lynn saw, these are actually made by various layers of bio-manufacturing systems.

All the systems showed in a short period of time that their interiors had been completely transformed, and they began to make a large number of ...

At the same time, the 99th floor was also severely eroded and became the hall of the ‘the gods’.

The forgotten seat has also become a place with a blue sky.

This is a possibility, and the other is that all of this is actually initiated by distortion.

If the domain of order is formed by distortion.

But why did you choose to break out at this time?

Ersh thinks... this may be related to some things now.

But it doesn't know what it is, it may be related to a miracle creature, or it may be related to its own travel to a certain location.

Or... is related to Lin.

Ersh felt that she knew ‘琳’ a long time ago. any

Another point that is more wonderful is that these erosions are now completely unrecognizable.

In the past, Lynn had encountered some things related to Ershi, as long as they proved to them that they knew Ershi, they all responded.

But here these erosive metal Ershi people, or ... the 'sea cucumbers' in the forgotten seat, they have no reaction, and they still want to attack Lin.

Maybe Ersh itself is designed like this, it can't stop it by itself.

In short, the sea of ​​creation may not be in this place now... so it broke out without stopping it.

It should not be incapable of stopping.

As for the defenders... I don’t know what is going on.

Perhaps the defenders themselves have also been affected.

So now, what Lin wants to do seems to be very simple. It is to watch the domain of this order being collapsed by these... Metals.

Only then can we know that the sea of ​​creation does not care about this place, will it come back to rescue and the like.

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